Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years to the present

Of course CO2 absorbs energy which it then emits. You seem to think that absorption and emission equals warming. Can you show any actual measured observation to prove that assumption?


they measure these things in waves

solar energy (which increases temperature) leaves the atmosphere at a lesser rate at the frequency of greenhouse gasses

it's not that complex

the only ones "demanding" a study of co2 in a lab increasing temperature are the ones incredibly inept at BASIC BASIC earth science

Actually, satellites tell us that outgoing LW is increasing....precisely the opposite of what you claim.

Well, clearly the satellites are Deniers
Will I see the highest in 15 million years?

The earth is exiting an ice age....of course it will increase. CO2 follows temperature therefore it must increase. It will make it back to 1000ppm and perhaps more with or without us. Our meager contribution to atmospheric CO2 isn't even enough to sway the natural variation from year to year.

The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:


Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.
The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:

Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

You are certainly no geologist...and the more you talk, the more evident it becomes that you have any education of any sort. The earth is presently in an ice age. The last glaciation ended about 11,000 years ago, not the ice age. The ice age is still in progress and will be for some time to come.

And what is 11,000 years in earth history? The holocene optimum, the minoan warm period, the roman warm period and the medieval warm periods all came on at least as fast, if not faster than the 20th century warm period and got warmer than the present...the roman and holocene optimum considerably warmer.

Aside from that, a fraction of a degree, mostly due to poor station sitting and data tampering over the course of a century does not constitute a substantial or a sudden increase in anything other than the chutzpa of climate science.
The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:

Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

You are certainly no geologist...and the more you talk, the more evident it becomes that you have any education of any sort. The earth is presently in an ice age. The last glaciation ended about 11,000 years ago, not the ice age. The ice age is still in progress and will be for some time to come.

And what is 11,000 years in earth history? The holocene optimum, the minoan warm period, the roman warm period and the medieval warm periods all came on at least as fast, if not faster than the 20th century warm period and got warmer than the present...the roman and holocene optimum considerably warmer.

Aside from that, a fraction of a degree, mostly due to poor station sitting and data tampering over the course of a century does not constitute a substantial or a sudden increase in anything other than the chutzpa of climate science.

So I take it that you aren't going to actually answer my question, but instead rant on about irrelevant, stupid bullshit like station placement and non-existent data tampering. God' you are dumb.
Considering SSDD's "ideas" regarding radiative heat transfer and quantum mechanics, much less his rejection of both the greenhouse effect and global warming, the idea of accepting his opinion as to someone else's - ANYONE else's - qualifications in any branch of science, go well beyond the absurd.
Actually, satellites tell us that outgoing LW is increasing....precisely the opposite of what you claim.

This is what GT was talking about when he described the ineptitude of your BASIC Earth science know-how.

Didn't it ever occur to you that outgoing LW radiation would increase from a planet that was getting warmer? Or how about that the true measure of what's happening in this regard isn't the absolute measure of energy in one direction but the ratio of incoming to outgoing? That would be the measure by which satellite data show that more and more energy is being trapped on our toasty little planet?

My god, what a dimwit.

You know, I have no doubt that you could grasp basic science if you wanted to. It's just that for reasons unknown (likely to you as much as anyone else) you've decided you'll look better rejecting mainstream science than going along with it. I suspect that the people you hang with have little to no grasp of any of these topics and so hold an unfriendly and somewhat suspicious view of science. So when you whip out a few high-falutin' factoids and polysyllabic terms and then use those to treat the views of mainstream science with feigned disgust, they're impressed: Like Matt Damon in the bar in Good Will Hunting, showing up the smart college kids for his blue collar buddies. Or at least you think they're impressed. I would strongly suspect deep down they know that mainstream science is right about most things and thus they they know almost precisely how full of shit you are and hold that you're as much a jerk as we do.
The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:

Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

You are certainly no geologist...and the more you talk, the more evident it becomes that you have any education of any sort. The earth is presently in an ice age. The last glaciation ended about 11,000 years ago, not the ice age. The ice age is still in progress and will be for some time to come.

And what is 11,000 years in earth history? The holocene optimum, the minoan warm period, the roman warm period and the medieval warm periods all came on at least as fast, if not faster than the 20th century warm period and got warmer than the present...the roman and holocene optimum considerably warmer.

Aside from that, a fraction of a degree, mostly due to poor station sitting and data tampering over the course of a century does not constitute a substantial or a sudden increase in anything other than the chutzpa of climate science.

So I take it that you aren't going to actually answer my question, but instead rant on about irrelevant, stupid bullshit like station placement and non-existent data tampering. God' you are dumb.

Till you grasp that the earth is still in an ice age, your question is meaningless...and once you grasp that the earth is in an ice age, you would have to be really stupid to still ask it.

