Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Where did everything come from? Empty space or the empty vacuum of space is full of electro magnetic fields and charged quantum particles and anti particles. Space is full of virtual particles popping in and out of existence.

No question they are real. So nothing is never nothing. Even nothing is something.

The Big Bang turned energy into matter. Einstein said energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

We don’t know what caused the Big Bang. We only know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later.

The universe is flat. Could the super rapid growth of the universe and flatness be connected?

Inflation solves these two questions. Inflation must have broke a law of physics. Travel faster than the speed of light.

Everyone thinks the universe is expanding into nothingness. There was no outside of the universe. Space can stretch and expand as fast as it wants. Faster than the speed of light.

We don’t know what caused inflation? We don’t know. Inflation didn’t last very long. It stopped. How? We don’t know.

But has it really stopped? Maybe inflation is creating other universes? We are just one bubble. Multiverse is real

We may even bump into other universes and merge into one.

There’s a spot in space that’s the coldest biggest spot in spac. This may be the proof we merged with another universe based on the microwave evidence
/——/ All very nice theories - but nothing more.
True, for now
What happens when a man goes one second left or right into the 2 dimensional time Stephen Hawkings spoke about - and why has this time on its own for us only less than 1 dimension = 1 direction?

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There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Where did everything come from? Empty space or the empty vacuum of space is full of electro magnetic fields and charged quantum particles and anti particles. Space is full of virtual particles popping in and out of existence.

No question they are real. So nothing is never nothing. Even nothing is something.

The Big Bang turned energy into matter. Einstein said energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

We don’t know what caused the Big Bang. We only know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later.

The universe is flat. Could the super rapid growth of the universe and flatness be connected?

Inflation solves these two questions. Inflation must have broke a law of physics. Travel faster than the speed of light.

Everyone thinks the universe is expanding into nothingness. There was no outside of the universe. Space can stretch and expand as fast as it wants. Faster than the speed of light.

We don’t know what caused inflation? We don’t know. Inflation didn’t last very long. It stopped. How? We don’t know.

But has it really stopped? Maybe inflation is creating other universes? We are just one bubble. Multiverse is real

We may even bump into other universes and merge into one.

There’s a spot in space that’s the coldest biggest spot in spac. This may be the proof we merged with another universe based on the microwave evidence
/——/ All very nice theories - but nothing more.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

I’m going to guess you haven’t a clue. And like flat earthers you probably don’t believe because to you the universe looks round.

And god forbid you even consider multiverse exist. Why does this theory threaten you?
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Then you need space to be always there. One cannot separate space and time. This was debunked with the steady state theory.

steady-state theory | Definition & Facts
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Then you need space to be always there. One cannot separate space and time. This was debunked with the steady state theory.

steady-state theory | Definition & Facts
Um..that hypothesis has been discredited. You should read up on stuff you don't understand before regurgitating it from your creationist blogger liars.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Then you need space to be always there. One cannot separate space and time. This was debunked with the steady state theory.

steady-state theory | Definition & Facts
Um..that hypothesis has been discredited. You should read up on stuff you don't understand before regurgitating it from your creationist blogger liars.

That atheist science theory has been debunked as I stated. Thus, they were wrong again. Now, the atheist scientists have replaced it with BBT and it's still hypothesis that should be discredited and has already. Your fave creation science website states that the order of events is wrong and is a "mechanistic" view to explain how an universe came into existence without God the creator. At least, you have to admit the universe had a "beginning" and that is another piece of evidence for God.

Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

Science doesn’t back up ancient fears and superstitions.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Then you need space to be always there. One cannot separate space and time. This was debunked with the steady state theory.

steady-state theory | Definition & Facts
Um..that hypothesis has been discredited. You should read up on stuff you don't understand before regurgitating it from your creationist blogger liars.

That atheist science theory has been debunked as I stated. Thus, they were wrong again. Now, the atheist scientists have replaced it with BBT and it's still hypothesis that should be discredited and has already. Your fave creation science website states that the order of events is wrong and is a "mechanistic" view to explain how an universe came into existence without God the creator. At least, you have to admit the universe had a "beginning" and that is another piece of evidence for God.


