Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

Define "conservative."

Was socializing senior drugs in 2004 "conservative?"

Is a "conservative" for or against repealing Obamacare?

Is a "conservative" a 911 truther or a Zionist Traitor?
/---- 1.) Conservative complained when Pres Bush signed the Sr Rx Program and the Farm Bill which you failed to mention, because they are both socialist. Bush was not a conservative. 2. Conservatives are against Obozocare. 3.) That word salad question is idiotic.
View attachment 128638
Link to Hillary saying, "Obama was born in Indonesia?
/---- She didn't say that you imbecile. Her campaign pushed the birtha movement.
View attachment 128980
If she didn't say that, then why the fuck are you posting, Hillary said, "Obama born in Indonesia"...?
Define "conservative."

Was socializing senior drugs in 2004 "conservative?"

Is a "conservative" for or against repealing Obamacare?

Is a "conservative" a 911 truther or a Zionist Traitor?
/---- 1.) Conservative complained when Pres Bush signed the Sr Rx Program and the Farm Bill which you failed to mention, because they are both socialist. Bush was not a conservative. 2. Conservatives are against Obozocare. 3.) That word salad question is idiotic.
View attachment 128638
Link to Hillary saying, "Obama was born in Indonesia?
/---- She didn't say that you imbecile. Her campaign pushed the birtha movement.
View attachment 128980
If she didn't say that, then why the fuck are you posting, Hillary said, "Obama born in Indonesia"...?
  • On December 18, 2007, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews stated on air that Obama was “born in Indonesia” and possessed “an Islamic background,” speculating to a guest that the Clinton campaign might use that information to outpace Obama in the upcoming presidential primaries.
  • In January 2006, reporter Will Hoover of The Honolulu Advertiser wrote that Obama had been born “outside the country,” citing Indonesia as his birthplace.
  • In July 2011, the “World Guides” travel website stated of Kisumu, Kenya that “US President Barack Obama was born here.”
  • On March 25, 2010, a member of the Kenyan Parliament described Obama as “a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?” Kenyan parliament March 25 2010 Minutes Obama from Kenya
  • On April 14, 2010, members of the Kenyan Parliament discussed how Obama might “repatriate himself” to Kenya (bottom of page 8).
  • On July 17, 2010, The Globe’s front cover proclaimed Obama’s “presidency illegal,” “No birth certificate!” and “Gov’t official tells all.” The Globe Obama illegitimate
  • On November 7, 2010 a businessman meeting with Obama in India called him a “fellow Kenyan.”
  • On October 9, 2008, NPR said that Obama was “Kenyan-born.”
Define "conservative."

Was socializing senior drugs in 2004 "conservative?"

Is a "conservative" for or against repealing Obamacare?

Is a "conservative" a 911 truther or a Zionist Traitor?
/---- 1.) Conservative complained when Pres Bush signed the Sr Rx Program and the Farm Bill which you failed to mention, because they are both socialist. Bush was not a conservative. 2. Conservatives are against Obozocare. 3.) That word salad question is idiotic.
View attachment 128638
Link to Hillary saying, "Obama was born in Indonesia?
/---- She didn't say that you imbecile. Her campaign pushed the birtha movement.
View attachment 128980
If she didn't say that, then why the fuck are you posting, Hillary said, "Obama born in Indonesia"...?
  • On December 18, 2007, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews stated on air that Obama was “born in Indonesia” and possessed “an Islamic background,” speculating to a guest that the Clinton campaign might use that information to outpace Obama in the upcoming presidential primaries.
  • In January 2006, reporter Will Hoover of The Honolulu Advertiser wrote that Obama had been born “outside the country,” citing Indonesia as his birthplace.
  • In July 2011, the “World Guides” travel website stated of Kisumu, Kenya that “US President Barack Obama was born here.”
  • On March 25, 2010, a member of the Kenyan Parliament described Obama as “a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?” Kenyan parliament March 25 2010 Minutes Obama from Kenya
  • On April 14, 2010, members of the Kenyan Parliament discussed how Obama might “repatriate himself” to Kenya (bottom of page 8).
  • On July 17, 2010, The Globe’s front cover proclaimed Obama’s “presidency illegal,” “No birth certificate!” and “Gov’t official tells all.” The Globe Obama illegitimate
  • On November 7, 2010 a businessman meeting with Obama in India called him a “fellow Kenyan.”
  • On October 9, 2008, NPR said that Obama was “Kenyan-born.”
Again.... Hillary never said that.
Hey folks, after hearing that California is going to put a cap on AMERICAN CITIZENS (if you are a thinking parent, I don't know why you would want to send your kids there anyway) attending their universities in favor of illegals; are you sure, absolutely SURE, it is NOT a good idea to keep your vacation dollars away from them, and bring them to their knees!

