Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

So how do you define "nothing"?Greg
Nothing is the absence of anything. Even a vacuum is something. Nothing means No time/space, No gravity, No electromagnetic or nuclear strong/weak force. It's impossible to even image "nothing."

Therein lies our bias. We can't imagine true nothing, so we postulate that time had to exist.
Do you know our sun may have once had a sister star? And the earth may be a second generation planet. The truth is so much more interesting

That's why I love science. It bolsters my faith.
When you see how everything worked out perfectly for our solar system and we see no other systems like ours, I can see how people’s instincts would lead them to believe in divine intervention but then as a scientist we see that we won’t always be in the sweet spot. Mars may have harbored life before us. And there may be living organisms in Europa.

And we really don’t know enough about other solar systems to be able to say. It may be life eventually pops up around most stars. Maybe 5 billion years ago and maybe 5 billion in the future.

I just don’t assume a god did anything. I’d rather look for how something was done naturally

We are in the sweet spot for our type of life form. I find it amusing that people who claim to be "into science" harbor this belief that ours is the only type of life that there could be.
We are in the sweet spot for our type of life form. I find it amusing that people who claim to be "into science" harbor this belief that ours is the only type of life that there could be.
Depends on how one defines "life" such as only sentient and sapient beings. Life as we "don't know it" may exist far beyond such confining definitions.
How can you have time, when no other dimensions exist?
For one, there is no singularity at the beginning. Second, you don't necessarily have time, you have imaginary time. Read the whole lecture. ;)

The rest of your post was used car salesman-like... and lighten up Francis, it's just a proposal.

"Imaginary time" is NOT time. That's my point....and I did.

Then you didn't disagree with hawking
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We are in the sweet spot for our type of life form. I find it amusing that people who claim to be "into science" harbor this belief that ours is the only type of life that there could be.
Depends on how one defines "life" such as only sentient and sapient beings. Life as we "don't know it" may exist far beyond such confining definitions.

Silicon based instead of carbon based.

Therein lies our bias. We can't imagine true nothing, so we postulate that time had to exist.
Do you know our sun may have once had a sister star? And the earth may be a second generation planet. The truth is so much more interesting

That's why I love science. It bolsters my faith.
When you see how everything worked out perfectly for our solar system and we see no other systems like ours, I can see how people’s instincts would lead them to believe in divine intervention but then as a scientist we see that we won’t always be in the sweet spot. Mars may have harbored life before us. And there may be living organisms in Europa.

And we really don’t know enough about other solar systems to be able to say. It may be life eventually pops up around most stars. Maybe 5 billion years ago and maybe 5 billion in the future.

I just don’t assume a god did anything. I’d rather look for how something was done naturally

I don't really have an opinion about life elsewhere in the universe, but yes, when I see the astronomical odds against even a hemoglobin molecule randomly assembling itself, it does strengthen my faith.

Well I don't know about "random" assembly but I do know when the conditions are right life takes hold.

When a star blows up it spews all the elements needed into the universe. This is how our solar system came to be.

Elements Of Life Discovered Everywhere In The Milky Way

Europa, Jupiter's icy moon, meets not one but two of the critical requirements for life, scientists say.

the ocean regularly receives influxes of the energy required for life via chaotic processes near the moon's surface.

These dynamic lakes, which melt and refreeze over the course of hundreds of thousands or millions of years, lie beneath as much as 50 percent of Europa's surface

Europa's liquid water ocean "meets one of the critical requirements for life," Hoehler said, noting that its ocean chemistry is believed to be suitable for sustaining living things. "And what you're hearing about today from Britney bears on a second crucial requirement, and that is the requirement for energy."

The genesis of life on Earth is thought to have required some sort of injection of energy into the ocean perhaps from a lightning strike. And during the 3.8 billion years since then, life's existence has depended on the continuous influx of energy from the sun.

Europan life isn't a done deal just yet, though. Water and energy aren't the only ingredients on the checklist for life , and scientists aren't sure whether Europa has the others, such as the necessary organic chemicals.

What would life on Europa do for your faith? Why?

It wouldn't impact my faith a whole lot. It sure wouldn't be damaged because my faith doesn't depend on life being exclusive to earth.

It's a faith based statement to just gloss over the complexities of life by saying "when conditions are right, life takes hold". We don't know that to be true yet. That ignores the vast complexity of even the simplest of single celled organisms.

Now, if you do not accept that hemoglobin randomly assembled itself, what intelligent design conceived of it, put it together, and made it useful to organisms that previously had no need for it?
Do you know our sun may have once had a sister star? And the earth may be a second generation planet. The truth is so much more interesting

That's why I love science. It bolsters my faith.
When you see how everything worked out perfectly for our solar system and we see no other systems like ours, I can see how people’s instincts would lead them to believe in divine intervention but then as a scientist we see that we won’t always be in the sweet spot. Mars may have harbored life before us. And there may be living organisms in Europa.

