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Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

Moderates have been in power, folks.

That is probably the reason pretty much everybody from hard left to hard right is sick to death of Congress.

The so called moderate path of give and take has lead us to this state of affairs, folks.

Huh? When were moderates ever in power? Lets see Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain, Obama came in and was hard to the left. He only tried to move closer to the middle the past year when his ratings began to slip, and he realized someone that far to the left was never going to win re-election.

Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, TARP, and the GM Bailout were absolutely not "distinctively to the right."

I'll grant you Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind. Tarp is what I was refering to when I said he moved to the middle when everything started going wrong, and wasn't the GM bailout under Obama?
See this is where it gets confusing, because both sides claim they are following civil liberties, and both parties believe it. But the truth is that both parties are constantly breaking the constitution, but each side believes that only the other is.

I'm not going to dispute that, which is why I'm a Libertarian.

Our Bill of Rights is not a living document. Our emotions which inspire change may be, however our Bill of Rights is etched in stone.

I believe we need to leave our "wants" or "emotions" at the door and respect our civil rights.

We cant bend them or abolish them because we want X, Y, Z etc..

We have the Bill of rights to prevent ideas like that from becoming rule....

The bill of rights is actually way too broad. It should not include the "rights" of lobbyists to use blackmail and clubs for the purpose of intimidating elected officials into voting for their special interests.

nice typical reply from the left...

Its so fantastic IT doesn't even get a proper "N" out of disrespect.

Oh, and your bitch president IS a lobbyist which you don't seem to care about... " Mr. community organizer."

What the fuck you think they do besides make people angry?
Let’s end this dumb thread...

We have a deficit of 1.6 TRILLION... Show me what needs to be done to balance the budget, feel free to use tax hikes and spending cuts but show us a general dollar amount saved or revenue raised. Also try and keep the time to balance the budget less than 10 years. I think it’s unfair to force every president over the next 45 years to follow your budget when anything can happen in that time.

When you're done we'll see just how serious the GOP and the Dems are taking the deficit.
So what do you think the Democrats and the President should compromise on?

So you would just continue to kick the can down the road. Wonderful.

You say the Dems and the Prez have already compromised. Show us where.

All I've seen is the President storm out of a meeting saying "Don't make me call my bluff".

Then you’ve either not been paying attention or are a blind partisan, I suspect the latter.

As already noted, Obama and the democrats are willing to make cuts/changes to Entitlements, the most holy of their sacred cows. It’s time for the right to do the same with taxes.

Collectivists want it all, your money, your land, your mind, and eventually your life.

Obama has not compromised on anything. He wanted bigger government and he got it. He wanted more government intrusion into the economy and he got it. He wanted to nationalize industries and he got it. He wanted to move towards single payer healthcare and he got it.

The above are typical of the hysterical extremism responsible for our dysfunctional government.

They are living because they can be AMENDED or CHANGED via laws. The process for changing them is long and laborious...but that's what the FF's wanted.


The Constitution does not change, per se – rather, the case law interpreting the Constitution adapts and evolves over time.

Justice Kennedy said it best in Lawrence:

Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.

The Constitution is in essence a document of law, it is the purpose and strength of the Anglo-American judicial tradition to allow the law to adapt to its times; indeed, this process of judicial evolution has been occurring since before the 10th Century AD. The Constitution is therefore a more recent manifestation of Anglo-American jurisprudence, the inheritor of over 1000 years of legal wisdom. And Constitutional law will continue to adapt and evolve for centuries to come.
Being a moderate doesn't mean giving in or giving up. It comes from the realization that partisan shilling gets us nowhere!!!!

Neither con nor lib has the 100% lock on truth, justice and the American way.

I will say this though...the idea of growing a set of balls is pretty important.

Barack fucking Obama has been trying to compromise since the day he came into office...and it's gotten him nowhere. He needs to realize that if his political opponents aren't going to give in...he shouldnt either. He's tried being a nice guy...now it's time to get tough.

Obama has not compromised on anything. He wanted bigger government and he got it. He wanted more government intrusion into the economy and he got it. He wanted to nationalize industries and he got it. He wanted to move towards single payer healthcare and he got it.

We got single payer healthcare?

No, and that's not what Obama wanted. He wanted to move in that direction, which he has.
Huh? When were moderates ever in power? Lets see Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain, Obama came in and was hard to the left. He only tried to move closer to the middle the past year when his ratings began to slip, and he realized someone that far to the left was never going to win re-election.

Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, TARP, and the GM Bailout were absolutely not "distinctively to the right."

I'll grant you Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind. Tarp is what I was refering to when I said he moved to the middle when everything started going wrong, and wasn't the GM bailout under Obama?

Actually you said, "Bush was distinctively to the right until the very end when everything was going down the drain." Bush gave GM (and Chrysler) the first bailout.

U.S. Throws Lifeline to Detroit - WSJ.com
see this is where you get confusing, you blame the Patriot Act on democrats when it was passed when republicans had a majority in the house, the senate, and had the executive position.

Yet democrats cried about it for years until they had a supermajority, then they repassed it time and time again until their local communities used it to enforce their progressive er, authoritarian laws.

fucking tyrants...

Now you're gonna take a guys kids away because he doesn't feed them what you "believe" is right...

You socialist Orwellian motherfuckers.....

