Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
So how do you define "nothing"?Greg
Nothing is the absence of anything. Even a vacuum is something. Nothing means No time/space, No gravity, No electromagnetic or nuclear strong/weak force. It's impossible to even image "nothing."

Therein lies our bias. We can't imagine true nothing, so we postulate that time had to exist.
Do you know our sun may have once had a sister star? And the earth may be a second generation planet. The truth is so much more interesting
The Earth did have a sister star and the Earth may be a 2nd generation planet...Zohar.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the Christians were wrong all along :(
Read the article, the Big Bang and it's resultant initial expansion defied the Laws of Physics.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
Christians don't have a good translation of the Torah to read.
The KJV is a horror.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the Christians were wrong all along :(
Read the article, the Big Bang and it's resultant initial expansion defied the Laws of Physics.
I did read the article, and it is not being claimed that they violated the laws of physics.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
Christians don't have a good translation of the Torah to read.
The KJV is a horror.
There’s no scientific argument for the new or Old Testament. Christianity is just a spin off. Look how hard it is to be a Jew. How hard is it to join the gentile club?
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the Christians were wrong all along :(
Read the article, the Big Bang and it's resultant initial expansion defied the Laws of Physics.
I did read the article, and it is not being claimed that they violated the laws of physics.

"The no boundary condition, is the statement that the laws of physics hold everywhere. Clearly, this is something that one would like to believe, but it is a hypothesis. One has to test it, by comparing the state of the universe that it would predict, with observations of what the universe is actually like. If the observations disagreed with the predictions of the no boundary hypothesis, we would have to conclude the hypothesis was false. There would have to be something outside the universe, to wind up the clockwork, and set the universe going. Of course, even if the observations do agree with the predictions, that does not prove that the no boundary proposal is correct. But one's confidence in it would be increased, particularly because there doesn't seem to be any other natural proposal, for the quantum state of the universe. "
Unfortunately, 90% of the speech is rehash and quite boring.
I'll admit that I'm half asleep by the time he gets to any point.
But people who make money from speeches o have to flesh out the time.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
Christians don't have a good translation of the Torah to read.
The KJV is a horror.
There’s no scientific argument for the new or Old Testament. Christianity is just a spin off. Look how hard it is to be a Jew. How hard is it to join the gentile club?
Because Jews produce way more scientists than any other group by percent.
We just suck at science because of the 18 years of Torah study.
I'll admit that I'm half asleep by the time he gets to any point.
Judging by your comments on this topic, I think that is probably because you don't have the slightest idea what he is saying. That's not personal, it just is what it is, my man.

And no, the claim was not made that those things violated the laws pf physics. See? That is what I am talking about.

Look dude, i wish you all the best, but i think I am done wasting my time correcting every wrong thing you say. Knock yourself out.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
Christians don't have a good translation of the Torah to read.
The KJV is a horror.
There’s no scientific argument for the new or Old Testament. Christianity is just a spin off. Look how hard it is to be a Jew. How hard is it to join the gentile club?
I find the non-Jewish life style to be empty and boring.
Movies, restaurants, sports, exceeding credit card limits for transient emptiness.
In fact, since my wife started learning also our relationship has become more about how to understand people then when the next episode of a TV show is on.
I'll admit that I'm half asleep by the time he gets to any point.
Judging by your comments on this topic, I think that is probably because you don't have the slightest idea what he is saying. That's not personal, it just is what it is, my man.
I know exactly what he's talking about and that's exactly why I wish he'd get to the f*ing point.
He spends over 90% of the speech knowing he has a captive audience, and it's freaking annoying.
I'll admit that I'm half asleep by the time he gets to any point.
Judging by your comments on this topic, I think that is probably because you don't have the slightest idea what he is saying. That's not personal, it just is what it is, my man.

And no, the claim was not made that those things violated the laws pf physics. See? That is what I am talking about.

Look dude, i wish you all the best, but i think I am done wasting my time correcting every wrong thing you say. Knock yourself out.
"However, I now realise I was wrong, as these solutions show. The collapse is not the time reverse of the expansion. The expansion will start with an inflationary phase, but the collapse will not in general end with an anti inflationary phase. Moreover, the small departures from uniform density will continue to grow in the contracting phase. The universe will get more and more lumpy and irregular, as it gets smaller, and disorder will increase. This means that the arrow of time will not reverse. People will continue to get older, even after the universe has begun to contract. So it is no good waiting until the universe re-collapses, to return to your youth. You would be a bit past it, anyway, by then.