And we really don’t know enough about other solar systems to be able to say. It may be life eventually pops up around most stars. Maybe 5 billion years ago and maybe 5 billion in the future.

I just don’t assume a god did anything. I’d rather look for how something was done naturally

I don't really have an opinion about life elsewhere in the universe, but yes, when I see the astronomical odds against even a hemoglobin molecule randomly assembling itself, it does strengthen my faith.

Well I don't know about "random" assembly but I do know when the conditions are right life takes hold.

When a star blows up it spews all the elements needed into the universe. This is how our solar system came to be.

Elements Of Life Discovered Everywhere In The Milky Way

Europa, Jupiter's icy moon, meets not one but two of the critical requirements for life, scientists say.

the ocean regularly receives influxes of the energy required for life via chaotic processes near the moon's surface.

These dynamic lakes, which melt and refreeze over the course of hundreds of thousands or millions of years, lie beneath as much as 50 percent of Europa's surface

Europa's liquid water ocean "meets one of the critical requirements for life," Hoehler said, noting that its ocean chemistry is believed to be suitable for sustaining living things. "And what you're hearing about today from Britney bears on a second crucial requirement, and that is the requirement for energy."

The genesis of life on Earth is thought to have required some sort of injection of energy into the ocean perhaps from a lightning strike. And during the 3.8 billion years since then, life's existence has depended on the continuous influx of energy from the sun.

Europan life isn't a done deal just yet, though. Water and energy aren't the only ingredients on the checklist for life , and scientists aren't sure whether Europa has the others, such as the necessary organic chemicals.

What would life on Europa do for your faith? Why?

It wouldn't impact my faith a whole lot. It sure wouldn't be damaged because my faith doesn't depend on life being exclusive to earth.

It's a faith based statement to just gloss over the complexities of life by saying "when conditions are right, life takes hold". We don't know that to be true yet. That ignores the vast complexity of even the simplest of single celled organisms.

Now, if you do not accept that hemoglobin randomly assembled itself, what intelligent design conceived of it, put it together, and made it useful to organisms that previously had no need for it?
Well, we know that life can stand much colder and hotter temperatures than we can. And we used to think life needed sunlight but that’s not true. It’s why we believe Europa has life in it.

Nothing ever proves or disproves the god hypothesis
That's why I love science. It bolsters my faith.
When you see how everything worked out perfectly for our solar system and we see no other systems like ours, I can see how people’s instincts would lead them to believe in divine intervention but then as a scientist we see that we won’t always be in the sweet spot. Mars may have harbored life before us. And there may be living organisms in Europa.

And we really don’t know enough about other solar systems to be able to say. It may be life eventually pops up around most stars. Maybe 5 billion years ago and maybe 5 billion in the future.

I just don’t assume a god did anything. I’d rather look for how something was done naturally

I don't really have an opinion about life elsewhere in the universe, but yes, when I see the astronomical odds against even a hemoglobin molecule randomly assembling itself, it does strengthen my faith.

Well I don't know about "random" assembly but I do know when the conditions are right life takes hold.

When a star blows up it spews all the elements needed into the universe. This is how our solar system came to be.

Elements Of Life Discovered Everywhere In The Milky Way

Europa, Jupiter's icy moon, meets not one but two of the critical requirements for life, scientists say.

the ocean regularly receives influxes of the energy required for life via chaotic processes near the moon's surface.

These dynamic lakes, which melt and refreeze over the course of hundreds of thousands or millions of years, lie beneath as much as 50 percent of Europa's surface

Europa's liquid water ocean "meets one of the critical requirements for life," Hoehler said, noting that its ocean chemistry is believed to be suitable for sustaining living things. "And what you're hearing about today from Britney bears on a second crucial requirement, and that is the requirement for energy."

The genesis of life on Earth is thought to have required some sort of injection of energy into the ocean perhaps from a lightning strike. And during the 3.8 billion years since then, life's existence has depended on the continuous influx of energy from the sun.

Europan life isn't a done deal just yet, though. Water and energy aren't the only ingredients on the checklist for life , and scientists aren't sure whether Europa has the others, such as the necessary organic chemicals.

What would life on Europa do for your faith? Why?

It wouldn't impact my faith a whole lot. It sure wouldn't be damaged because my faith doesn't depend on life being exclusive to earth.

It's a faith based statement to just gloss over the complexities of life by saying "when conditions are right, life takes hold". We don't know that to be true yet. That ignores the vast complexity of even the simplest of single celled organisms.

