Time for the US to abolish the Death Penalty

For that reason alone the death penalty should be abandoned. Life in prison without the possibility of parole suffices. I personally think prisons should be punishment. No TVs no weight rooms etc just a regimented existence until you either serve your sentence or die.

I disagree with you concerning the death penalty. I agree with you though that prisons should be places of punishment and not of long-term vacations. I believe though that the two should be separate from each other. Specifically, I don't believe the person who has been sentenced to die should ever go to prison. He should be kept in a jailhouse until his/her case has been reviewed by an appellate court. Once their conviction and sentence have been upheld, he/she should be taken immediately to the prescribed place of execution where the sentence is to be carried out within 24 hours of their arrival.
That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.

You obviously never spent time in prison. they are not country clubs.

No, nor do I ever plan to. Yes, I realize that I'm one of those people you absolutely detest - the working class, church-going, gun-wielding, law abiding private citizen who believes criminals should be punished both swiftly and harshly.

Look Cletus, I was just saying that prisons are not a walk in the park.
I have no faith in people's ability to determine innocence or guilt and therefore no faith in the jury system.

For that reason alone the death penalty should be abandoned. Life in prison without the possibility of parole suffices. I personally think prisons should be punishment. No TVs no weight rooms etc just a regimented existence until you either serve your sentence or die.

The problem is prison is a joke in this country, my brother did a year at Wasco out in California and all he did was hang out with his friends, hit the gym, watch tv, do drugs and update his Facebook. He had a cell phone while he was locked up. You can order pretty much anything from the commissary too, you have access to the latest Jordans as well. Yeah thats some tough prison life.:doubt:
You obviously never spent time in prison. they are not country clubs.

No, nor do I ever plan to. Yes, I realize that I'm one of those people you absolutely detest - the working class, church-going, gun-wielding, law abiding private citizen who believes criminals should be punished both swiftly and harshly.

Look Cletus, I was just saying that prisons are not a walk in the park.

Their not but people aren't exactly scared to go back. Some people violate their parole on purpose to go back for a little bit and make some money.
I have no faith in people's ability to determine innocence or guilt and therefore no faith in the jury system.

Then you don't believe in any kind of system of justice and are therefore advocating anarchy. Once again, your limitations are all too clear.

Hey if you want a bunch of toothless sheep deciding your guilt then be my guest.

Count yourself lucky that your desire for anarchy will never be realized. The likes of you wouldn't last long.
Then you don't believe in any kind of system of justice and are therefore advocating anarchy. Once again, your limitations are all too clear.

Hey if you want a bunch of toothless sheep deciding your guilt then be my guest.

Count yourself lucky that your desire for anarchy will never be realized. The likes of you wouldn't last long.

That's quite an assumption there Assistant professor wannabe.

Because one has no faith in a system does not mean one wants anarchy.

Go discuss that with some people to figure it out
I agree with you completely. All modern, industrialized, first world nations except the US have abolished the death penalty. We have all indication it does not deter crime. It is only a matter of revenge. It creates, imo, a more violent culture overall, that as well as the quantity and quality of fireams in this country. And the amount of military force we use all over the world. We've become the poster child for a violent society.

Our justice system has become ........lock them up and throw away the key or fry the bastards

The rest of the world has moved forward without locking up a major portion of the population and using execution for vengeance

Many Americans are afraid to look at the rest of the world. They are afraid of what they will discover.

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You obviously never spent time in prison. they are not country clubs.

No, nor do I ever plan to. Yes, I realize that I'm one of those people you absolutely detest - the working class, church-going, gun-wielding, law abiding private citizen who believes criminals should be punished both swiftly and harshly.

Look Cletus, I was just saying that prisons are not a walk in the park.

and you know this because you HAVE spent time in them?
The US is now associated with the barbaric regimes we once condemned in terms of still relying on capital punishment as a remedy for our nations ills

China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, The United States.....What is wrong with that picture

Thank God we have Texas executing the bulk of our prisoners. We even have conservatives cheering the death count. If Texas were a country, they would rank in the top 10 globally in terms of people executed
I have no faith in people's ability to determine innocence or guilt and therefore no faith in the jury system.

For that reason alone the death penalty should be abandoned. Life in prison without the possibility of parole suffices. I personally think prisons should be punishment. No TVs no weight rooms etc just a regimented existence until you either serve your sentence or die.

There are lots of practical reasons why the death penalty should be abolished. Takes too long to implement. Too expensive. Innocent people being executed. I think all of these arguments beg the question. The death penalty should be abolished because it is morally wrong. All of the practical reasons for abolishing the death penalty could, theoretically, be remedied. The appeal process could be made to be much swifter. That would go a long way toward solving the expense problem. The jury system could be improved. You could solve ALL of the practical problems that go along with the death penalty and then what?

It should still be abolished because it is morally wrong.
IMHO we need to repeal the excessive appeals mechanisms and resort to public hanging.

After all, Islamic nations stone blasphemers to death in the public square. Why not us? :eusa_angel:
Phew, this thread is a tough read. The rhetoric that is spilling out of everyone’s keyboards is ridiculous. Let’s talk facts for a second, financial cost to taxpayers of capital punishment is several times that of keeping someone in prison for life. The required appeals for death row inmates swamp our justice system preventing them from doing the job of convicting people that haven’t been convicted yet. It creates a statistically high sympathetic view for the inmate. Also, since 1973, 108 people in 25 states have been released from death row because they were found innocent.
We could literally talk for days about the inefficiency of the death penalty, it does not deter crime and it does not bring the victim back to life. It costs the tax payer several times more then if we just kept them rotting away in a cell for the rest of their lives, which in my eyes is a significantly worse punishment. If given the choice at 20 to be incarcerated without any chance at parole or to be put to death in ten odd years, what would you pick? Hell, I’m not staying in prison until I’m 70 to die with just a doctor and priest by my side. Statistically and socially this is not really up for debate. Plain and simple, it doesn’t work, never has, never will.

The purpose of the death penalty isn't deterrence. It's punishment.

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