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Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

Moderates don't ahve balls. That's why they're moderates. Moderates never did anything worthwhile in this country.
And we sure don't need them now. There is no way to moderate the deficit. We either fix the problem or we don't.

and both sides are so stuck in their stupid ideologies that neither can see the truth if it smacks them in the face.

It isn't ideology that if you raise taxes not only will you not cut the deficit, in fact the deficit will grow. That is the lesson of history that Obama and the Dums seem to forget. Nor is it ideology that the welfare state is bankrupting us, nor is is ideology that Obama's deficits dwarf Federal budgets of 20 years ago. Nor is it ideology that the fed gov is filled with overlapping duplicative programs that are proven failures. All of that is fact.
What is ideology is that raising taxes on the rich is done in the interest of "fairness", as Obama said.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpSDBu35K-8]‪Obama: Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - "For Purposes of Fairness"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

or as in the video;

Obama: Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - "For Purposes of Fairness"

charlie rose asks why he would raise capital gains when history shows cap gains revenue goes higher when the rate is lower....*shrugs"

I believe in the principal you pay as you go....
but the truth is this, for politicians the only thing they care about is re-election. So they have to size up their situation. If a representative is coming from a deeply blue or red district they realize that their real competition is in their own party, so they move further to the right or left accordingly. A presidential candidate needs to win independants, so they will move to the center more. Notice how presidential candidates mainly spend their time attacking Obama and his policies, yet they aren't really speaking their opinion on the budget fight? Its because the conservatives in congress are completely to the right, while those running for president are trying to stay somewhat in the middle at least.

Wait until the Republicans also fail to "create" jobs, succeed in removing some of the government umbrellas, and the economy continue to limp along, and we'll see the people in those red states starting to take a better look at their promises.
Being a moderate doesn't mean giving in or giving up. It comes from the realization that partisan shilling gets us nowhere!!!!

Neither con nor lib has the 100% lock on truth, justice and the American way.

I will say this though...the idea of growing a set of balls is pretty important.

Barack fucking Obama has been trying to compromise since the day he came into office...and it's gotten him nowhere. He needs to realize that if his political opponents aren't going to give in...he shouldnt either. He's tried being a nice guy...now it's time to get tough.
That is what compromise is

Only children expect to get their way all the time
So what do you think the Democrats and the President should compromise on?

Why did you leave out Republicans?

A perfect example of a major compromise was last December's agreement to extend the Bush tax cuts for another two years, after a year of Obama saying he wouldn't agree to that. BUT, what he got in return for acquiescing was:

An extension of unemployment benefits for another 13 months.

The estate tax temporarily raised to 35% with a $5 million exemption.

A 2% cut in the payroll tax for all workers.

See? Piece of cake.

and now apparently he wants to pull the plug on the 'extension' and raise rates, which have been increased on investment income ala obamacare already which will take effect too, in the "out years" as obama described it....so he gets the 3.8% from obama care and wants to reestablish the older higher investment taxes one more time on top of that....:eusa_eh:
So what do you think the Democrats and the President should compromise on?

Well to a point I see democrats and the president already starting to compromise, but I don't see it from the other side. Spending is out of control, and they do seem to be willing to fix part of this at least. But they are getting nothing from republicans at all. But honestly I would like to see them add a year to SS retirement age, and a year to when you are able to recieve medicare, as these two things would go a LONG way to balancing the budget for years.
So you would just continue to kick the can down the road. Wonderful.

You say the Dems and the Prez have already compromised. Show us where.

All I've seen is the President storm out of a meeting saying "Don't make me call my bluff".

First of all, he didn't "storm" out of the room. (I wish...) Second, Eric Canter doesn't know when to shut his mouth. Even Boehner isn't that disrespectful.
A lot of the so-called political "moderates" are liberals who are afraid to use the "L" word. They are radical lefties who are afraid to call themselves what they are.

