Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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Didn't say it was a good idea, protest are a Constitutional right in this country, but what Fonda did was way beyond fucked up and you are as much as a piece of shit for defending her as she is. It's likely that gun she's happily posing by shot down and killed US Airmen so go fuck yourself.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't firing it at the time. DId she give is some special mojo to make it more accurate?

Put the gun thing in context. Nixon was bombing dikes to destroy North Vietnamese rice production. This is actually against the laws of war, and Nixon lied about doing it.

Fonda went over there with a crew, and the Vietnamese showed the crew the damage they were doing with the bombing.

There wasn't even a good tactical reason to do it at that point, they were already having peace talks in Paris.

But instead of "Oh, my gosh, my government is committing a crime against humanity" your complaint seems to be "oh my gosh, she posed with a gun for about 30 seconds."
What do you base that on?
In fact, the only reason why Laos and Cambodia went Communist is that we destabilized their government.
World communism did not pour all that wealth into the war just to win little old Vietnam

In those days libs still believed that communism was the future of mankind
No, guy, you made claim that the North Vietnamese were horrible when they won. True, a few Quislings got sent to reeducation camps, but there weren't mass slaughters in Vietnam. (Cambodia is another story.=, but the Vietnamese actually liberated those people. )

Today, all these American companies can't wait to open plants in Vietnam.
You have no evidence to support your claim as for many years Americans were not welcome in their country. Plenty of time for them to pasteurize their story for idiots like you buy into. You don't know the people or the politics of the time. In fact, you have demonstrated that you know nothing of the situation and are just putting for the garbage that you want believed.

What you decide to believe does not mean it is true, especially when there are a myriad of reports to the opposite.

Time for you to fess up You know noting on this subject except what your masters tell you. You have never been in country but try to speak with authority on its day to day life.

We have a name for all of those companies that you claim to cite, profiteers who care more for their bottom line to the exclusion of all else. Just like the war profiteers.

Wake up and admit that you have been had. Just to invested in your lies to admit it.
Last time I checked, it wasn't the president's job to interview every POW.

Also, Bergdahl enlisted and was captured when Bush was president.
But it was Obama who claimed he was a hero with a white house party for him. Since then, he has been proven t be wrong on this, just as you have been.
They didn't pour nearly as many resources into the North as we did the South...
But the North won anyway.

What does that tell you?
That the North was tactically super4ior to the numbskulls given control of the war.
LBJ got us into that war because he didn't want a second round of Republicans screaming "Who Lost Vietnam?" the way they had screamed "Who lost China" a decade before.

There was no "money" to be made, just a politician who felt he needed to fight a war because the alternative was to give the opposition political ammo. Just like Obama and Trump dragged their feet on pulling out of Afghanistan until Biden had to pull the bandage off the wound.

So Nixon got elected because he said he had a secret plan to get us out of the war. Turns out it was so secret, even he didn't know what it was. His strategy was to convince the Vietnamese he was a madman by bombing the North's infrastructure, expanding the war to Laos and Cambodia, (Causing their governments to also fall to the Communists) all to get an agreement to not topple the South for a year after he pulled out troops.

So let's be fair. Both LBJ and Nixon were reprehensible in how they handled the war and the misery they inflicted on both American servicemen and Vietnamese civilians.

But you are still here hating on Jane Fonda. Interesting.
Yes. The sooner that bitch is in HELL ,the better.
I'm pretty sure she wasn't firing it at the time. DId she give is some special mojo to make it more accurate?

Put the gun thing in context. Nixon was bombing dikes to destroy North Vietnamese rice production. This is actually against the laws of war, and Nixon lied about doing it.

Fonda went over there with a crew, and the Vietnamese showed the crew the damage they were doing with the bombing.

There wasn't even a good tactical reason to do it at that point, they were already having peace talks in Paris.

But instead of "Oh, my gosh, my government is committing a crime against humanity" your complaint seems to be "oh my gosh, she posed with a gun for about 30 seconds."
I give zero fucks what Nixon did . I do not give a shit what the Government was doing. Jane Fonda posed with NVA soldiers that were killing US troops. You are a defending a piece of shit because you are a partisan hack.
I give zero fucks what Nixon did . I do not give a shit what the Government was doing. Jane Fonda posed with NVA soldiers that were killing US troops. You are a defending a piece of shit because you are a partisan hack.
that was her mistake, posing with the anti aircraft crews. by that time the war was definitely tragic...
You have no evidence to support your claim as for many years Americans were not welcome in their country. Plenty of time for them to pasteurize their story for idiots like you buy into. You don't know the people or the politics of the time. In fact, you have demonstrated that you know nothing of the situation and are just putting for the garbage that you want believed.
You mean the Vietnamese weren't keen on inviting the people who had devastated their country and deflowered their women back. Color me shocked.

