Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years to the present

Any scientist would stand over your shoulder and giggle in amusement as you did this experiment, [MENTION=40906]SSDD[/MENTION]

It would be fun/funny as hell to watch you do it.


and where are the test results? Let's see those 30-50 papers. Hey Lucy, you do the claiming, you do the proving. Let's see the experiment. Let's see that video that demostrates the details you just provided. And how about the results of the test with a jar with CO2 added against a control jar and regulate the amount of CO2 as to show that as you add CO2, the temperature goes up. As explained by more than me on here. Yet, you can't. It's simply amazing to me how fnn convinced you all are and you have zilch as evidence. zip, nadda.

BTW, think it would be funny as well to watch as the unexpected happens, that temerature didn't go up when CO2 increased. I'm the one laughing.
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:lol: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa

Wowow this is greatness
:lol: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa

Wowow this is greatness

Of course CO2 absorbs energy which it then emits. You seem to think that absorption and emission equals warming. Can you show any actual measured observation to prove that assumption?


they measure these things in waves

solar energy (which increases temperature) leaves the atmosphere at a lesser rate at the frequency of greenhouse gasses

it's not that complex

the only ones "demanding" a study of co2 in a lab increasing temperature are the ones incredibly inept at BASIC BASIC earth science

Think is your description of the greenhouse effect isn't the same as the climate science version.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

It means your theory is false and must be discarded.

Mankind does not control the climate. There's a lonnnnnng line of nutburgers including Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite who had similar degree of control over their mindless sheep followers and it always ends badly for the sheep.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
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What it means is that you are at the very least as ignorant as we've been saying you are - likely worse.
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.

So you will be borrowing from the creationist playbook? Oh my.
AGW Theory: a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise Earth temperature by 2-5 degrees and cause Hurricanes, Tornadoes, floods and droughts

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.

I know what the word theory means. You seem a little weak on the term "accepted theory". And manners. Asshole.

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