Time: Gay Marriage Already Won

The younger than 30s favor it 4 to 1: a done deal within 15 years in all of the states.
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As long as God will never allow two men or two women to consummate their "marriage" vows, it doesn't matter what mortals think, says, or do. It isn't a marriage made in heaven. It is as worthless as a government who whould stand behind it.

I love a God that creates gay people and then tells them they cannot have sex with the ones they are attracted to nor can they marry them. What kind of God would do such a thing?
The nation is marching toward depravity with the young leading the way. Either they will continue, or figure it out.

As long as God will never allow two men or two women to consummate their "marriage" vows, it doesn't matter what mortals think, says, or do. It isn't a marriage made in heaven. It is as worthless as a government who whould stand behind it.
Aren't you glad the "worthless government" stands behind your marriage? I know I am.

The legal hoops one would have to jump through without a marriage license alone makes government issued marriage licenses worth it.
The nation is marching toward depravity with the young leading the way. Either they will continue, or figure it out.
I guess you missed the last three hundred years of pornography publishing. Depravity is a constant, a given in societal evolution.

The way racists claimed Elvis Presley was contributing to the depravity of White youth by mimicking the music and dances of the Negro, so goes the argument that same sex marriage licenses contribute to the depravity of our nation.
Anyone understand the difference between reporting public opinion and an all out effort to shape public opinion?

As long as God will never allow two men or two women to consummate their "marriage" vows, it doesn't matter what mortals think, says, or do. It isn't a marriage made in heaven. It is as worthless as a government who whould stand behind it.

I love a God that creates gay people and then tells them they cannot have sex with the ones they are attracted to nor can they marry them. What kind of God would do such a thing?

The same God that demands that you hold fast to your marriage vows, even when temptation is strong. The same God that gave you the ability to reason, and to act, even when it is not in your best interest. The same God that forgives you for making those dumb mistakes.

What next? Marriage for threesomes, or foursomes? Marriage with horses, dogs or cats? How about marriage with children? After all, God made people who love animals, and people who are attacted to multiple partners or children.

What about bisexuals? Should they be allowed to marry one of each? After all, God made them all, didn't he?
As long as God will never allow two men or two women to consummate their "marriage" vows, it doesn't matter what mortals think, says, or do. It isn't a marriage made in heaven. It is as worthless as a government that would stand behind and promote it.

I love a God that creates gay people and then tells them they cannot have sex with the ones they are attracted to nor can they marry them. What kind of God would do such a thing?
Then you love a God who created Hitler, child molesters, rapests, idolitors, etc..? God created Adam and Eve. What happened after that is not all God's Divine will at work. There is also God's permissive will. God allows some things to occure to punish, instruct, motivate, and redeem. God certainly does not bless everything that happens. God does allow everything that happens to happen, but God is looking at a broad picture and His ultimate goal is to save HIS elect. Not everyone is numbered among them. And the reality is that there is every indication that sex in heaven does not exist (there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven coined by Jesus Himself). Homosexuality is certainly not there according to the Word of God. I'm not saying that men who have acted as homosexuals on earth will not go to heaven; however, there will be no homosexual desire in heaven or on the New Earth. And so that would seem to be the IDEAL for the here & now. Why should we desire imperfection for only a short temporal moment in time and risk regretting such for all eternity..?
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The nation is marching toward depravity with the young leading the way. Either they will continue, or figure it out.
I guess you missed the last three hundred years of pornography publishing. Depravity is a constant, a given in societal evolution.

The way racists claimed Elvis Presley was contributing to the depravity of White youth by mimicking the music and dances of the Negro, so goes the argument that same sex marriage licenses contribute to the depravity of our nation.

Elvis did more than just mimick "negro" music. And certainly all "negro" music is not of the same quality. However, listening to the radio air waves of today and compairing them with those of the 1950's, one would have a very hard time convincing rational people that even Elvis would be entirely proud of any contribution which may have led to the vast majority of what is now played and called "music." Evolution is a scientic term that suggests a progression. Evolutionists are wrong. What's viewed is digression...
I don't care if they get married or not, I just want them to stop their so called "gay pride parades". I mean, would you hug a strange man in his underwear. (and by strange here, I mean a man you never met before)


Why in your underwear? Seems to me this should be more of an exhibitionist parade.
I don't care if they get married or not, I just want them to stop their so called "gay pride parades". I mean, would you hug a strange man in his underwear. (and by strange here, I mean a man you never met before)

Why in your underwear? Seems to me this should be more of an exhibitionist parade.

I take it you have never been to a Mardi Gras. Or Spring Break in Florida. Would you like to see some hardcore videos of naked heteros on Spring Break, hon? Some Girls Gone Wild action?
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