That felt great...
Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

Here's a great gift idea for moderates:

What a completely useless reply


Here is a moderate who grew a pair:



didnt anyone every tell you that invoking Hitler in politics is always a sign of desperation?

No, can you believe that? Someone is asleep on the job.

You know what they told me?

"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"

George Santayana,

Hitler was not a moderate, he was an extremist to the fullest, but he wasn't a conservative or liberal extremist he was a fascist extremist, a hate extremist, and a white extremist.

Well, you have to be familial with pre-Hitler history.

Initially he came across as a moderate and was the darling of the christian and protestant voters.

In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

Compromise is a sign of intelligence only when it's a beneficial compromise. It's been less than a year since the last great moderate compromise just after the 2010 mid term elections. What did that get us? An extension of the Bush tax rates and an increase in federal expenditures. Both of which went a long way towards defusing the current fiscal crisis...:cuckoo:

When the moderates stop using calls to "compromise" as a cover to adopt the worst ideas of both sides and instead advocate intelligent solutions, maybe they'll get a second glance. Until then, the current bunch of idiot moderates can go to hell.
or as in the video;

Obama: Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - "For Purposes of Fairness"

charlie rose asks why he would raise capital gains when history shows cap gains revenue goes higher when the rate is lower....*shrugs"

I believe in the principal you pay as you go....

How far back in history, though? The low 15% over the last decade has NOT trickled down by those investors able to enjoy that low rate. If it had, I'd agree.

Then where did the net 4.4 million jobs gained under Bush come from?
Jobs created under Bush, Jr. were a fraction of those created under Clinton, who raised taxes on the wealthiest.
Being a moderate doesn't mean giving in or giving up. It comes from the realization that partisan shilling gets us nowhere!!!!

Neither con nor lib has the 100% lock on truth, justice and the American way.

I will say this though...the idea of growing a set of balls is pretty important.

Barack fucking Obama has been trying to compromise since the day he came into office...and it's gotten him nowhere. He needs to realize that if his political opponents aren't going to give in...he shouldnt either. He's tried being a nice guy...now it's time to get tough.

Obama has not compromised on anything. He wanted bigger government and he got it. He wanted more government intrusion into the economy and he got it. He wanted to nationalize industries and he got it. He wanted to move towards single payer healthcare and he got it.

Illegal - all of it.
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

Compromise is a sign of intelligence only when it's a beneficial compromise. It's been less than a year since the last great moderate compromise just after the 2010 mid term elections. What did that get us? An extension of the Bush tax rates and an increase in federal expenditures. Both of which went a long way towards defusing the current fiscal crisis...:cuckoo:

When the moderates stop using calls to "compromise" as a cover to adopt the worst ideas of both sides and instead advocate intelligent solutions, maybe they'll get a second glance. Until then, the current bunch of idiot moderates can go to hell.

All wrong here, this wasn't anyone listening to moderates at all. This was the far left and the far right agreeing to something that benefited them BOTH, moderates had no place in this discussion.
Being a moderate doesn't mean giving in or giving up. It comes from the realization that partisan shilling gets us nowhere!!!!

Neither con nor lib has the 100% lock on truth, justice and the American way.

I will say this though...the idea of growing a set of balls is pretty important.

Barack fucking Obama has been trying to compromise since the day he came into office...and it's gotten him nowhere. He needs to realize that if his political opponents aren't going to give in...he shouldnt either. He's tried being a nice guy...now it's time to get tough.

Obama has not compromised on anything. He wanted bigger government and he got it. He wanted more government intrusion into the economy and he got it. He wanted to nationalize industries and he got it. He wanted to move towards single payer healthcare and he got it.

Illegal - all of it.

Remember when Bush was trying to privatize SS, and the dems were screaming that it was illegal for the government to invest in private business, and then just a few years later the dems were trying to do the same thing and the repubs were screaming that same thing. Remember the laws only apply when your party wants them to. But ask either side and they would say they were right and the other was wrong, yet neither can see the truth that they are both contradicting themselves.
How far back in history, though? The low 15% over the last decade has NOT trickled down by those investors able to enjoy that low rate. If it had, I'd agree.

Then where did the net 4.4 million jobs gained under Bush come from?
Jobs created under Bush, Jr. were a fraction of those created under Clinton, who raised taxes on the wealthiest.

Clinton raised tax rates on the middle class also. The wealthiest were able to find workarounds, just like they always do.

Are you saying tax rate increases create jobs?
Obama has not compromised on anything. He wanted bigger government and he got it. He wanted more government intrusion into the economy and he got it. He wanted to nationalize industries and he got it. He wanted to move towards single payer healthcare and he got it.

Illegal - all of it.

Remember when Bush was trying to privatize SS, and the dems were screaming that it was illegal for the government to invest in private business, and then just a few years later the dems were trying to do the same thing and the repubs were screaming that same thing. Remember the laws only apply when your party wants them to. But ask either side and they would say they were right and the other was wrong, yet neither can see the truth that they are both contradicting themselves.

And I'm not a republican.

I'm not stupid tho, I know who my ignorant opposition is..
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How far back in history, though? The low 15% over the last decade has NOT trickled down by those investors able to enjoy that low rate. If it had, I'd agree.

Then where did the net 4.4 million jobs gained under Bush come from?
Jobs created under Bush, Jr. were a fraction of those created under Clinton, who raised taxes on the wealthiest.

2x bubble.. But hey whatever right?


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