Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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the Vietnamese won because the because the South Vietnam government was corrupt BS and out voted.
No, the north won because their patrons the Soviet Union stayed the course while the democrats in our government got cold feet
They represented themselves as heroes while committing war crimes. And gained time for idiots like you to make up excuses for their behavior.
War Crimes? You mean like Mai Ly, where 400 civilians were murdered and the only guy who went to prison for it spent a year under house arrest? Oh, wait, no that was us.

Fonda tried to present herself as a voice advocating and supporting her traitorous lies. Which you bought in total. Indicates that you border on being a traitor also.

Again, are you REALLY trying to claim the Vietnam War was a good idea? Because by the time Fonda made her trip, even NIXON didn't think so, he was looking for a way out.

The pentagon did exactly what they were told to do. The troops on the ground knew better and said so until Obama and his gestapo stepped in and covered it up with a more pleasing (to them) story.

Um, you are a little confused. The Pentagon made up a story about how he was captured, not Obama. IT probably helped that the Taliban claimed they captured him on a patrol.
It's absolutely documented that no such thing happened,, brainwashed functional moron. Hater Dupe. In 1972 Nixon and J Edgar Hoover were total scum And so was their secret plan to win the war. The GOP again a catastrophe. Anyone else would have been out of the war by 1970. Nixon was trying to find out whether a few million dead Vietnamese would end the war which they wouldn't. you had to kill every Vietnam person to win the war. they should have allowed the election under Eisenhower in 1956. They weren't going to fall to anyone including Russia or red China. We got the whole drug culture out of it. Etcetera Etcetera. My college captured the head of SDS in upstate New York And he was an FBI guy that got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC offices. and was rumor to have been at Kent State before that. they weren't interested in investigating any of that... They also ruined the lives of people who were supporting the war like john Lennon and Buffy Sainte Marie and a lot of others.... the cynical ****
Would that be verified by the same people who denied covid origins, Hunters laptop, the open border, those thinking Biden is a great president and those who bought into the Steele dossier?

Recheck you facts and references before awarding anyone your nickname, moron.
War Crimes? You mean like Mai Ly, where 400 civilians were murdered and the only guy who went to prison for it spent a year under house arrest? Oh, wait, no that was us.

Again, are you REALLY trying to claim the Vietnam War was a good idea? Because by the time Fonda made her trip, even NIXON didn't think so, he was looking for a way out.

Um, you are a little confused. The Pentagon made up a story about how he was captured, not Obama. IT probably helped that the Taliban claimed they captured him on a patrol.
Further proof that you really are a stupid piece of garbage, totally believing the governments story even with ample evidence to the contrary. With your protestations I tend to believe that you are a bot or a traitor yourself. Either way a liar and a fool.
When did this happen? Because we were funding the South up until the day Saigon fell.
It began as soon as soon as Nixon got into trouble over Watergate and the Democrats started cutting back aid to south vietnam

The Dems did mot have to cut off aid completely to put the south vietnamese army at a crippling disadvantage
Further proof that you really are a stupid piece of garbage, totally believing the governments story even with ample evidence to the contrary. With your protestations I tend to believe that you are a bot or a traitor yourself. Either way a liar and a fool.

Actually, I believe it because that's the culture I saw when I was in, that when something was embarrassing or required someone to fill out extra paperwork, they swept it under the rug.

Telling the higher ups that Bergdahl simply walked off the base, would have raised a lot of questions about what kind of chicken-shit operation they had where a guy could walk off base and not even be missed for a couple of days. Saying he got captured... that makes everyone look better. And it's not like they were going to return him, oh, shit they returned him.

It began as soon as soon as Nixon got into trouble over Watergate and the Democrats started cutting back aid to south vietnam

The Dems did mot have to cut off aid completely to put the south vietnamese army at a crippling disadvantage
They didn't cut off aid completely. $700 million dollars was earmarked for Aid to the Saigon Regime in the FY75 budget. the problem was, of course, that the ARVN's just didn't want to fight that bad.

