Time for Democrats to accept reality


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Time for Democrats to accept reality

Time for Democrats to accept reality | TheHill
04/19/19 ~ By Elizabeth Harrington
Democrats have been living in a fantasy world since the clock struck midnight after November 8, 2016. Rather than accept reality and the results of historic victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, Democrats have clutched to conspiracy theories. The first fantasy was that the 2016 election was tainted by “fake news.” When that backfired, because after all it was the mainstream media that had to apologize for its biased coverage of the race, the narrative had to change. Democrats then settled on another conspiracy theory, hand woven by the Clinton campaign and deeply entrenched within the Obama administration Justice Department that was led by collusion truthers. It could not be that their unlikeable, untrustworthy, and inauthentic candidate, dogged by decades of scandals, who never bothered to campaign in Wisconsin had fairly and resoundingly lost to a man who connected with the forgotten men and women of this country with a clear and strong agenda. Democrats had to find a new scapegoat. They claimed that Vladimir Putin plotted to “subvert an election” and that Russia helped “swing it for” Trump. We have been living in their fantasy world where every single thing revolves around Russia ever since 2016.
Democrats and the wing pundits concocted a conspiracy in which Trump was a “Russian asset” compromised by Putin. The reality is that Trump is tougher on Russia than Barack Obama, who had “more flexibility” in his relationship with the Kremlin. After an exhaustive review spanning two years, the special counsel found no collusion. The investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Democrats have been living in a fantasy world where words can lose all meaning.

A lot of regular Dem voters are leaving the party in large numbers. Additionally, the party cannot count on 95% of black voters picking the D candidate any more, and many Hispanics are also realizing that Dem positions are not helping them either. 34% of attendees at Trump's last rally were Dems. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat party is dead, it's just twitching for a while. Progressive Democrats are emotionally unable to understand that PMS/DSA ideology fails every time.
It doesn’t matter what he wants congress to do, because congress is hyper partisan. If Mueller and his investigators had anything on collusion, they would have charged. Since they didn’t, Progressive sore losers are left to whine about unchargeable process crimes.
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats will keep going until they run out of rich people's money.
Time for Democrats to accept reality

LET'S GET REAL. These are radical LEFTISTS. There is ZERO chance of these clowns ever accepting reality otherwise they wouldn't be democrats. They KNOW what they're doing, and they want to do it till the ends of the Earth. This is a group of people GROOMED and STEEPED in the ways of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven.
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They don't live in reality as a matter of course...Why would they begin accepting it now?
I saw a movie about the Democrats. It was called "Despicable Me". Too bad they had to turn a really good movie to something that really sucks now.
Time for Democrats to accept reality

LET'S GET REAL. These are radical LEFTISTS. There is ZERO chance of these clown ever accepting reality otherwise they wouldn't be democrats. They KNOW what they're doing, and they want to do it till the ends of the Earth. This is a group of people GROOMED and STEEPED in the ways of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven.

Yes they are pieces of shit. Democratic pond scum.

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Trump should be celebrating, and have a big party at Mar a Lago, serve borscht, caviar and beef stroganoff to the guests
Trump should be celebrating, and have a big party at Mar a Lago, serve borscht, caviar and beef stroganoff to the guests

Hmmm. Tovarish I haven't had Borscht in years, good caviar is hard to come by.

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