These people are out of hand, and insulting the taxpaying citizens of These United States. Don't give them a NICKEL! You can starve them out far faster than the Trump administration can wind a case through court.

Don't be lazy, vote with your dollars by NOT spending ANYTHING there! This is NOT about political differences; this about ILLEGAL activity by a rogue state that needs to be taught a lesson.

Bring Brown the clown, and his band of mobsters down. Deny them cash, bring them to their knees!
Not all conservatives are republican and not all republicans are conservative. (There are no democrat conservatives). Conservatives are united and have been united for a number of years. What you are asking for is the GOP to unite with the conservative agenda. It's's an optimistic outcome of the Trump administration but it's going to be hard to deal with RINO's like McCain and Snowe and some cowardly establishment types.
And so, something all CONSERVATIVES need know----------->

1. Ratings for the NFL are down below last year.

2. The Emmy's? The worst rated in history!

3. Box office receipts down by almost 11%. J-LOSER said she didn't want Trump supporters to see her movies, and quietly, Hollywood honchos are now not offering her roles, or dropping her price significantly.

4. ESPN on the ropes.

All of these entities are admitting it is because of their anti-American stance, or downright disrespect shown to the Presidency.

What Conservative Republicans do NOT understand is-----------> they need YOU! You see; while there is far more millionaire liberals than there are conservatives, the middle class that fill the seats at stadiums and theaters, or watch tv that actually work, are predominantly.........US! The left is full of wealthy pointy heads, who like to tell the large swath of poor people how to vote. We, on the other hand; are the bulk of the workforce, and our money talks, as does our rearends NOT being in front of the TV for NFL games, the Emmy's, or tuning out ESPN.

And all you have to do is help a little! Just a little! Keep your money from them. Like the NFL? Then if you must watch, watch only teams that don't have these miscreants, or that openly support the flag, like the Dallas Cowboys.

Movies? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with an actor being a leftist. But, you have seen Meryl Streep, J-LOSER, Jimmy Fallon, and others basically insinuate that we are racists, etc. Does that make you want to watch them, thus support them? Isn't it funny that Hollywood invades homes on TV, then spouts anti-American, or Anti-Trump statements, but OMG if a conservative goes to a college........and Hollywood SUPPORTS these people trying to shut it down, while they INVADE your home WITHOUT consequence; or so they believe-)

We can do this, as now they are actually starting to feel it in ALL their wallets. If the NFL ratings keep dropping, watch how fast all the miscreants go the way of KAPERCHUMP-) Box office? Watch the funding for some of these movies dry up, and loud mouthed lefties get iced as their being on will be poison at the theaters.

Many of your fellow Americans are fighting back against lefty arrogance by just AVOIDING giving them a platform by NOT PARTICIPATING in what they offer us to consume. Try it for a month, and watch them have a coronary, because they are already in a panic-)
Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.
Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.

Nice narrative lefty, but your nonsense is out of gas. You are going to find out that------>as more of the heartland discovers how easy it is to squeeze your benefactors by what they watch, or how/where they spend their money, your benefactors are going to throw you under the bus!
Hey folks, after hearing that California is going to put a cap on AMERICAN CITIZENS (if you are a thinking parent, I don't know why you would want to send your kids there anyway) attending their universities in favor of illegals; are you sure, absolutely SURE, it is NOT a good idea to keep your vacation dollars away from them, and bring them to their knees!