That's why after the North waited the decent interval called for in the Paris Accords, they overran the South in 55 days.
I was active in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. I never supported the Communists. I thought that the South Vietnamese government was probably the lesser of two evils. I thought it was not worth our expensive war effort to protect.

I have known Vietnamese war refugees. They are good people.
Actually, I believe it because that's the culture I saw when I was in, that when something was embarrassing or required someone to fill out extra paperwork, they swept it under the rug.

Telling the higher ups that Bergdahl simply walked off the base, would have raised a lot of questions about what kind of chicken-shit operation they had where a guy could walk off base and not even be missed for a couple of days. Saying he got captured... that makes everyone look better. And it's not like they were going to return him, oh, shit they returned him.
Once again, you see only what you want to see. The further from the truth the better you like it.

It did raise a lot of questions, especially after the truth came out. We ere played by the Obama clan. They worked hard to sell the lie, and for a while they succeeded. Then the truth came out, after talking to his fellow solders. He should have been jailed as a deserter, and Obama jailed for covering for him.

BTW, I see that you still refuse to talk about the subject of this thread, perhaps because you know youo are wrong on all accounts.

Changing the subject is your only option, except for admitting the truth, which you will never do despite your total lack of knowledge of the subject.
I was active in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. I never supported the Communists. I thought that the South Vietnamese government was probably the lesser of two evils. I thought it was not worth our expensive war effort to protect.

I have known Vietnamese war refugees. They are good people.
Some are good people, some are not. The same with all people.
Once again, you see only what you want to see. The further from the truth the better you like it.

It did raise a lot of questions, especially after the truth came out. We ere played by the Obama clan. They worked hard to sell the lie, and for a while they succeeded. Then the truth came out, after talking to his fellow solders. He should have been jailed as a deserter, and Obama jailed for covering for him.

BTW, I see that you still refuse to talk about the subject of this thread, perhaps because you know youo are wrong on all accounts.

Changing the subject is your only option, except for admitting the truth, which you will never do despite your total lack of knowledge of the subject.

You really think Obama was micromanaging the military to that degree? Well, of course you do, you think Obama is hiding under your bed plotting against your white privilege.

The reality was, of course, that Republicans were screaming for Obama to "do something" about Bergdahl. Until he did. Then Bergdahl became the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.

  • Sarah Palin before: “Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,”
  • Sarah Palin after the release: “No, Mr. President, a soldier expressing horrid anti-American beliefs – even boldly putting them in writing and unabashedly firing off his messages while in uniform, just three days before he left his unit on foot – is not 'honorable service.' Unless that is your standard.”
  • Former Rep. Alan West, R-Fla., before: “Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.”
  • Alan West after the release: “Ladies and gentlemen, I submit that Barack Hussein Obama’s unilateral negotiations with terrorists and the ensuing release of their key leadership without consult — mandated by law — with the U.S. Congress represents high crimes and misdemeanors, an impeachable offense.”
  • Some Republicans put up tweets of praise, then withdrew them, but Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., takes the cake with this statement which was later deleted from his website:
    "A grateful nation welcomes the news of the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. I have the pleasure of regularly speaking with our nation's active duty military and veterans and I know that there is nothing more solemn than the pledge to never leave one of their own behind on the field of battle.
    "Sgt. Bergdahl is a national hero. It's my hope that once he ultimately retires from active duty service, implementation of reforms to our nation's VA hospitals are made so that he will have access to the long-term care he has rightfully earned from the horrors he endured."
You really think Obama was micromanaging the military to that degree? Well, of course you do, you think Obama is hiding under your bed plotting against your white privilege.

The reality was, of course, that Republicans were screaming for Obama to "do something" about Bergdahl. Until he did. Then Bergdahl became the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.

  • Sarah Palin before: “Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,”
  • Sarah Palin after the release: “No, Mr. President, a soldier expressing horrid anti-American beliefs – even boldly putting them in writing and unabashedly firing off his messages while in uniform, just three days before he left his unit on foot – is not 'honorable service.' Unless that is your standard.”
  • Former Rep. Alan West, R-Fla., before: “Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.”
  • Alan West after the release: “Ladies and gentlemen, I submit that Barack Hussein Obama’s unilateral negotiations with terrorists and the ensuing release of their key leadership without consult — mandated by law — with the U.S. Congress represents high crimes and misdemeanors, an impeachable offense.”
  • Some Republicans put up tweets of praise, then withdrew them, but Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., takes the cake with this statement which was later deleted from his website:
You really should not use words that you don't understand the meaning of, like reality.

