Time for BLACK guilt

40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
Successful is not being on welfare? Obviously we have a very different standards. That is not at all surprising.

As I said earlier, you and black America are damned by your and their very low expectations of themselves.
40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
Meathead is just a dirty tick infested white boy. Making sense to him is like trying to train a monkey to do algebra.
Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 4,537,200are on welfare
YEP. 12% of the black population. That's a damn site less than thought by fools like Matthew, Shootspeeders and that ilk who thought 39.8% of blacks are on welfare. It also is a lower percentage proportionally than 13% of the US population representing all blacks.
Your not always dealing with idiots here. The valid comparison is the 40% of parasitic blacks to the 13% of the population they constitute.

12% of a demographic on welfare should be embarrassing, but you seem to be proud. No wonder black America is such a colossal failure.
40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
Meathead is just a dirty tick infested white boy. Making sense to him is like trying to train a monkey to do algebra.
Jungle Bunny stories please!!!
40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
Successful is not being on welfare? Obviously we have a very different standards. That is not at all surprising.

As I said earlier, you and black America are damned by your and their very low expectations of themselves.

Hell, yes, success is not having to go to an office and beg for charity to survive. The projections of Black welfare queens and other negatives centered on Black welfare begged to be addressed, and I did. I think I've cleared away some of the ambiguity and presented a clearer picture of black survival in America. Any low expectations would certainly be represented by a higher welfare participation rate, that isn't the case, now is it...?

What you say doesn't matter, chum. Blacks have been here for a long time and have thrived in spite of people like you and other bigoted curmudgeons.
40% of welfare recipient being black while constituting only 13% of the population is not success. It is disturbing that JQP thinks it is. Any demographic with an iota of pride would find that embarrassing. Clearly, here that is not the case.

I rest my case. If 88% of Blacks are successful, then the 12% that aren't represent a number well below that 13% of the population (for all blacks }that you keep complaining about. Petty bigotry is really a pathetic loser syndrome that has gone far past it's time.
Meathead is just a dirty tick infested white boy. Making sense to him is like trying to train a monkey to do algebra.
Jungle Bunny stories please!!!
Cave ape stories are more amusing. Its interesting studying you and clowns like you though. What a insignificant lonely life you must lead.
Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 4,537,200are on welfare
YEP. 12% of the black population. That's a damn site less than thought by fools like Matthew, Shootspeeders and that ilk who thought 39.8% of blacks are on welfare. It also is a lower percentage proportionally than 13% of the US population representing all blacks.
Your not always dealing with idiots here. The valid comparison is the 40% of parasitic blacks to the 13% of the population they constitute.

12% of a demographic on welfare should be embarrassing, but you seem to be proud. No wonder black America is such a colossal failure.
Yes you are an idiot. You cant even add yet. No wonder white males needed 400 years of self granted AA just to get ahead.
Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 4,537,200are on welfare
YEP. 12% of the black population. That's a damn site less than thought by fools like Matthew, Shootspeeders and that ilk who thought 39.8% of blacks are on welfare. It also is a lower percentage proportionally than 13% of the US population representing all blacks.
Your not always dealing with idiots here. The valid comparison is the 40% of parasitic blacks to the 13% of the population they constitute.

12% of a demographic on welfare should be embarrassing, but you seem to be proud. No wonder black America is such a colossal failure.

Who made that a valid comparison, some snake oil salesmen like you? All it validates is that very few people, including blacks are on welfare. Do you apply those scurrilous remarks to ALL welfare recipients or just black ones? RACIST BAHS_TURD!

Any embarrassment for the number of people on welfare should be shared by all of us, not just Blacks. All welfare recipients are American citizens and the 38.9% who are white aren't too concerned about proportional statistics. They just need help like their black counterparts. 4,434,600 white welfare recipients is not a number to be ignored.. although White America has tried to do so for years.
Oh Dear! I've really got them jumping up and down now! :)

No one is jumping up and down. What you feel is your world shaking. That table I posted, with accompanying synopses shook your racist foundations. Good luck with your next racist tirade..I 'll be waiting in the wings to "jump" right in! Heh heh heh!
Oh Dear! I've really got them jumping up and down now! :)

No one is jumping up and down. What you feel is your world shaking. That table I posted, with accompanying synopses shook your racist foundations. Good luck with your next racist tirade..I 'll be waiting in the wings to "jump" right in! Heh heh heh!
Thanks for putting this feral monkey in his place. Next time use a tranquilizer dart so he wont get so excited.
and the drop out rate of blacks in school is high. The graduation rate is low, under 50%!
Actually, without it they would be closer to par with whites. Welfare breeds welfare recipients. Without it, people would be forced to get an education and learn marketable skills.
Hunger is a great motivator.

