Time Mag in Nov 15 issue has photo op on JFK in 1960

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
tries to make a comparison to Obama

doesnt fly

"Hoping forAudacity. How John F. Kennedy grew into the presidency, and what it means for Obama."

Dan Quayle was more like JFK than Obama could ever hope to be.
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Remember Lloyd Bentson's barb at Quayle during the 1988 VP debates??

Quayle had to defend his National Guard service.

Obama never served a secondin the military.
Neither did Clinton for that matter.

Never served in the military.

Pushed and shoved his way to the front to shake President Kennedys hand in a meeting in the Rose Garden in 1963.
If Time Mag wanted to be accurate in it's comparison of Obama to another person, instead of using JFK for the comparison, they should use PEE WEE HERMAN.
Obamas theme in the 2008 was "Audacity of Hope."

I could see what a phony he was.

Now Time mag is trying to compare Obama to JFK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
If I ever see the phrase "AUDACITY" connected with Obama again.............................................

Worst president of all time
Neither did Clinton for that matter.

Never served in the military.

Pushed and shoved his way to the front to shake President Kennedys hand in a meeting in the Rose Garden in 1963.

trivia: what conservative GOP war-on-terror hero, dodged the Vietnam era draft 5 times, because he had in his own words 'better things to do'?

clue: he served with W., the bush pilot :)lol:)
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