Time For a Constitutional Convention?

Forget about impeachment: If Obama issues an executive order in violation of existing immigration law, the public outcry may be sufficient to cause 2/3 of the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to limit his authority and propose other Amendments to reform the workings of the Federal Government. The next two years may be the only opportunity to reverse the destructive path our nation is following.

If a Constitutional Convention was to be called, what Amendments would you support?


Firstly, the us is under fascist/socialist control

secondly, any Constitution will be interpret to ensure government supremacy.

Actually, I was referring more to the fact that the vast majority of the time, these individuals feel and perceive no loyalty to the United States.

And you've asked them?
All citizens should pay taxes. All citizens should show ID to vote.

Because everyone has an obligation to help pay for this gov't.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

Why? Why would obligatoin to pay be based on citizenship rather than say, income? Seems a pretty arbitrary standard.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

The kind of voter fraud that voter ID could prevent is almost non-existent. You're quite literally more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit in person voter fraud.

What's next.....unicorn leash laws?
All citizens should pay taxes. All citizens should show ID to vote.

Because everyone has an obligation to help pay for this gov't.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

Why? Why would obligatoin to pay be based on citizenship rather than say, income? Seems a pretty arbitrary standard.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

The kind of voter fraud that voter ID could prevent is almost non-existent. You're quite literally more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit in person voter fraud.

What's next.....unicorn leash laws?

1. Uniformity Clause of the constitution...........taxation equal across the nation, even though it has been staggered via income levels and justified that it is uniform via annual wages. Under this currently, through earned income credits and other credits, those that pay no federal taxes at all get refunds for thousands of dollars every year..............While I understand this, as they don't make much...........Paying no taxes at all should be the limit. Noting that this alone costs us about 200 BILLION PLUS A YEAR................that we have to borrow to pay.

2. Rotten ACORN? There are many documented cases over time. Anyone who denies it, is just ignoring the problem. We have to show an i.d. for many things.........and to say needing a photo i.d. to vote would suppress voters is crazy.........I've been showing my i.d. at the polls for a very long time.............It doesn't bother anyone here. I believe in one vote per person.........but we have seen cases of one person voting multiple times as well. Showing an i.d. and making sure dead people don't vote not that of getting hit by a lighting strike unless you live under a rock.
If we created a convention to create a new Constitution it would be our third Constitution, and our history from the first to the second is of giving the government much more power and making government considerably larger. Without a convention we have been accomplishing the same thing, a larger government with more power.
All citizens should pay taxes. All citizens should show ID to vote.

Because everyone has an obligation to help pay for this gov't.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

Why? Why would obligatoin to pay be based on citizenship rather than say, income? Seems a pretty arbitrary standard.

Because of voter fraud in the past.

The kind of voter fraud that voter ID could prevent is almost non-existent. You're quite literally more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit in person voter fraud.

What's next.....unicorn leash laws?

Uniformity Clause of the constitution...........taxation equal across the nation, even though it has been staggered via income levels and justified that it is uniform via annual wages. Under this currently, through earned income credits and other credits, those that pay no federal taxes at all get refunds for thousands of dollars every year..............While I understand this, as they don't make much...........Paying no taxes at all should be the limit. Noting that this alone costs us about 200 BILLION PLUS A YEAR................that we have to borrow to pay.

What uniformity clause in the Constitution?

2. Rotten ACORN? There are many documented cases over time. Anyone who denies it, is just ignoring the problem. We have to show an i.d. for many things.........and to say needing a photo i.d. to vote would suppress voters is crazy.........I've been showing my i.d. at the polls for a very long time.............It doesn't bother anyone here. I believe in one vote per person.........but we have seen cases of one person voting multiple times as well. Showing an i.d. and making sure dead people don't vote not that of getting hit by a lighting strike unless you live under a rock.

If in person voter fraud is as prevalent as you claim, then it should be remarkably easy for you to find hundreds, if not thousands of cases of it.

Please show us.
Uniformity Clause of the constitution...........taxation equal across the nation, even though it has been staggered via income levels and justified that it is uniform via annual wages. Under this currently, through earned income credits and other credits, those that pay no federal taxes at all get refunds for thousands of dollars every year..............While I understand this, as they don't make much...........Paying no taxes at all should be the limit. Noting that this alone costs us about 200 BILLION PLUS A YEAR................that we have to borrow to pay.

What uniformity clause in the Constitution?