The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. Nevertheless, the way the universe began would have been determined by the laws of physics, if the universe satisfied the no boundary condition. This says that in the imaginary time direction, space-time is finite in extent, but doesn't have any boundary or edge. The predictions of the no boundary proposal seem to agree with observation. The no boundary hypothesis also predicts that the universe will eventually collapse again. However, the contracting phase, will not have the opposite arrow of time, to the expanding phase. So we will keep on getting older, and we won't return to our youth. Because time is not going to go backwards, I think I better stop now."
No dude, you should have stopped 15 minutes ago.
What a difficult article!
How could simple little me understand this complicated (not!) stuff?

What's so revolutionary about this?
In 2 years when he needs money again, he'll simply state, "However, I now realise I was wrong, as these solutions show."
You'll fall for anything the guy says.
I'll admit that I'm half asleep by the time he gets to any point.
Judging by your comments on this topic, I think that is probably because you don't have the slightest idea what he is saying. That's not personal, it just is what it is, my man.

And no, the claim was not made that those things violated the laws pf physics. See? That is what I am talking about.

Look dude, i wish you all the best, but i think I am done wasting my time correcting every wrong thing you say. Knock yourself out.
"However, I now realise I was wrong, as these solutions show. The collapse is not the time reverse of the expansion. The expansion will start with an inflationary phase, but the collapse will not in general end with an anti inflationary phase. Moreover, the small departures from uniform density will continue to grow in the contracting phase. The universe will get more and more lumpy and irregular, as it gets smaller, and disorder will increase. This means that the arrow of time will not reverse. People will continue to get older, even after the universe has begun to contract. So it is no good waiting until the universe re-collapses, to return to your youth. You would be a bit past it, anyway, by then.

The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. Nevertheless, the way the universe began would have been determined by the laws of physics, if the universe satisfied the no boundary condition. This says that in the imaginary time direction, space-time is finite in extent, but doesn't have any boundary or edge. The predictions of the no boundary proposal seem to agree with observation. The no boundary hypothesis also predicts that the universe will eventually collapse again. However, the contracting phase, will not have the opposite arrow of time, to the expanding phase. So we will keep on getting older, and we won't return to our youth. Because time is not going to go backwards, I think I better stop now."
No dude, you should have stopped 15 minutes ago.
What a difficult article!
How could simple little me understand this complicated (not!) stuff?

What's so revolutionary about this?
In 2 years when he needs money again, he'll simply state, "However, I now realise I was wrong, as these solutions show."
You'll fall for anything the guy says.
But at least you woke me up.
Because the initiation of the process defies the Laws of Physics, so does the end of the process.
The inflationary epoch does not violate any laws of physics. In fact, its very existence in the theory is necessary, due to the laws of physics. Looks like the scripture wrong all along :(
Christians don't have a good translation of the Torah to read.
The KJV is a horror.
There’s no scientific argument for the new or Old Testament. Christianity is just a spin off. Look how hard it is to be a Jew. How hard is it to join the gentile club?
I find the non-Jewish life style to be empty and boring.
Movies, restaurants, sports, exceeding credit card limits for transient emptiness.
In fact, since my wife started learning also our relationship has become more about how to understand people then when the next episode of a TV show is on.
Well I was raised in the Greek American community so I can relate if you are referring to white Americans. The kind that when you ask them where their family is from they say Kentucky or England. Or they are mutts. Moms irish dads German.

You don’t like movies and restaurants or sports? Too bad. Lots of fun stuff.

So do you sit around reading the Torah wasting your life? Do you at least make love? Tell me you Bang a lot I will respect you greatly.

My family is rich and/or frugal. I’m a little of both. But we play on the lake in the winter on the water in the summer and up north on our property during deer season. I find my life very pleasurable but I’m not in debt
Can Hawkins give us the exact time that time started snd was it am or pm
Mathematically they can tell you the exact second the Big Bang occurred and they’ve broken down what happened in that second. They broke the second into millionths. I believe they have a machine in cern, Switzerland that can recreate the Big Bang. It’s huge. Watch how the universe works
Can Hawkins give us the exact time that time started snd was it am or pm
Fort loves science because it's observable and provable.
Fort loves Hawkings because, as Hawkings said, none of his theories are observable or provable.
And if you're now saying, "WTF!", I'm right there with you.
Can Hawkins give us the exact time that time started snd was it am or pm
Mathematically they can tell you the exact second the Big Bang occurred and they’ve broken down what happened in that second. They broke the second into millionths. I believe they have a machine in cern, Switzerland that can recreate the Big Bang. It’s huge. Watch how the universe works
You got a Link?
Google isn't helpful on this one.
Hawking: "The no boundary proposal, predicts that the universe would start at a single point, like the North Pole of the Earth. But this point wouldn't be a singularity, like the Big Bang. Instead, it would be an ordinary point of space and time, like the North Pole is an ordinary point on the Earth, or so I'm told. "

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