Thursday GDP release will elevate Biden to elite status

ROTFLMFAO, asshole you are flailing. You are all over the place with your bullshit like a schizophrenic teenage girl.
Thank you though, it is hysterical watching you flail!
No simp trump had nothing to do with gas prices in 2021-2023 but Jo does.
I dont think 70% of Americans are lazy which is why i support the democratic platform to provide more benefits for those 70% at the expense of those at the top. However, I also know that this economy is working for the bottom better than the Trump or Obama economy did. I also know that given all the headwinds from covid we are doing better than anyone else in the free world. We owe Joe a big thanks for that.

You don't get it both ways.

Your statement was that because you worked hard you were doing well and those who are not doing well are freeloaders. That was the word you used.

Right now, our stupid POTUS pushed a program that has further flamed inflation and people are suffering for it. Most have a negative view of so-called Bidenomics. Those same headwinds were much harder on Trump. By the time president Alzheimer took over, things were starting to unwind a little.

So, this is the thanks I give Joe. :slap:
Keep flailing and moving from subject to subject while getting your ass kicked like always puss-puss!
Talk about failing why did you claim COVID than a couple post later say there wasn't a global shut down
You keep dancing and whining
No shit, amazing that happened after OPEC slashed production at tRumps request. And ByeDon helped get the economy back rolling while rebuilding supply lines there Fruitloops!
Simp we were energy independent before Biden took office and had no need of opec oil. Just a little reminder.
Tired of losing money. I hope for good news off this dismal performance to date:
But 5% growth above a dismal 2% Q2 is hardly anything to crow about? where am I wrong Marixst scum?

Talk about failing why did you claim COVID than a couple post later say there wasn't a global shut down
You keep dancing and whining
I fucking never said there wasn't ever a global shutdown Fruitloops. You are very bad at this. Probably because you aren't just tRump dumb but insane as well!
Simp we were energy independent before Biden took office and had no need of opec oil. Just a little reminder.
Fruitloops we haven't been energy independent since the 1960's at least and we are pumping and refining mote oil now then ever under The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King!
I fucking never said there wasn't ever a global shutdown Fruitloops. You are very bad at this. Probably because you aren't just tRump dumb but insane as well!
Funny shit liar
Nope, the WORLD was not shutdown at that time. JFC you are dumber than the average MAGAGATARD!

Again the world was opened back up and supply chains were backed up. Oh and I bet you don't remember The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King begging OPEC to slash production do you?
Liar liar liar
Funny shit liar

Liar liar liar
You notice in 1 I said the world was not shutdown AT THAT TIME!!! Which would indicate that it was at 1 time! God damn Fruitloops, it is simply understanding simple reasoning.

Another saying the world was OPENING BACK UP. Which would indicate that it was shutdown at sometime before that. You truly are tRump dumb AND insane!
Stay stupid, it is your only game!!!!
You notice in 1 I said the world was not shutdown AT THAT TIME!!! Which would indicate that it was at 1 time! God damn Fruitloops, it is simply understanding simple reasoning.

Another saying the world was OPENING BACK UP. Which would indicate that it was shutdown at sometime before that. You truly are tRump dumb AND insane!
Stay stupid, it is your only game!!!!
And then you also said the world was open back up. Open back up from what? So gas prices were going up during the shut down when no one was using gas. That's your defense of biden's failed policies.
And then you also said the world was open back up. Open back up from what? So gas prices were going up during the shut down when no one was using gas. That's your defense of biden's failed policies.
Nope I said the opposite clown car show but you are a big dummy so I can see how n why you are so confused.
Nope I said the opposite clown car show but you are a big dummy so I can see how n why you are so confused.
No dumbass you flipped first there was no shutdown then you said the shutdown was over.
Now tell me again why gas prices kept going up during the COVID shutdown.
No dumbass you flipped first there was no shutdown then you said the shutdown was over.
Now tell me again why gas prices kept going up during the COVID shutdown.
You truly are the dumbest poster on this board. Congratulations you have now taken over from cry brat in that category.
I said the exact opposite of your bullshit.
Bye tootsie
You truly are the dumbest poster on this board. Congratulations you have now taken over from cry brat in that category.
I said the exact opposite of your bullshit.
Bye tootsie
Well stupid explain your reason for flipping your argument?
Was gas going up during the shutdown?
Why was lower in Jan 2021 and not dropped since?
Come on stupid show some supporting evidence of your claim that I am the dumbest poster here.
Simp we were energy independent before Biden took office and had no need of opec oil. Just a little reminder.

We are energy independent, more so than at any time in our history....oh and we were still importing OPEC oil under Trump. In fact we were importing far more oil under Trump than we are now.

Why is that?

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