Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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But here's the thing. Why is Ronald Reagan's opinion on something important and Jane Fonda's isn't?

Because he had more true information that the slut.
Most of the Vietnamese we murdered weren't "communists", they were regular folks trying to live their lives while we stomped all over their country, forced their women into prostitution, destroyed their agriculture, etc.

Once again, it isn't "murder" if they are killed while trying to kill you. You would not last a single day in a combat situation,
That's bullshit.

It assumes a person will ruminate for the rest of their lives over a transgression and that assumption is as flawed as any.
Tell that to Jesus Christ, I'm pretty certain He's all ears. Even an atheist can talk to Him! If you're lucky, He might communicate back! No promises on that though! :D. :p
Tell that to Jesus Christ, I'm pretty certain He's all ears. Even an atheist can talk to Him! If you're lucky, He might communicate back! No promises on that though! :D. :p
Don't push your gods on other people. And I'm not an atheist
If this were true, are you claiming to have been in the room, in spite of all evidence to the contrary?

Um, what are you babbling about. Never mind. Don't care.

Are you aware that in Vietnam over half who participated were volunteers and all who did so in Afghanistan were all volunteers? And that they came from all social strata? You proclaim yourself to be a elitist pig by your comments with no desire to learn the actual truth. Just repeating the lies that you have been brainwashed with.

Uh, yeah, it's easy to get working class people to sign up for the military when you give them few other options. I can't personally complain, the military paid for my college, but I sure as hell didn't see any rich people there. Oh, wait, I did serve with the Pritzker cousin who they didn't let run the business. So they let him play soldier. We'd all laugh when he waddled up in front of the formation. Today he calls himself Jennifer and wears a dress. I'm not making this up. I wish to God I was.

Once again repeating lies does not make you look good. Examples: The Kennedy's in WWII. Ever hear of PT109?

Certainly not a poor family and there are many more just like them.

But that was my point. The rich didn't get out of serving in WWII. They did get out of serving in Vietnam, and they largely get out of serving now. Of course, back in the day, they made the rich twits officers because they had to remind us of their "elite" status somehow.

Being a rear echelon weeny tends to not get you fired at, as does joining up when there is not a war on. True bravery seems to have eluded you so you resort to trying to be a keyboard warrior and fail at even that.
Actually, I'm very proud of what I did. Wars are entirely won on logistics. You can have the bravest infantrymen in the world, and it doesn't do them a bit of good if you can't properly supply them. Just ask the Japanese in World War II. Brave soldiers, shit logistics. They literally resorted to cannibalism.

So for all the years I was in, the units I served in were properly supplied, and all the equipment was accounted for.
Because he had more true information that the slut.
Are you kidding? that senile old fuck couldn't find the bathroom.

Once again, it isn't "murder" if they are killed while trying to kill you. You would not last a single day in a combat situation,
They wouldn't be trying to kill you if you hadn't travelled halfway around the world to pick a fight with them.
Um, what are you babbling about. Never mind. Don't care.

Uh, yeah, it's easy to get working class people to sign up for the military when you give them few other options. I can't personally complain, the military paid for my college, but I sure as hell didn't see any rich people there. Oh, wait, I did serve with the Pritzker cousin who they didn't let run the business. So they let him play soldier. We'd all laugh when he waddled up in front of the formation. Today he calls himself Jennifer and wears a dress. I'm not making this up. I wish to God I was.

But that was my point. The rich didn't get out of serving in WWII. They did get out of serving in Vietnam, and they largely get out of serving now. Of course, back in the day, they made the rich twits officers because they had to remind us of their "elite" status somehow.

Actually, I'm very proud of what I did. Wars are entirely won on logistics. You can have the bravest infantrymen in the world, and it doesn't do them a bit of good if you can't properly supply them. Just ask the Japanese in World War II. Brave soldiers, shit logistics. They literally resorted to cannibalism.