I'm not sure about this as I don't know how to characterize "a lot". Personally I WANT to vote republican right now if they focus on the right things. What I would like to see the republicans focus on is, cutting spending in areas where it isn't needed (i.e. wasteful spending) and making it easier for business. I don't think cutting taxes on the rich or on business is going to make the economy grow significantly, I think they can make the biggest impact is by getting rid of some of this regulation, as I believe business are WAY over regulated right now. Yes I do believe in "drill baby drill", althought just easing pressure on the oil companies is only going to be a small benefit for jobs, because it is only one area, but right now any regulation that makes it hard to expand business needs to be seriously looked at.
Moderates have been in power, folks.

That is probably the reason pretty much everybody from hard left to hard right is sick to death of Congress.

The so called moderate path of give and take has lead us to this state of affairs, folks.
Moderates have been in power, folks.

That is probably the reason pretty much everybody from hard left to hard right is sick to death of Congress.

The so called moderate path of give and take has lead us to this state of affairs, folks.

Huh? When were moderates ever in power? Lets see Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain, Obama came in and was hard to the left. He only tried to move closer to the middle the past year when his ratings began to slip, and he realized someone that far to the left was never going to win re-election.
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

I don't understand how one can be moderate...

So breaking the constitution is only OK some of the time?

That would make moderates, actually progressive.

In my book you either stand for a man/womans civil liberties or you don't, if you're in the middle you're fucking confused - that or don't know your rights or constitution.

See this is where it gets confusing, because both sides claim they are following civil liberties, and both parties believe it. But the truth is that both parties are constantly breaking the constitution, but each side believes that only the other is.

I'm not going to dispute that, which is why I'm a Libertarian.

Our Bill of Rights is not a living document. Our emotions which inspire change may be, however our Bill of Rights is etched in stone.

I believe we need to leave our "wants" or "emotions" at the door and respect our civil rights.

We cant bend them or abolish them because we want X, Y, Z etc..

We have the Bill of rights to prevent ideas like that from becoming rule....
Moderates have been in power, folks.

That is probably the reason pretty much everybody from hard left to hard right is sick to death of Congress.

The so called moderate path of give and take has lead us to this state of affairs, folks.

Huh? When were moderates ever in power? Lets see Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain, Obama came in and was hard to the left. He only tried to move closer to the middle the past year when his ratings began to slip, and he realized someone that far to the left was never going to win re-election.

yeap im replying to my own post here because I wanted to follow up with more. Clinton was for the most part to the left except on restructuring welfare, I'm hoping your not suggesting that restructuring welfare was the problem, because I don't think almost anyone would agree with you on that. Otherwise he was obviously to the left.
I don't understand how one can be moderate...

So breaking the constitution is only OK some of the time?

That would make moderates, actually progressive.

In my book you either stand for a man/womans civil liberties or you don't, if you're in the middle you're fucking confused - that or don't know your rights or constitution.

See this is where it gets confusing, because both sides claim they are following civil liberties, and both parties believe it. But the truth is that both parties are constantly breaking the constitution, but each side believes that only the other is.

I'm not going to dispute that, which is why I'm a Libertarian.

Our Bill of Rights is not a living document. Our emotions which inspire change may be, however our Bill of Rights is etched in stone.

I believe we need to leave our "wants" or "emotions" at the door and respect our civil rights.

We cant bend them or abolish them because we want X, Y, Z etc..

We have the Bill of rights to prevent ideas like that from becoming rule....

Sorry did not realize you were a Libertarian. I have a ton of respect for libertarians on their principals of freedoms. I was thinking you were a republican, who I do not respect on those lines. All in all on the concept of freedoms (in my opinion) libertarians are the closest to getting it right.

edit: I should say, by FAR the closest to getting it right.
Moderates have been in power, folks.

That is probably the reason pretty much everybody from hard left to hard right is sick to death of Congress.

The so called moderate path of give and take has lead us to this state of affairs, folks.

Huh? When were moderates ever in power? Lets see Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain, Obama came in and was hard to the left. He only tried to move closer to the middle the past year when his ratings began to slip, and he realized someone that far to the left was never going to win re-election.

yeap im replying to my own post here because I wanted to follow up with more. Clinton was for the most part to the left except on restructuring welfare, I'm hoping your not suggesting that restructuring welfare was the problem, because I don't think almost anyone would agree with you on that. Otherwise he was obviously to the left.