You have never explained how the gods came into being without an endless hierarchy of creator gods.

You have arbitrarily replaced the endless hierarchy of creator gods with three gods for conveniences sake.

That’s poor cricket, laddie.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
Basically, the big bang is based on three pieces of evidence. One, is the microwave radiations coming in from all directions. This radiated heat is interpreted as left over heat from a big fireball that started everthing off. It sounds like there should have been an explosion, but they have changed it to expansion. However, this radiated heat does not explain how our universe is. Our universe is clumpy, i.e. has places of stars, moons, suns, planets, etc and places where there aren't. There are also "walls" between galaxies and a great void between them. The radiation should also be clumpy or uneven, but it is considered even. It means that the evidence shows that universe isn't even like the radiated heat. It means the BBT is wrong. Thus, the atheist scientists are trying to find the radiation as uneven. This is one of the findings that goes to show the BBT is in trouble, but the media doesn't report it (since it goes against evolutionary thinking) and thus is more BS philosophy that evos have "faith" in believing.
You have never explained how the gods came into being without an endless hierarchy of creator gods.

I can't help it you can't read and understand William Lane Craig's Kalam's Cosmological argument.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

It's not the Bible nor me, but you. Maybe you are like you because your mother was a flat earther.
Basically, the big bang is based on three pieces of evidence. One, is the microwave radiations coming in from all directions. This radiated heat is interpreted as left over heat from a big fireball that started everthing off. It sounds like there should have been an explosion, but they have changed it to expansion. However, this radiated heat does not explain how our universe is. Our universe is clumpy, i.e. has places of stars, moons, suns, planets, etc and places where there aren't. There are also "walls" between galaxies and a great void between them. The radiation should also be clumpy or uneven, but it is considered even. It means that the evidence shows that universe isn't even like the radiated heat. It means the BBT is wrong. Thus, the atheist scientists are trying to find the radiation as uneven. This is one of the findings that goes to show the BBT is in trouble, but the media doesn't report it (since it goes against evolutionary thinking) and thus is more BS philosophy that evos have "faith" in believing.

That confused, rambling nonsense is right out of the fundamentalist ministries.

You even threw in a “media won’t report it” conspiracy theory. Such paranoid thinking is pretty typical for the fundie zealots.
You have never explained how the gods came into being without an endless hierarchy of creator gods.

I can't help it you can't read and understand William Lane Craig's Kalam's Cosmological argument.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

It's not the Bible nor me, but you. Maybe you are like you because your mother was a flat earther.

William Lane Craig is an irrelevant charlatan.

I see your best Christian behavior is being discarded in favor of your usual Christian behavior.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

You must have one of those new-fangled, new-wave bibles because none of the other versions identify an oblate spheroid.

That, of course, begs the question; why didn’t the gods get editing rights to the Bible’s that we know were written by men who obviously did think the earth was flat?

Were the gods just too busy with their administrative duties?
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

Science doesn’t back up ancient fears and superstitions.
The Bible says everything and that means it contradicts itself.

We’ve all heard bible believers debate the Bible said this than the other one comes back and says yea but the Bible also says.

Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

And why did the idea of the universe threaten the early church?

They don’t get to change what they used to claim.

The earth is flat, the earth is fixed and everything revolves around us. We are the center of the universe.

I can’t believe the guy would claim a flat universe is evidence for the Bible when they can’t show us the evidence they used to come up with a flat universe.

Not buying it
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

You must have one of those new-fangled, new-wave bibles because none of the other versions identify an oblate spheroid.

That, of course, begs the question; why didn’t the gods get editing rights to the Bible’s that we know were written by men who obviously did think the earth was flat?

Were the gods just too busy with their administrative duties?
Funny because Christians before Christopher Columbus swore the earth was flat.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
If the original Bible says the earth is a oblate spheroid, why did Christians in the year 100 ad, 200ad, 800ad, 1200ad, etc.....all thought the earth was flat.

First of all did people 2000 years ago know the term oblate spheroid?

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