2. Rotten ACORN? There are many documented cases over time. Anyone who denies it, is just ignoring the problem. We have to show an i.d. for many things.........and to say needing a photo i.d. to vote would suppress voters is crazy.........I've been showing my i.d. at the polls for a very long time.............It doesn't bother anyone here. I believe in one vote per person.........but we have seen cases of one person voting multiple times as well. Showing an i.d. and making sure dead people don't vote not that of getting hit by a lighting strike unless you live under a rock.

If in person voter fraud is as prevalent as you claim, then it should be remarkably easy for you to find hundreds, if not thousands of cases of it.

Please show us.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?

I mean the children of illegally present aliens who should not be entitled to citizenship, and for whom citizenship is merely a technical circumstance by which they and their parents continue to extort the American people.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

We do not want politicians and bureaucrats deciding who is or is not a citizen, who will or will not have his civil liberties. One is a citizen at birth, regardless the status of his parents, the Framers of the 14th Amendment were wise to remove the question from the political arena.
What the hell would a constitutional convention achieve? As a matter of fact a CC would play right into the radical socialist left's agenda. We would end up with a system of law that nobody would recognize. Tampering with the greatest document in the world is always a bad idea.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?

I mean the children of illegally present aliens who should not be entitled to citizenship, and for whom citizenship is merely a technical circumstance by which they and their parents continue to extort the American people.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

We do not want politicians and bureaucrats deciding who is or is not a citizen, who will or will not have his civil liberties. One is a citizen at birth, regardless the status of his parents, the Framers of the 14th Amendment were wise to remove the question from the political arena.
Different time..........different circumstances..............the rest of the world was right to change this............it is crazy to give citizenship to a new baby that has parents from abroad...............

OK.........your baby is a citizen now..............but our laws deport the parents..............take the baby or drop off at child services..................It's ridiculous................
Uniformity Clause of the constitution...........taxation equal across the nation, even though it has been staggered via income levels and justified that it is uniform via annual wages. Under this currently, through earned income credits and other credits, those that pay no federal taxes at all get refunds for thousands of dollars every year..............While I understand this, as they don't make much...........Paying no taxes at all should be the limit. Noting that this alone costs us about 200 BILLION PLUS A YEAR................that we have to borrow to pay.

What uniformity clause in the Constitution?

2. Rotten ACORN? There are many documented cases over time. Anyone who denies it, is just ignoring the problem. We have to show an i.d. for many things.........and to say needing a photo i.d. to vote would suppress voters is crazy.........I've been showing my i.d. at the polls for a very long time.............It doesn't bother anyone here. I believe in one vote per person.........but we have seen cases of one person voting multiple times as well. Showing an i.d. and making sure dead people don't vote not that of getting hit by a lighting strike unless you live under a rock.

If in person voter fraud is as prevalent as you claim, then it should be remarkably easy for you to find hundreds, if not thousands of cases of it.

Please show us.

So you can't cite the 'uniformity clause' then? Nor cite any significant number of cases of in-person voter fraud?

Then why would all citizens have to pay taxes? And why would we implement voter ID?
What the hell would a constitutional convention achieve? As a matter of fact a CC would play right into the radical socialist left's agenda. We would end up with a system of law that nobody would recognize. Tampering with the greatest document in the world is always a bad idea.
We already have so many dang laws on the books that nobody recognizes them anymore...........It would take 80% to pass..................The left is sneaky but you are giving them too much credit. Out of the amendments for ratification very very few would actually pass when you need 80%..............

Congress would back door amendments before the convention hit anyway, as in the past.
Uniformity Clause of the constitution...........taxation equal across the nation, even though it has been staggered via income levels and justified that it is uniform via annual wages. Under this currently, through earned income credits and other credits, those that pay no federal taxes at all get refunds for thousands of dollars every year..............While I understand this, as they don't make much...........Paying no taxes at all should be the limit. Noting that this alone costs us about 200 BILLION PLUS A YEAR................that we have to borrow to pay.

What uniformity clause in the Constitution?

2. Rotten ACORN? There are many documented cases over time. Anyone who denies it, is just ignoring the problem. We have to show an i.d. for many things.........and to say needing a photo i.d. to vote would suppress voters is crazy.........I've been showing my i.d. at the polls for a very long time.............It doesn't bother anyone here. I believe in one vote per person.........but we have seen cases of one person voting multiple times as well. Showing an i.d. and making sure dead people don't vote not that of getting hit by a lighting strike unless you live under a rock.

If in person voter fraud is as prevalent as you claim, then it should be remarkably easy for you to find hundreds, if not thousands of cases of it.

Please show us.

So you can't cite the 'uniformity clause' then? Nor cite any significant number of cases of in-person voter fraud?

Then why would all citizens have to pay taxes? And why would we implement voter ID?


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