*Time Is: Going Economically Viral On Islam*

*Should America Crack Down On Islam?*

  • *1. Yes.*

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • *2. No.*

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I think its due time.
2. America needs to stand up.
3. And stops supporting Islamic businesses, from auto repairs to taxi drivers, to quickie marts.
4. Stops doing anything to support anything that has anything to do with supporting Islam, or its bennefits.
5. We have to make our govenment not send Islamic countries pay off money.
6. Anything and everything Islamic has to be cut loose.
7. Come on people use your brains, its the only thing we can do.
8. We also need to shut the borders, cut off free everything, healthcare, food, free housing, its going on all across this nation folks, lets stop it.
9. We also need to round them up who are here illegally, those who've over stayed thier visa's, and ban tham from ever returning.
10. Also stop giving building permits for thier mosques, stop encouraging them.

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Wer still buying a shit load of oil from the Middle East, Saudi Arabia in particular. If we don't stop that than all that stuff on your list means nothing.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think its due time.
2. America needs to stand up.
3. And stops supporting Islamic businesses, from auto repairs to taxi drivers, to quickie marts.
4. Stops doing anything to support anything that has anything to do with supporting Islam, or its bennefits.
5. We have to make our govenment not send Islamic countries pay off money.
6. Anything and everything Islamic has to be cut loose.
7. Come on people use your brains, its the only thing we can do.
8. We also need to shut the borders, cut off free everything, healthcare, food, free housing, its going on all across this nation folks, lets stop it.
9. We also need to round them up who are here illegally, those who've over stayed thier visa's, and ban tham from ever returning.
10. Also stop giving building permits for thier mosques, stop encouraging them.


A better form of protest would be to leave behind the crumbs and empty bag of pork rinds.

Porkies Hot Seasoning Fried Pork Rinds

I like your ideas, but that means nothing for we have a president who doesn't and who is very sympathetic to Muslims and their votes.
The US just has to keep supporting iron fisted monarchy's such as the one in Saudi Arabia, it's an acceptable cost if you consider that without them we would have a dis-stabilized middle east run by Islamic theocrats that care less about their people than the current monarch's do. At the same time the US could support democracy movements in the middle east, and try to get the leadership of the middle east monarchy's to move towards constitutional monarchy and democracy. That is if you want to take a national interest stance.

Personally I think we should just accept that the middle east will be hostile to our presence there forever, by all means sell weapons and trade with them but I don't see why we should risk US soldiers for foreign nations that hate us, especially when we could easily supply them with what they need to keep the Islamic radicals under control.
Wer still buying a shit load of oil from the Middle East, Saudi Arabia in particular. If we don't stop that than all that stuff on your list means nothing.

I agree, quit buying Saudi oil and take it, there will be no resistance, Saudi Arabia is a weak country, a deeply flawed concept of a nation, all build around one family, by the English.

So its only fair that the best nation in the world control all the oil, that is the USA.

Stop buying the oil, take it, its ours, not one royal tribe. Its a tribe of Bedouin fanatics that control our foreign policy, so rich, Obama bows, knowing the payoff in paid speeches will make the Ex-President Obama filthy rich.
Time Is: Going Economically Viral On Islam*



The following is a timeline of major Judeo-American attacks against Islamic targets:

1925 - zionists invade Palestine and have remained there ever since. They have been murdering and terrorizing Palestinians ever since.

1949 - The US begins financing the Palestinian Holocaust;

1982 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

1990 - the US invades Iraq in order to defend Israel and has remained there ever since

2001 - the US invades Afghanistan because it could

2006 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

2010 - The US plans to invade Pakistan because it can;

Time Is: Going Economically Viral On Islam*



The following is a timeline of major Judeo-American attacks against Islamic targets:

1925 - zionists invade Palestine and have remained there ever since. They have been murdering and terrorizing Palestinians ever since.

1949 - The US begins financing the Palestinian Holocaust;

1982 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

1990 - the US invades Iraq in order to defend Israel and has remained there ever since

2001 - the US invades Afghanistan because it could

2006 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

2010 - The US plans to invade Pakistan because it can;

WTF, yourself. :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. We as a people need to segregate ourselves from anything Islamic.
2. If we keep the status quo, we contribute to our own demise.
3. Its just plain common sense, I hope you people have that at least?
4. Islam is here and cranking out babies by the truck load, at my expense, thier women are just birthing machines, and this has to stop, or we lose everything.
5. Times ticking folks, you decide.
6. Won't be all that long till sharia law comes a knocking.:eek:

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Sorry bout that,

1. We as a people need to segregate ourselves from anything Islamic.
2. If we keep the status quo, we contribute to our own demise.
3. Its just plain common sense, I hope you people have that at least?
4. Islam is here and cranking out babies by the truck load, at my expense, thier women are just birthing machines, and this has to stop, or we lose everything.
5. Times ticking folks, you decide.
6. Won't be all that long till sharia law comes a knocking.:eek:


Of course, if you were to be hit by a truck, it would help clean the gene pool considerably. :eusa_whistle:
Time Is: Going Economically Viral On Islam*



The following is a timeline of major Judeo-American attacks against Islamic targets:

1925 - zionists invade Palestine and have remained there ever since. They have been murdering and terrorizing Palestinians ever since.