Wrong. You have been brainwashed by the media into believing blacks have the same ability as whites and they don't. Not even close. That's why all of africa is stuck in the stone age. Without whites giving special treatment to blacks, nearly all of them would resort to crime to stay alive.

There are a lot of smarter people than you, of every shade. That's just a fact.
and the drop out rate of blacks in school is high. The graduation rate is low, under 50%!


You appear to be another low information troll. You guys don't give me much of a chance to rest. Where do you get your misinformation.

In 2013, the national high school graduation rate for blacks was 82%,, more than Hispanics but less than Asians and Whites. None of the groups achieved 100%.

One promising note is that graduation rates are climbing across the board.
You haven't yet convinced yourself of that lie, I see. That is why you keep repeating it over and over and over. If anything, the media has been the vehicle for spreading many of the lies you postulate so vehemently hereabouts. Further, you don't seem to realize that there are different classes of Whites and Blacks. You , obviously, belong in the lowest White class and that puts millions of middle and upper class Blacks above you in intelligence, standard of living and every thing else..In that sense you are right, to a certain degree. Some blacks don't have the same abilities as some Whites while some have superior abilities to most Whites,depending on what social or technical enterprise you are talking about. You are never quite clear on these things.

I thought I had educated you on that "stone age" lie in another op, but now, I see that you are incapable of learning.

The board is still waiting for you to explain why africa can't catch up with the rest of world. Africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet an has been for hundreds of years. Why is that?
This "board: isn't waiting for me to explain anything. Only a few of you racist Bahs-turds keep wanting to argue that tired old theme without really knowing what is going on in the myriad countries that make up Africa. Most here already know the effects colonialism had on the continent. Many also are aware of the ravages brought on by the IMF and the World Bank with their usurious lending practices and debilitating austerity programs. I guess you don't know about those things...Do some research ya stupid bahs-turd! Then come on back and we'll discuss it further.
Weak pussies got colonized. That's what happened.

Spears and arrows don't work too well against tanks and submachine guns. But even some nations WITH those same weapons and capabilities have lost wars and been at the mercy of invading forces. We didn't colonize Germany but we could have. Russia did colonize/occupy East Germany for a long time... So I guess you might have some justification for calling them pussies too!
They were pussies but at least they put up a fight. Africa just got butt fucked repeatedly.
Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 4,537,200are on welfare
YEP. 12% of the black population. That's a damn site less than thought by fools like Matthew, Shootspeeders and that ilk who thought 39.8% of blacks are on welfare. It also is a lower percentage proportionally than 13% of the US population representing all blacks.
Your not always dealing with idiots here. The valid comparison is the 40% of parasitic blacks to the 13% of the population they constitute.

12% of a demographic on welfare should be embarrassing, but you seem to be proud. No wonder black America is such a colossal failure.
Yes you are an idiot. You cant even add yet. No wonder white males needed 400 years of self granted AA just to get ahead.
Black males had male privilege in Africa for thousands of years and still get shit on.
Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 4,537,200are on welfare
YEP. 12% of the black population. That's a damn site less than thought by fools like Matthew, Shootspeeders and that ilk who thought 39.8% of blacks are on welfare. It also is a lower percentage proportionally than 13% of the US population representing all blacks.
Your not always dealing with idiots here. The valid comparison is the 40% of parasitic blacks to the 13% of the population they constitute.

12% of a demographic on welfare should be embarrassing, but you seem to be proud. No wonder black America is such a colossal failure.

Who made that a valid comparison, some snake oil salesmen like you? All it validates is that very few people, including blacks are on welfare. Do you apply those scurrilous remarks to ALL welfare recipients or just black ones? RACIST BAHS_TURD!

Any embarrassment for the number of people on welfare should be shared by all of us, not just Blacks. All welfare recipients are American citizens and the 38.9% who are white aren't too concerned about proportional statistics. They just need help like their black counterparts. 4,434,600 white welfare recipients is not a number to be ignored.. although White America has tried to do so for years.
So more than 1 out of every 10 people living off the other 9 who go to work is a low number to you? I feel bad for you if that's how low your standards are.

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