As for the rest of your post, just more of your demented BS.

Aren't you tired of being wrong in every instance and every time you attempt to twist the conversation to suit your mental deficiencies? Time to go back to your commie keepers and ask for more lies to tell.
You really should not use words that you don't understand the meaning of, like reality.

As for the rest of your post, just more of your demented BS.

Aren't you tired of being wrong in every instance and every time you attempt to twist the conversation to suit your mental deficiencies? Time to go back to your commie keepers and ask for more lies to tell.

You REALLY have nothing to add to the conversation and now you are sputtering, aren't you? I gave you a whole list of Republicans who were calling Bergdahl a "hero" before he was freed.

Until Obama did it, and then he became the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.
You REALLY have nothing to add to the conversation and now you are sputtering, aren't you? I gave you a whole list of Republicans who were calling Bergdahl a "hero" before he was freed.

Until Obama did it, and then he became the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.
You again are projecting to protect your own little feelings. You babble and BS in every post.

Has it occurred to you that many praised Bergdahl until the truth came out? Except for democrats, who would continue to praise him after that? Only idiots like you.
You really think Obama was micromanaging the military to that degree? Well, of course you do, you think Obama is hiding under your bed plotting against your white privilege.

BTW, who said that I was white? Another assumption to add to y our list of lies.
You REALLY have nothing to add to the conversation and now you are sputtering, aren't you? I gave you a whole list of Republicans who were calling Bergdahl a "hero" before he was freed.

Until Obama did it, and then he became the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.
His fellow solders, who had first hand knowledge of the situation, never called him a hero. They called him a deserter, which he was. You have no first hand knowledge, or knowledge at all, so you should at least consider keeping your mouth shut.
Has it occurred to you that many praised Bergdahl until the truth came out? Except for democrats, who would continue to praise him after that? Only idiots like you.

Actually, questions about the official narrative came out in 2012 in an article in Rolling Stone. Bergdahl was released in 2014. The idea that there were some questionable parts of the Army's official narrative that the poor Republicans just didn't know about is kind of silly.

I'll link to it here.

His fellow solders, who had first hand knowledge of the situation, never called him a hero. They called him a deserter, which he was. You have no first hand knowledge, or knowledge at all, so you should at least consider keeping your mouth shut.

You mean the other misfits in his unit, who were discharged under various questionable circumstances?

From that same Rolling Stone Article.

In his blog posts, which have since been removed from the Web, Fancey detailed a unit that seemed to have almost no discipline. The company’s first sergeant, Fancey wrote, “calls the Captain a quitter, then calls me a quitter. Picture a 2nd LT screaming at a 1SG, who is screaming back in broken Puerto-Rican-fied English, and about 5 Privates sitting quietly in terror.” As the combat simulations continued, the sergeant’s behavior grew even more disturbing. He refused to go to the bathroom, preferring to pee into a Gatorade bottle by his bed, and he obsessed over his desire for a Diet Coke. After one botched operation, according to Fancey’s blog, the first sergeant just gave up. “I need a Coca-Cola,” he said. Then, upset at how screwed up the operation had become, he tore off his body armor and stormed off to his tent, screaming, “Fuck ‘dis ‘chit!

By the time the monthlong training session ended, the platoon was so notorious for screwing up that it had become a convenient scapegoat. At the firing range one day, another company failed to bring ammunition, and Bowe’s unit took the flak. “We were heckled and blamed for not being prepared,” Fancey wrote. “All said and done, NTC was an eye-opener and a bit of a disappointing one, at that.