Now, if you do not accept that hemoglobin randomly assembled itself, what intelligent design conceived of it, put it together, and made it useful to organisms that previously had no need for it?
Well, we know that life can stand much colder and hotter temperatures than we can. And we used to think life needed sunlight but that’s not true. It’s why we believe Europa has life in it.

Nothing ever proves or disproves the god hypothesis

We believe it MAY have life on it. We just don't know yet.
no one has any idea on any of this stuff....it is beyond even our imagination
We are in the sweet spot for our type of life form. I find it amusing that people who claim to be "into science" harbor this belief that ours is the only type of life that there could be.
Depends on how one defines "life" such as only sentient and sapient beings. Life as we "don't know it" may exist far beyond such confining definitions.

Silicon based instead of carbon based.

Perhaps, but two things:

1) Carbon is nor plentiful
2) Carbon is more reactive
Life as we "don't know it" may exist far beyond such confining definitions.
True! But we arent going to search for that life for quite a long time, because we might not know it as life if we tripped over it. So we search for life as we do know it, in the interest of efficiency.
Royal "we"...humans.
In other words, just you. Ok.
No, and I didn't decide it, and no idea why the snark. This is what scientists say and do, and unless you are fashioning methods and equipment to look for life elsewhere on your own, what they do IS what "we" humans do.

So, to review: Out of efficiency, we will look for life as we know it. Therefore, we will look for liquid water and for indirect evidence, like atmospheric methane.

Unless, of course, you have a better idea.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Where did everything come from? Empty space or the empty vacuum of space is full of electro magnetic fields and charged quantum particles and anti particles. Space is full of virtual particles popping in and out of existence.

No question they are real. So nothing is never nothing. Even nothing is something.

The Big Bang turned energy into matter. Einstein said energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

We don’t know what caused the Big Bang. We only know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later.

The universe is flat. Could the super rapid growth of the universe and flatness be connected?

Inflation solves these two questions. Inflation must have broke a law of physics. Travel faster than the speed of light.

Everyone thinks the universe is expanding into nothingness. There was no outside of the universe. Space can stretch and expand as fast as it wants. Faster than the speed of light.

We don’t know what caused inflation? We don’t know. Inflation didn’t last very long. It stopped. How? We don’t know.

But has it really stopped? Maybe inflation is creating other universes? We are just one bubble. Multiverse is real

We may even bump into other universes and merge into one.

There’s a spot in space that’s the coldest biggest spot in spac. This may be the proof we merged with another universe based on the microwave evidence
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Where did everything come from? Empty space or the empty vacuum of space is full of electro magnetic fields and charged quantum particles and anti particles. Space is full of virtual particles popping in and out of existence.

No question they are real. So nothing is never nothing. Even nothing is something.

The Big Bang turned energy into matter. Einstein said energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

We don’t know what caused the Big Bang. We only know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later.

The universe is flat. Could the super rapid growth of the universe and flatness be connected?

Inflation solves these two questions. Inflation must have broke a law of physics. Travel faster than the speed of light.

Everyone thinks the universe is expanding into nothingness. There was no outside of the universe. Space can stretch and expand as fast as it wants. Faster than the speed of light.

We don’t know what caused inflation? We don’t know. Inflation didn’t last very long. It stopped. How? We don’t know.

But has it really stopped? Maybe inflation is creating other universes? We are just one bubble. Multiverse is real

We may even bump into other universes and merge into one.

There’s a spot in space that’s the coldest biggest spot in spac. This may be the proof we merged with another universe based on the microwave evidence
/——/ All very nice theories - but nothing more.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Where did everything come from? Empty space or the empty vacuum of space is full of electro magnetic fields and charged quantum particles and anti particles. Space is full of virtual particles popping in and out of existence.

No question they are real. So nothing is never nothing. Even nothing is something.

The Big Bang turned energy into matter. Einstein said energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

We don’t know what caused the Big Bang. We only know what happened hundreds of thousands of years later.

The universe is flat. Could the super rapid growth of the universe and flatness be connected?

Inflation solves these two questions. Inflation must have broke a law of physics. Travel faster than the speed of light.

Everyone thinks the universe is expanding into nothingness. There was no outside of the universe. Space can stretch and expand as fast as it wants. Faster than the speed of light.

We don’t know what caused inflation? We don’t know. Inflation didn’t last very long. It stopped. How? We don’t know.

But has it really stopped? Maybe inflation is creating other universes? We are just one bubble. Multiverse is real

We may even bump into other universes and merge into one.

There’s a spot in space that’s the coldest biggest spot in spac. This may be the proof we merged with another universe based on the microwave evidence
/——/ All very nice theories - but nothing more.
Well,just by virtue of being plausible and consistent with the evidence and not requiring magic, they are "something more" than "god done did it!"

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