These people are out of hand, and insulting the taxpaying citizens of These United States. Don't give them a NICKEL! You can starve them out far faster than the Trump administration can wind a case through court.

Don't be lazy, vote with your dollars by NOT spending ANYTHING there! This is NOT about political differences; this about ILLEGAL activity by a rogue state that needs to be taught a lesson.

Bring Brown the clown, and his band of mobsters down. Deny them cash, bring them to their knees!
Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bushpuppet and the Barrypuyppet are thicker than thieves......you are simply too stupid to realize that or even fathom it all......
Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bushpuppet and the Barrypuyppet are thicker than thieves......you are simply too stupid to realize that or even fathom it all......

Agreed. In fact, the Bush family and Clinton family are pretty close friends.

Bush the 1st never liked Reagan, and they don't like Trump either. Therefore, if the Bushies, Clintons, and Obamas don't like you, then you are obviously doing something correct!
Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.
hahahahahahahahaaha What was the highest GDP ,month under obummer. come now, let's play with facts.
/---- 1.) Conservative complained when Pres Bush signed the Sr Rx Program and the Farm Bill which you failed to mention, because they are both socialist. Bush was not a conservative. 2. Conservatives are against Obozocare. 3.) That word salad question is idiotic.
View attachment 128638
Link to Hillary saying, "Obama was born in Indonesia?
/---- She didn't say that you imbecile. Her campaign pushed the birtha movement.
View attachment 128980
If she didn't say that, then why the fuck are you posting, Hillary said, "Obama born in Indonesia"...?
  • On December 18, 2007, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews stated on air that Obama was “born in Indonesia” and possessed “an Islamic background,” speculating to a guest that the Clinton campaign might use that information to outpace Obama in the upcoming presidential primaries.
  • In January 2006, reporter Will Hoover of The Honolulu Advertiser wrote that Obama had been born “outside the country,” citing Indonesia as his birthplace.
  • In July 2011, the “World Guides” travel website stated of Kisumu, Kenya that “US President Barack Obama was born here.”
  • On March 25, 2010, a member of the Kenyan Parliament described Obama as “a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?” Kenyan parliament March 25 2010 Minutes Obama from Kenya
  • On April 14, 2010, members of the Kenyan Parliament discussed how Obama might “repatriate himself” to Kenya (bottom of page 8).
  • On July 17, 2010, The Globe’s front cover proclaimed Obama’s “presidency illegal,” “No birth certificate!” and “Gov’t official tells all.” The Globe Obama illegitimate
  • On November 7, 2010 a businessman meeting with Obama in India called him a “fellow Kenyan.”
  • On October 9, 2008, NPR said that Obama was “Kenyan-born.”
Again.... Hillary never said that.

Not all conservatives are republican and not all republicans are conservative. (There are no democrat conservatives). Conservatives are united and have been united for a number of years. What you are asking for is the GOP to unite with the conservative agenda. It's's an optimistic outcome of the Trump administration but it's going to be hard to deal with RINO's like McCain and Snowe and some cowardly establishment types.

Why bother with the far left when you already brought the country to it's knees under Bush and are doing the same under Trump?

The only difference this time is you want to turn it over to Russia.

Hey folks, after hearing that California is going to put a cap on AMERICAN CITIZENS (if you are a thinking parent, I don't know why you would want to send your kids there anyway) attending their universities in favor of illegals; are you sure, absolutely SURE, it is NOT a good idea to keep your vacation dollars away from them, and bring them to their knees!

These people are out of hand, and insulting the taxpaying citizens of These United States. Don't give them a NICKEL! You can starve them out far faster than the Trump administration can wind a case through court.

Don't be lazy, vote with your dollars by NOT spending ANYTHING there! This is NOT about political differences; this about ILLEGAL activity by a rogue state that needs to be taught a lesson.

Bring Brown the clown, and his band of mobsters down. Deny them cash, bring them to their knees!