And if you think station placement is irrelevant then you are even more stupid than I had thought and if you are under the impression that there has been no data tampering even with the overwhelming evidence of it that has been presented on this board, then there just are no adequate words for the level of your ignorance.
Considering SSDD's "ideas" regarding radiative heat transfer and quantum mechanics, much less his rejection of both the greenhouse effect and global warming, the idea of accepting his opinion as to someone else's - ANYONE else's - qualifications in any branch of science, go well beyond the absurd.

And yet, the claimed geologist is unaware that the earth is still in an ice age. Guess you are as dumb as he is.
Actually, satellites tell us that outgoing LW is increasing....precisely the opposite of what you claim.

This is what GT was talking about when he described the ineptitude of your BASIC Earth science know-how.

Didn't it ever occur to you that outgoing LW radiation would increase from a planet that was getting warmer? Or how about that the true measure of what's happening in this regard isn't the absolute measure of energy in one direction but the ratio of incoming to outgoing? That would be the measure by which satellite data show that more and more energy is being trapped on our toasty little planet?

My god, what a dimwit.

You know, I have no doubt that you could grasp basic science if you wanted to. It's just that for reasons unknown (likely to you as much as anyone else) you've decided you'll look better rejecting mainstream science than going along with it. I suspect that the people you hang with have little to no grasp of any of these topics and so hold an unfriendly and somewhat suspicious view of science. So when you whip out a few high-falutin' factoids and polysyllabic terms and then use those to treat the views of mainstream science with feigned disgust, they're impressed: Like Matt Damon in the bar in Good Will Hunting, showing up the smart college kids for his blue collar buddies. Or at least you think they're impressed. I would strongly suspect deep down they know that mainstream science is right about most things and thus they they know almost precisely how full of shit you are and hold that you're as much a jerk as we do.

Sorry, climate science claimed that the level of outgoing LW would decrease...resulting in warming. Instead, it has increased...probably due to the radiative properties of CO2 moving the energy out into space at a more rapid pace
Will I see the highest in 15 million years?

The earth is exiting an ice age....of course it will increase. CO2 follows temperature therefore it must increase. It will make it back to 1000ppm and perhaps more with or without us. Our meager contribution to atmospheric CO2 isn't even enough to sway the natural variation from year to year.

The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:


Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

How did the "Ice age end" if temperature today are 8 degrees HIGHER than they were 11,000 years ago?

Does sock posting fuck up your thinking?
Where have I moved anything, I have and will remain consistent. To date, there has not been one video experiment that shows increasing CO2 will cause an increase in temperature. I have not wavered from that so any goal posts I have are firmly buried in the ground. Now you?

I see you're a proud liar, along with being a goalpost mover. Well done. With that attitude, you'll move up far in your cult.

The rest of the world will be laughing at you, of course. I hope the warm fuzzies you get from your cult membership are worth the lifetime of humiliation it's earned you.

By the way, what's your exit plan? Even you clearly see how your cult is collapsing, hence your shrill tone. Will you ride that sinking ship to the bottom, or jump off early with the other rats?
Holy crap. Dude, I asked you a question; Where have I moved anything? If I have been moving goal posts, that would infer that I changed my position. I have not. I am quite confident in my position and feel no stress as a result of my position. On the other hand however, your consistent babbling about my attitude which has been unwaivered, indicates you sir are panicing. Perhaps your ship is sinking. Staying focused must be difficult these days with nothing going as planned.

Me I'm fine pointing out your fallacies and inconsistent data and lack there of.

Nope not waivered a bit.

Oh and exit plan? Why would I need an exit plan? I'm not going anywhere.
The earth is exiting an ice age....of course it will increase. CO2 follows temperature therefore it must increase. It will make it back to 1000ppm and perhaps more with or without us. Our meager contribution to atmospheric CO2 isn't even enough to sway the natural variation from year to year.

The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:


Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

How did the "Ice age end" if temperature today are 8 degrees HIGHER than they were 11,000 years ago?

Does sock posting fuck up your thinking?

So, I'm still confused with these warmers, they keep claiming that CO2 levels have doubled. Doubled from when? If CO2 was once 1000PPM, how is 400PPM doubled? Wouldn't it instead be 2000PPM?
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Actually, satellites tell us that outgoing LW is increasing....precisely the opposite of what you claim.

This is what GT was talking about when he described the ineptitude of your BASIC Earth science know-how.

Didn't it ever occur to you that outgoing LW radiation would increase from a planet that was getting warmer? Or how about that the true measure of what's happening in this regard isn't the absolute measure of energy in one direction but the ratio of incoming to outgoing? That would be the measure by which satellite data show that more and more energy is being trapped on our toasty little planet?