1949 - The US begins financing the Palestinian Holocaust;

1982 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

1990 - the US invades Iraq in order to defend Israel and has remained there ever since

2001 - the US invades Afghanistan because it could

2006 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

2010 - The US plans to invade Pakistan because it can;


1925 - The Arab prize was Damascus, Lawrence of Arabia led the Arab Revolt, bypassing Palestine purposely, with cooperation of the Arab tribes in the region. French armies invade Damascus in 1925 retaking from the Arabs a city they dream of. The context of the events of 1925 can only be understood reading classics of the time, Deserta Arabia by Doughty and Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence.

1949 - Arabs of Palestine return to Arab homelands, some Arabs need only travel 20 miles, yet Arabs find they are forced into refugee camps by fellow Arab cousins and denied basic rights, tradition, and culture.

1982 - Yasser Arafat (Egyptian) after failing to assassinate the King of Jordan and take over Jordan begins a new war against Israel which results in the IDF's defensive assault on the PLO bases and strongholds in Lebanon.

So I guess its however you want to see things, based on history, or one liners by a troll or a poor political hack.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. We as a people need to segrgate ourselves from anything Islamic.

I am an American Firster not a zionut. So I advocate NEUTRALITY.

2. If we keep the status quo, we contribute to our own demise.

Wrong again Homer. If the US continues meddling in ME affairs then they will continue to contribute to their own demise.


1. I don't believe turning our back on Israel is a good option, but I do think all these hand outs we give Israel should be curtailed some, a welfare state isn't healthy.
2. But at the same time I agree we should remove ourselves from the middle east.
3. Just bomb them when shit happens, and it will, stop rebuilding it, when we destroy it.
4. Common sense stuff.
5. Keep these people just out of the stone age, and send them all back to it too.

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. We as a people need to segrgate ourselves from anything Islamic.

I am an American Firster not a zionut. So I advocate NEUTRALITY.

2. If we keep the status quo, we contribute to our own demise.

Wrong again Homer. If the US continues meddling in ME affairs then they will continue to contribute to their own demise.


1. I don't believe turning our back on Israel is a good option, s

It is the [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1bm2GPoFfg"]ONLY[/ame] option.

Time Is: Going Economically Viral On Islam*



The following is a timeline of major Judeo-American attacks against Islamic targets:

1925 - zionists invade Palestine and have remained there ever since. They have been murdering and terrorizing Palestinians ever since.

1949 - The US begins financing the Palestinian Holocaust;

1982 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

1990 - the US invades Iraq in order to defend Israel and has remained there ever since

2001 - the US invades Afghanistan because it could

2006 - Israel invades Lebanon - the venture is financed by US taxpayers

2010 - The US plans to invade Pakistan because it can;


1925? Zionist settlement between 1880 and 1948 did not displace or dispossess Palestinians. Every indication is that there was net Arab immigration into Palestine in this period, and that the economic situation of Palestinian Arabs improved tremendously under the British Mandate relative to surrounding countries. By 1948, there were approximately 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, more Arabs than had ever lived in Palestine before, and more Jews than had lived there since Roman times. Analysis of population by sub-districts shows that Arab population tended to increase the most between 1931 and 1948 in the same areas where there were large proportions of Jews. Therefore, Zionist immigration did not displace Arabs.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

Why did the Arabs attack the Jews in Palestine in the early 1920's if they invaded in 1925?

1949? After Israel became an independent country in 1948, the United States joined an embargo on weapons sales to Israel, the 1949 Tripartite Agreement on weapons. Although the US sold hundreds of millions of dollars in weaponry to Arab states during the 1950s and early 1960s, there were no sales to Israel until 1962 when the US agreed to sell to Israel its first significant American system, the HAWK anti-aircraft missile.

American military involvement with Israel remained sporadic until the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Following an Egyptian refusal to accept a cease-fire and a Soviet military airlift to the Arab states, the Nixon Administration sent a United States airlift of weapons and supplies to Israel enabling her to recover from earlier setbacks.

United States Support of Israel?

1982? They were being attacked from Lebanon. Why not mention the wars started by the Arabs since 1948?

1990? The UN (US Led) kicks Saddam out of Kuwait but does not invade or occupy Iraq for another 12 years.

2001? Nope. Because 9-11 gave the Politicians the political will to do so.

2006? Probing Hezbollah.

2010? Well one week to go.......

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