So for all the years I was in, the units I served in were properly supplied, and all the equipment was accounted for.
A prime example of y9u admitting that yu are full of crap, the entire post.
Are you kidding? that senile old fuck couldn't find the bathroom.
Still much shar-per than you at your best.
They wouldn't be trying to kill you if you hadn't travelled halfway around the world to pick a fight with them.

They also would not be killing their own people if they allowed those people freedom. But from your posts, you don't believe in freedom then or now.
A prime example of y9u admitting that yu are full of crap, the entire post.
Your concession is duly noted. I don't know why you keep coming back for more abuse. Am I cheaper than your dominatrix?
They also would not be killing their own people if they allowed those people freedom. But from your posts, you don't believe in freedom then or now.

Freedom means different things to different people. I don't think America is a free country. Not when we lock up more people than Red China and our cops can shoot people with impunity.

The Vietnamese wanted one thing, a country free of foreign domination. Understandable in that much of it's history, it's been invaded by China, the Mongols, Siam, France, Japan and then the United States.

South Vietnam ONLY existed because France wanted to try to impose a regime to protect their business interests, but even they realized it was a stupid idea and left.
Your concession is duly noted. I don't know why you keep coming back for more abuse. Am I cheaper than your dominatrix?

Freedom means different things to different people. I don't think America is a free country. Not when we lock up more people than Red China and our cops can shoot people with impunity.

The Vietnamese wanted one thing, a country free of foreign domination. Understandable in that much of it's history, it's been invaded by China, the Mongols, Siam, France, Japan and then the United States.

South Vietnam ONLY existed because France wanted to try to impose a regime to protect their business interests, but even they realized it was a stupid idea and left.
You really are full of it and yourself. You continue to make claims that you have no proof of and try to twist history to suit your fantasies. That is what you present, fantasy. The historical truth is very much different from what you claim and you do a disservice to the peoples you make claims on. You continue to ignore what their own peoples did to them in favor of your fantasies. Time for yuo to get away from your keepers and the socialist messages they feed you.

It is all just your opinion, based on false items that you chose to believe. And actual history proves you to be wrong at every turn.

BTW, I have conceded nothing, just another of your false fantasies. And you continue to try to divert attention from the topic of this forum. REally shows that you know nothing that you claim.
Here's the problem.

Ultimately, Jane Fonda was right. The war in Vietnam was a terrible idea and almost no one today actually claims otherwise. Democrats blame Ike and Nixon, Republicans blame JFK and LBJ. No one really wants credit for the policy.

If it weren't for protestors like Fonda, the Vietnam War would have dragged on for decades like Afghanistan did (where no one really questioned it because everyone involved was a volunteer and the rest of us meekly "Supported the troops" without questioning the policy.)

Despite that, Fonda became Box Office Poison by 1985 when Americans settled into their own version of the Dolchstoßlegende and concluded that we "lost" Vietnam not because we were trying to impose a government on the Vietnamese they didn't want, but because the hippies stabbed the brave troops in the back.

This is quite a bit different than merely apologizing for 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Merely apologizing isn't enough, we need to do something to make it right.
It's as if Stalin has reached out from the grave [tomb]...Uncle Joe [name sake?] "EDITOR AT LARGE" :abgg2q.jpg:
You really are full of it and yourself. You continue to make claims that you have no proof of and try to twist history to suit your fantasies. That is what you present, fantasy. The historical truth is very much different from what you claim and you do a disservice to the peoples you make claims on. You continue to ignore what their own peoples did to them in favor of your fantasies. Time for yuo to get away from your keepers and the socialist messages they feed you.

Um, who are "there own people" exactly. You keep using these vague terms, but the reality is when the North finally won, they were pretty benevolent.

Let's keep in mind that when the US won the War of Independence, hundreds of thousands of people fled to Canada and there were horrific reprisals against Native Americans who sided with the British.
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Nope. My Maternal Grandfather, Father and two Uncles served in Vietnam. Jane Fonda can burn in hell.
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Never. Hanoi Jane should have been executed. I served in 'Nam. Friends of mine DIED there. May that bitch rot in Hell.
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