OK Conservatives, time to prove the point! Roger, that Artful Dodger, has decided to tell Trump to stick it. Let us NOT watch the NFL this weekend, and flex our Conservative muscle! Tell all the protesting, millionaire, athletes who need safe spaces.........that either they respect the country while on our time, or they are out of job because WE are going to shut their money train down!
Well conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians, after Kate Steinle, what say you now! Oh yes, the Steinle family has a suit in court against San Fran, but big deal. Even if the family wins and gets 20 million, it really isn't the people who ALLOWED this to happen getting punished, it is the California taxpayer..........who just like the slush fund for those groping Democrats, will end up paying the bill.

When will YOU make a stand? When will YOU deny the lefties cash that they desperately need to fund their activities against YOUR FAMILY, by visiting their taxing authorities! Their policies that they ILLEGALLY follow, put all Americans at risk. And why do they follow these ideas? For VOTES! So that they can get elected, maybe someone in YOUR family must die for their vision.

We must all wake up, and understand that they NEED your dollars. While it is true that most BILLIONAIRS are leftists, you who visit these places, buy their music, see their leftist movies, are the ones who actually support them. Their regular constituency does NOT have the money they need, YOU DO! They want it spent in California, New York, Connecticut, Hawaii, while they try and screw you at every turn.

Are you willing to fund YOUR OWN DEMISE? Are you willing to fund the DEMISE of this country for your children, and grandchildren? Keep your tax dollars away from their TAXING AUTHORITY! Stay the hell out of California! Punish them! And let them know about it too!

And the next time a lefty tells you that California is part of America also, so you shouldn't be punishing them for political differences, remind them of this------------>

In our country, Federal law supercedes other laws. In California and many of the rest of the blue states, they IGNORE federal laws they don't like. They can NOT get enough lawmakers to change the laws, so we live under a totally DIFFERENT law then they do.

Do you doubt me?!?!?!?!?!?! If so, revisit the death of Kate Steinle, and imagine YOU holding your child as she died in your arms; shot by someone who had no RIGHT to be here, and was only here because CALIFORNIA decided to BREAK federal law!

Bring these bastards to their KNEES!
I have never been to California nor new York and don't plan on going they're anytime soon. What I don't like either is someone telling me what to boycott. I would never let politics enter into my vacation plans. Because it matters not who is in charge. Sometimes I boycott certain big businesses because they hate their workers. Other than that what happens in those states does not affect me.
I have never been to California nor new York and don't plan on going they're anytime soon. What I don't like either is someone telling me what to boycott. I would never let politics enter into my vacation plans. Because it matters not who is in charge. Sometimes I boycott certain big businesses because they hate their workers. Other than that what happens in those states does not affect me.
We're happy for ya
I have never been to California nor new York and don't plan on going they're anytime soon. What I don't like either is someone telling me what to boycott. I would never let politics enter into my vacation plans. Because it matters not who is in charge. Sometimes I boycott certain big businesses because they hate their workers. Other than that what happens in those states does not affect me.

I am NOT telling you to, or not do anything. I am pointing out what happens by doing nothing. I am also pointing out to anyone who decides to visit these places, that they are funding people who have allowed this to happen ILLEGALLY!

It is a matter of conscience for me, plus there are enough pitfalls in this country to accidentally walk into. Why would anyone put their family at MORE risk than necessary?

Like I said, "it is a matter of personal conscience." Some have already met their threshold, others have not! For those that have........even a 4 or 5% drop in tourism will destroy them rather quickly. That is EASY to do, if enough of you have finally, HAD ENOUGH!
I have never been to California nor new York and don't plan on going they're anytime soon. What I don't like either is someone telling me what to boycott. I would never let politics enter into my vacation plans. Because it matters not who is in charge. Sometimes I boycott certain big businesses because they hate their workers. Other than that what happens in those states does not affect me.

Good for you bud...you're awesome and you're not alone...lots of nutless pussies refuse to unite with others to take a stand and force change.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Yeah. Don't buy any produce for ONE YEAR!!! Our produce comes from California.

Boycott produce, you scurvy dogs!

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