The unruly situation was captured by Sean Smith, a British documentary filmmaker with The Guardian who spent a month embedded with Bowe’s unit. His footage shows a bunch of soldiers who no longer give a shit: breaking even the most basic rules of combat, like wearing baseball caps on patrol instead of helmets. In footage from a raid on a family compound, an old Afghan woman screams at the unit, “Look at these cruel people!” One soldier bitches about what he sees as the cowardice of the Afghan villagers he is supposed to be protecting: “They say like, the Taliban comes down and aggravated their town and harasses them… Why don’t you kill those motherfuckers? All of you have AKs. If someone is going into my hometown, I know my town wouldn’t stand for that shit. I’d be like, ‘Fuck you, you’re dead.'” Another soldier laments, “These people just want to be left alone.” A third agrees: “They got dicked with by the Russians for 17 years, and now we’re here.”

It goes on, but the sound of it is that you had NCO's that weren't doing their jobs, and if they were, they'd have probably spotted this soldier was having issues and straightened him out.
Actually, questions about the official narrative came out in 2012 in an article in Rolling Stone. Bergdahl was released in 2014. The idea that there were some questionable parts of the Army's official narrative that the poor Republicans just didn't know about is kind of silly.

I'll link to it here.

You mean the other misfits in his unit, who were discharged under various questionable circumstances?

From that same Rolling Stone Article.

In his blog posts, which have since been removed from the Web, Fancey detailed a unit that seemed to have almost no discipline. The company’s first sergeant, Fancey wrote, “calls the Captain a quitter, then calls me a quitter. Picture a 2nd LT screaming at a 1SG, who is screaming back in broken Puerto-Rican-fied English, and about 5 Privates sitting quietly in terror.” As the combat simulations continued, the sergeant’s behavior grew even more disturbing. He refused to go to the bathroom, preferring to pee into a Gatorade bottle by his bed, and he obsessed over his desire for a Diet Coke. After one botched operation, according to Fancey’s blog, the first sergeant just gave up. “I need a Coca-Cola,” he said. Then, upset at how screwed up the operation had become, he tore off his body armor and stormed off to his tent, screaming, “Fuck ‘dis ‘chit!

By the time the monthlong training session ended, the platoon was so notorious for screwing up that it had become a convenient scapegoat. At the firing range one day, another company failed to bring ammunition, and Bowe’s unit took the flak. “We were heckled and blamed for not being prepared,” Fancey wrote. “All said and done, NTC was an eye-opener and a bit of a disappointing one, at that.

The unruly situation was captured by Sean Smith, a British documentary filmmaker with The Guardian who spent a month embedded with Bowe’s unit. His footage shows a bunch of soldiers who no longer give a shit: breaking even the most basic rules of combat, like wearing baseball caps on patrol instead of helmets. In footage from a raid on a family compound, an old Afghan woman screams at the unit, “Look at these cruel people!” One soldier bitches about what he sees as the cowardice of the Afghan villagers he is supposed to be protecting: “They say like, the Taliban comes down and aggravated their town and harasses them… Why don’t you kill those motherfuckers? All of you have AKs. If someone is going into my hometown, I know my town wouldn’t stand for that shit. I’d be like, ‘Fuck you, you’re dead.'” Another soldier laments, “These people just want to be left alone.” A third agrees: “They got dicked with by the Russians for 17 years, and now we’re here.”

It goes on, but the sound of it is that you had NCO's that weren't doing their jobs, and if they were, they'd have probably spotted this soldier was having issues and straightened him out.
You truly are an idiotic asshole who only wants to post negatives and will not even stay on topic. Explains a lot about you. You get defeated on the actual topic so you try to worm your way in to another topic. Start a new thread for your BS and if anyone wants to discuss your lies, they will. You have destroyed this thread with your stupidity.
You truly are an idiotic asshole who only wants to post negatives and will not even stay on topic. Explains a lot about you. You get defeated on the actual topic so you try to worm your way in to another topic. Start a new thread for your BS and if anyone wants to discuss your lies, they will. You have destroyed this thread with your stupidity.

I'm not the one who brought Bergdahl into this discussion, you did.

You are woefully misinformed on Fonda, Bergdahl, and God knows what else.
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