My god, what a dimwit.

You know, I have no doubt that you could grasp basic science if you wanted to. It's just that for reasons unknown (likely to you as much as anyone else) you've decided you'll look better rejecting mainstream science than going along with it. I suspect that the people you hang with have little to no grasp of any of these topics and so hold an unfriendly and somewhat suspicious view of science. So when you whip out a few high-falutin' factoids and polysyllabic terms and then use those to treat the views of mainstream science with feigned disgust, they're impressed: Like Matt Damon in the bar in Good Will Hunting, showing up the smart college kids for his blue collar buddies. Or at least you think they're impressed. I would strongly suspect deep down they know that mainstream science is right about most things and thus they they know almost precisely how full of shit you are and hold that you're as much a jerk as we do.

Abe has been shown where the satellite data is 'precise' but the absolute values are unknown. the amount of energy going into the heatsink of Earth, or perhaps even leaving, is unknown. the supposed 0.85W/m2 is artificially set to match the computer models, not by actaul results. yet he continues to claim the figure comes from the satellite data. and he accuses us of dishonesty. it is one thing to state something emphatically when youu dont know any better. it is another thing to continue to repeat it once you have been shown that it is false or distorted.
The earth is exiting an ice age....of course it will increase. CO2 follows temperature therefore it must increase. It will make it back to 1000ppm and perhaps more with or without us. Our meager contribution to atmospheric CO2 isn't even enough to sway the natural variation from year to year.

The ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Take a look at this portion of the graph from the OP:


Why would it take 11,000 years for the temperature to increase substantially, and suddenly? Your argument doesn't hold water, bubba.

How did the "Ice age end" if temperature today are 8 degrees HIGHER than they were 11,000 years ago?

Does sock posting fuck up your thinking?

Hey thanks for posting that graph. I got some new data from the antarctic research (German)vessel "Polaris"which was published very recently:
Anstieg des Meeresspiegels nach Eiszeit durch Gletscher in Antarktis - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Vor 19.000 bis vor 9000 Jahren entließen Gletscher in acht Phasen ungewöhnlich viele große Eisberge. Das Maximum fiel in die Zeit vor 14.600 Jahren
Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass damals ungewöhnlich warmes Wasser zur Antarktis strömte und die Gletscher zum Kalben brachte. "Ein ungewöhnlich starker Zustrom von warmem Wasser in die Antarktis könnte diese Ereignisse ausgelöst haben", sagt Axel Timmermann von der University of Hawaii in Manoa.
Antarctic glaciers released extraordinary amounts of ice in 8 phases between 9000 and 1900 years ago.
The maximum of amount of ice broke loose and melted 14600 years ago due to unusually warm water currents in the antarctic.

So now looking at the graph you posted it`s pretty clear that CO2 hat sweet f@ck all to do with it what happened in the antarctic 14600 years ago.

the "average" global temperature was at a minimum 14600 years ago and so was CO2 :
So why does the AGW occult still go on with linking CO2 to ice calving off polar glaciers ?
How much more obvious can it get that there is no correlation between CO2 and ice volume?
So now looking at the graph you posted it`s pretty clear that CO2 hat sweet f@ck all to do with it what happened in the antarctic 14600 years ago.

Careful, you are questioning their faith with facts....we aren't supposed to do that. gaia will smite you for sure.

One flat plate.

One Alka Seltzer Tablet.

One standard size Ice Cube.


In the lab (which must be kept at a temperature above 32 degrees F) put down the plate on the lab bench.

Place the Alka Seltzer Tablet on the center of the plate.

Place the Ice Cube on top of the tablet of Alka Seltzer.

Observe and record results over time.


The mere presence of and proximity to CO2 (the Alka Seltzer) will CAUSE the ice cube to melt!


Someday we will WISH we were in a friendlier planetary atmosphere, like that of Venus. We are DOOMED. Alert the IPCC.
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One flat plate.

One Alka Seltzer Tablet.

One standard size Ice Cube.


In the lab (which must be kept at a temperature above 32 degrees F) put down the plate on the lab bench.

Place the Alka Seltzer Tablet on the center of the plate.

Place the Ice Cube on top of the tablet of Alka Seltzer.

Observe and record results over time.


The mere presence of and proximity to CO2 (the Alka Seltzer) will CAUSE the ice cube to melt!


Someday we will WISH we were in a friendlier planetary atmosphere, like that of Venus. We are DOOMED. Alert the IPCC.

I have peer reviewed this experiment and find it is 100% accurate out in the Six Sigma Column and accurately depicts the Consensus regarding the phenomenon known as Global Cooling Climate Warming Disruption Change. Indubitably!
What this shows is that you and Ilar don't have the faintest fuck of an idea how science works.

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