I saw the restructure as a left value, exchanging work for welfare, building self-esteem. It helped millions become self-sufficient again. Clinton deserves a gold star for his role in that.
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In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

I don't understand how one can be moderate...

So breaking the constitution is only OK some of the time?

That would make moderates, actually progressive.

In my book you either stand for a man/womans civil liberties or you don't, if you're in the middle you're fucking confused - that or don't know your rights or constitution.

A moderate must be someone who can lean various ways that are not towards the radical ends of values of anyone party.

I consider myself a liberal, yet personally oppose abortion, and radically support the 2nd Amendment to bare arms. My biggest issue isthe Constitution weighed for the benefit of all American humanity. ie. including the poor, disabled, etc. I am anti-corporate even though liberals seem to support their goals.

But I can see a moderate supporting torture for a cause, wars, or not wars, right to chose, tax cuts, etc.

Frankly, except for the extremists who can see no further than the end of their noses, I believe most of us are moderates: Fiscal conservatives (within reason) and social liberals (not wishing to give away the entire store).
A lot of the so-called political "moderates" are liberals who are afraid to use the "L" word. They are radical lefties who are afraid to call themselves what they are.

That's funny, I think the radicals are on the right who don't know any history except what happened in the last decade. (And they swear they didn't like Bush either. :lol:)
"Moderate" means giving up half of what you believe in. What half are you willing to give up?

That is what compromise is

Only children expect to get their way all the time

Yeah man.

Freedom is a bad thing.

We need to be partially enslaved.


What freedoms have you lost? How are you "enslaved"?? This is still the most free and culturally the richest country on the planet. If you think you can find a better place with a higher standard of living and also allows you to roam wherever you want, do whatever you want, within established law, then move.
I don't understand how one can be moderate...

So breaking the constitution is only OK some of the time?

That would make moderates, actually progressive.

In my book you either stand for a man/womans civil liberties or you don't, if you're in the middle you're fucking confused - that or don't know your rights or constitution.

See this is where it gets confusing, because both sides claim they are following civil liberties, and both parties believe it. But the truth is that both parties are constantly breaking the constitution, but each side believes that only the other is.

I'm not going to dispute that, which is why I'm a Libertarian.

Our Bill of Rights is not a living document. Our emotions which inspire change may be, however our Bill of Rights is etched in stone.

I believe we need to leave our "wants" or "emotions" at the door and respect our civil rights.

We cant bend them or abolish them because we want X, Y, Z etc..

We have the Bill of rights to prevent ideas like that from becoming rule....

Yes, the Bill of Rights ...and the Constituition as well...are living documents. Now before you get your panties in a ruffle...that "living" (really "changing") shouldnt and mustnt come from activist judges changing meanings of words and usurping legislative power.

They are living because they can be AMENDED or CHANGED via laws. The process for changing them is long and laborious...but that's what the FF's wanted.
and both sides are so stuck in their stupid ideologies that neither can see the truth if it smacks them in the face.

It isn't ideology that if you raise taxes not only will you not cut the deficit, in fact the deficit will grow. That is the lesson of history that Obama and the Dums seem to forget. Nor is it ideology that the welfare state is bankrupting us, nor is is ideology that Obama's deficits dwarf Federal budgets of 20 years ago. Nor is it ideology that the fed gov is filled with overlapping duplicative programs that are proven failures. All of that is fact.
What is ideology is that raising taxes on the rich is done in the interest of "fairness", as Obama said.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpSDBu35K-8]‪Obama: Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - "For Purposes of Fairness"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

or as in the video;

Obama: Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - "For Purposes of Fairness"

charlie rose asks why he would raise capital gains when history shows cap gains revenue goes higher when the rate is lower....*shrugs"

I believe in the principal you pay as you go....

How far back in history, though? The low 15% over the last decade has NOT trickled down by those investors able to enjoy that low rate. If it had, I'd agree.

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