Time Magazine, Sept 20 2004

Hahahaha...I get it..getting slow here. changingtimes..is one of WJs' buds.

Well, CHangingT you an Wj run along to one of those nice white supremacist sites now..okay? :lame2:
Mr. P said:
Hahahaha...I get it..getting slow here. changingtimes..is one of WJs' buds.

Well, CHangingT you an Wj run along to one of those nice white supremacist sites now..okay? :lame2:

You know, you guys consistently expose yourselfs as the narrow minded fools that you are. Just to let you know I am not a racist. Or a white supremacist. I am married to a LEGAL immigrant from Taiwan, Her parents live with us, They too are LEGAL immigrants. my sister-in-law's family are LEGAL immigrants from IRAQ. They are productive American citizens and I love them very much.I volunteer as an ESL instructor for LEGAL immigrants, and I sponsor a girl from Bolivia. Sound like a racist to you?

I really can't see why not one of you can see the problem with letting in over three million illegal immigrants a year. Can you not understand that by the very fact that ILLEGAL immigrants come here ILLEGALLY they show no regard for our laws or intentions for obeying them. Is that a good thing for a country , or do you think it just might cause a little problem?

By the way, I am in the majority on this issue. 70% - 80% of LEGAL Americans support immigration reform.
changingtimes said:
You know, you guys consistently expose yourselfs as the narrow minded fools that you are. Just to let you know I am not a racist. Or a white supremacist. I am married to a LEGAL immigrant from Taiwan, Her parents live with us, They too are LEGAL immigrants. my sister-in-law's family are LEGAL immigrants from IRAQ. They are productive American citizens and I love them very much.I volunteer as an ESL instructor for LEGAL immigrants, and I sponsor a girl from Bolivia. Sound like a racist to you?

I really can't see why not one of you can see the problem with letting in over three million illegal immigrants a year. Can you not understand that by the very fact that ILLEGAL immigrants come here ILLEGALLY they show no regard for our laws or intentions for obeying them. Is that a good thing for a country , or do you think it just might cause a little problem?

By the way, I am in the majority on this issue. 70% - 80% of LEGAL Americans support immigration reform.

Well..I'd suggest this...If you back off a bit and are not so much "IN YOUR FACE"
with your posts...you'll most likely get a response...There are many intelligent folks here
but...speaking for myself...I don't take kindly to someone that comes off as an IDIOT
right from the start...Get it?
Mr. P said:
I don't take kindly to someone that comes off as an IDIOT
right from the start...Get it?

Got it. Please link me to an intelligent post of yours so I can recall when you came off as a non-idiot.
-=d=- said:
If i had my way, native americans 200 years ago should kilt all the white people who landed here...that what you'd want too, WJ? :)

uh... Do you think that's an intelligent response or and idiotic, RACIST response that just might incite a little anger and frustration.....
William Joyce said:
Got it. Please link me to an intelligent post of yours so I can recall when you came off as a non-idiot.

I wasn't talking to you MORON!!
Back under your rock..NOW!
changingtimes said:
This whole message board is a total waste of time!!! It's just full of a bunch of over sympathetic liberals and Bush circle jerkers who are afraid of hurting someone's feelings.

How about this?

Fuck You and your precious fucking article!

I don't need to read Time magazine to tell me that this country is being invaded by illegals. I don't care what color they are or where they came from. None of the politicians on either side have any interest in kicking them out and not letting them back in.

You and Time aren't telling a lot of us things we don't already know.
None of the politicians on either side have any interest in kicking them out and not letting them back in.

Aha! Now, was it so hard to say that? Careful! They might call you a "racist"!

Wowee, William!!!!!!

Zero to obnoxious in only three words in your first post. I think that's a new record. You must be practicing.
William Joyce said:
Aha! Now, was it so hard to say that? Careful! They might call you a "racist"!

Nope and I've said it many times before. Why do you think they call it "illegal"?
"How about this?"

"Fuck You and your precious fucking article!"

Wow that was nice. Did it make you feel better? It hurt my feelings. You really shouldn't do that..... At least you agree with me!!!!!!!!!!! :gross2:
changingtimes said:
"How about this?"

"Fuck You and your precious fucking article!"

Wow that was nice. Did it make you feel better? It hurt my feelings. You really shouldn't do that..... At least you agree with me!!!!!!!!!!! :gross2:

You missed the pun.......

You ranted about no one here wanting to hurt anyone's feelings....... :arabia:
Kathianne said:
Did he ever come up with a link?

Nope. Apparently he thinks everyone keeps a copy of the September 20th, 2004 issue of Time laying around.

Just for the record, Bush's stance on immigration is one of the few issues I disagree with him on. Legal immigration is fine, but the laws should be followed. I don't worry to much about it. I don't see the immigration policy Bush wants getting through a Republican congress, and maybe not even one run by Democrats at this point.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Nope. Apparently he thinks everyone keeps a copy of the September 20th, 2004 issue of Time laying around.

Just for the record, Bush's stance on immigration is one of the few issues I disagree with him on. Legal immigration is fine, but the laws should be followed. I don't worry to much about it. I don't see the immigration policy Bush wants getting through a Republican congress, and maybe not even one run by Democrats at this point.

I agree, we should enforce our own laws! We should know our own history well enough, to know the result of 'benign neglect.' :dance:
Jimmyeatworld said:
Just for the record, Bush's stance on immigration is one of the few issues I disagree with him on. Legal immigration is fine, but the laws should be followed. I don't worry to much about it. I don't see the immigration policy Bush wants getting through a Republican congress, and maybe not even one run by Democrats at this point.

Excuse me, but don't just about all the other issues tie into immigration some how? How can you believe Bush is serious about national security when he continues to let our borders be so porous? How can you say he cares about American wages and thus the economy when he lets in 3 million illegal immigrants a year that undercut american wages? How can you say he is serious about fixing our healthcare system when our hospitals are required to treat the 15 million or so illegals that are here? The list goes on.....

By the way, what do you agree with Bush on? Do you like the way he's ballooned are government into the biggest government in the history of the world? Do you like the huge deficit he's run up? Do you like the way he's helped to ruin the education system with his unfunded mandate of No Child Left Behind? ( There should be no department of education by the way, it's unconstitutional). Bush is a RINO, a Republican In Name Only.
So what the hell do you want ? kerry will pay them welfare and free health care ( more , I mean ) the Libertarians want open borders, the green party doesn't have a pair of balls amongst them.

Buchannan? I'd take him, I guess, but in 08, not now....

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