Time for you to fess up You know noting on this subject except what your masters tell you. You have never been in country but try to speak with authority on its day to day life.
Yes, I have the benefit of stepping back and looking at it objectively without emotion. You should try that some time.

But it was Obama who claimed he was a hero with a white house party for him. Since then, he has been proven t be wrong on this, just as you have been.

Because the pentagon lied to him about the circumstances of his capture by the Taliban.

That the North was tactically super4ior to the numbskulls given control of the war.

Well, while the Saigon Quislings were indeed numbskulls, the real problem was that Ho and Giap and the other NVA leaders were national heroes and the people we supported were quislings.

I give zero fucks what Nixon did . I do not give a shit what the Government was doing. Jane Fonda posed with NVA soldiers that were killing US troops. You are a defending a piece of shit because you are a partisan hack.

Well, it seems that you have misdirected outrage. Fonda didn't put those soldiers in a position where they would be killed, Nixon did (and LBJ, just to show how NOT Partisan I am on this issue). The NVA soldiers were killing our troops because they invaded their country.

You really are on the fucked up side of every thing and Bergdhal deserted his post he wasn't captured.
But funny thing, the Pentagon told everyone he WAS captured. They listed him as a POW and continued to promote him while he was in captivity. (Which is why he was a PFC when he was captured.but a Sergeant when he was returned .)
When the POW(s) handed her notes secretly which she quickly turned over
to the enemy. Just say it didn't go well for those who did.
are you lying or are you brainwashed as usual?
  1. Did Jane Fonda Betray US POWs by Handing Over …

    Claim: During a trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda turned smuggled messages from U.S. POWs over to their captors.

    Fact checked by
You mean the Vietnamese weren't keen on inviting the people who had devastated their country and deflowered their women back. Color me shocked.

No, liar. I mean exactly what I said which clearly exposes you hypocrisy on the subject, along with yur ignorance.
Yes, I have the benefit of stepping back and looking at it objectively without emotion. You should try that some time.

No, you engage with the fact that time has passed and not knowing what the hell you are talking about.
Because the pentagon lied to him about the circumstances of his capture by the Taliban.

You remain so full of shit that it impossible for you to speak the truth.
Well, while the Saigon Quislings were indeed numbskulls, the real problem was that Ho and Giap and the other NVA leaders were national heroes and the people we supported were quislings.

They represented themselves as heroes while committing war crimes. And gained time for idiots like you to make up excuses for their behavior.
Well, it seems that you have misdirected outrage. Fonda didn't put those soldiers in a position where they would be killed, Nixon did (and LBJ, just to show how NOT Partisan I am on this issue). The NVA soldiers were killing our troops because they invaded their country.
Fonda tried to present herself as a voice advocating and supporting her traitorous lies. Which you bought in total. Indicates that you border on being a traitor also.
But funny thing, the Pentagon told everyone he WAS captured. They listed him as a POW and continued to promote him while he was in captivity. (Which is why he was a PFC when he was captured.but a Sergeant when he was returned .)

The pentagon did exactly what they were told to do. The troops on the ground knew better and said so until Obama and his gestapo stepped in and covered it up with a more pleasing (to them) story.

You should stick to supplies and leave the truth and thinking to those of us who are capable of doing so. You have proven that you are incapable of either.
are you lying or are you brainwashed as usual?
  1. Did Jane Fonda Betray US POWs by Handing Over …

    Claim: During a trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda turned smuggled messages from U.S. POWs over to their captors.
    View attachment 761143
    Fact checked by
Snopes has been proven to be liars and government lackeys many times.
Snopes has been proven to be liars and government lackeys many times.
It's absolutely documented that no such thing happened,, brainwashed functional moron. Hater Dupe. In 1972 Nixon and J Edgar Hoover were total scum And so was their secret plan to win the war. The GOP again a catastrophe. Anyone else would have been out of the war by 1970. Nixon was trying to find out whether a few million dead Vietnamese would end the war which they wouldn't. you had to kill every Vietnam person to win the war. they should have allowed the election under Eisenhower in 1956. They weren't going to fall to anyone including Russia or red China. We got the whole drug culture out of it. Etcetera Etcetera. My college captured the head of SDS in upstate New York And he was an FBI guy that got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC offices. and was rumor to have been at Kent State before that. they weren't interested in investigating any of that... They also ruined the lives of people who were supporting the war like john Lennon and Buffy Sainte Marie and a lot of others.... the cynical ****
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