Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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You seem to present yourself as firm in your OPINION of this traitor. If you have been deluded into thinking this fine, do so. As for me, I witnessed her treachery and my opinion of her will never change. She should have been locked up for her actions. She disgraced the nation and her family.

Actually, the people who should have been locked up.

1) The people who lied us into that war.
2) The people who carried out massacres like Mai Ly
3) The people who sprayed entire forests with Agent Orange, exposing soldiers and civilians to cancer-causing dioxins.
4) The people like Trump who committed fraud to avoid military service
5) The guy who ordered carpet bombing to terrorize a population into slightly more favorable peace terms.
6) Every big corporation that profited off of it.

Jane is really far down on that list of people who did bad stuff.
Actually, the people who should have been locked up.

1) The people who lied us into that war.
2) The people who carried out massacres like Mai Ly
3) The people who sprayed entire forests with Agent Orange, exposing soldiers and civilians to cancer-causing dioxins.
4) The people like Trump who committed fraud to avoid military service
5) The guy who ordered carpet bombing to terrorize a population into slightly more favorable peace terms.
6) Every big corporation that profited off of it.

Jane is really far down on that list of people who did bad stuff.
#4....Trump, but not Clinton, right?

But, Jane still did bad stuff, and the veterans haven't forgot.
Actually, the people who should have been locked up.

1) The people who lied us into that war.
2) The people who carried out massacres like Mai Ly
3) The people who sprayed entire forests with Agent Orange, exposing soldiers and civilians to cancer-causing dioxins.
4) The people like Trump who committed fraud to avoid military service
5) The guy who ordered carpet bombing to terrorize a population into slightly more favorable peace terms.
6) Every big corporation that profited off of it.

Jane is really far down on that list of people who did bad stuff.
One ore added to your list, you aor not supporting the troops who were there with no say so and defending a traitor.
You act like it is either one or the other....It can't be both?
The Hanoi Jane lent aid and comfort to the enemy, and they used her as propaganda

I guess if you take propaganda seriously. If you are sensible, you realize that all governments engage in propaganda, and ignore most of it.

The fact that you still tout the phony story of her passing POW notes says you are looking for a grievance. (Debunked by the POW's who were actually there.)

#4....Trump, but not Clinton, right?

But, Jane still did bad stuff, and the veterans haven't forgot.

You mean she became a scapegoat for everything else.

I think Clinton lying to an ROTC officer to avoid the draft was contemptable. I think that Trump getting a doctor to sign a fake medical excuse was even more contemptable. But at least Clinton admitted what he did.

One ore added to your list, you aor not supporting the troops who were there with no say so and defending a traitor.
Literacy is not a suggestion.

There's no obligation to support the troops if you think the war was a mistake
I guess if you take propaganda seriously. If you are sensible, you realize that all governments engage in propaganda, and ignore most of it.

The fact that you still tout the phony story of her passing POW notes says you are looking for a grievance. (Debunked by the POW's who were actually there.)
The fact that you admit to guessing is just more proof that it is you who do not know what you are talking about. I will take the word of those that were there over "guesses" 50 years later. It is you who are listening to the propaganda and swallowing it whole hog.
You mean she became a scapegoat for everything else.

I think Clinton lying to an ROTC officer to avoid the draft was contemptable. I think that Trump getting a doctor to sign a fake medical excuse was even more contemptable. But at least Clinton admitted what he did.

Literacy is not a suggestion.

There's no obligation to support the troops if you think the war was a mistake
The solders who were there were not responsible for the war or the orders issued to them. They deserve the support of all citizens, certainly more than you do.
I guess if you take propaganda seriously. If you are sensible, you realize that all governments engage in propaganda, and ignore most of it.

The fact that you still tout the phony story of her passing POW notes says you are looking for a grievance. (Debunked by the POW's who were actually there.)

You mean she became a scapegoat for everything else.

I think Clinton lying to an ROTC officer to avoid the draft was contemptable. I think that Trump getting a doctor to sign a fake medical excuse was even more contemptable. But at least Clinton admitted what he did.

Literacy is not a suggestion.

There's no obligation to support the troops if you think the war was a mistake
I still tout? I mentioned it once....Still tout? disengenuous.
Says the guy who thinks she was blacklisted in Hollywood.
Hanoi Jane had every right to protest the war, she, IMO, made a grave mistake
of using herself as propganda for the enemy.
She will never shake that stigma, nor should she. Ask most Vietnam veterans.
Fonda was a stupid naive rich Hollywood Princess that allowed herself to be used by the despicable Left.

You could almost forgive her for her stupidity as a young dumbass but she never showed real remorse for her traitorous activity and that is the reason she is hated by Americans so much.

Kinda like how that asshole John Kerry will always be considered a traitorous piece of shit.
The fact that you admit to guessing is just more proof that it is you who do not know what you are talking about. I will take the word of those that were there over "guesses" 50 years later. It is you who are listening to the propaganda and swallowing it whole hog.

No, obviously, you don't understand the context of "I guess". Go back and read what I said again, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

he solders who were there were not responsible for the war or the orders issued to them. They deserve the support of all citizens, certainly more than you do.

The way to support a soldier in an unnecessary and unwinnable war is to get them out of that situation.

You see, here's Joe's Plan for peace in our time. We bring back selective service, no exceptions.
Then the kids of all the politicians and rich people will be assigned to elite airborne units that will be the first deployed to any war zone.
Peace in our time.
Fonda was a stupid naive rich Hollywood Princess that allowed herself to be used by the despicable Left.

Or she was a young person who saw a wrong and protested it.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me why the Vietnam War was a good idea.

You could almost forgive her for her stupidity as a young dumbass but she never showed real remorse for her traitorous activity and that is the reason she is hated by Americans so much.

I'd like to see remorse from the people who started that war, personally, not the ones who said it was a bad idea.

Can you seriously sit here and argue that the Vietnam War was a good idea?

Kinda like how that asshole John Kerry will always be considered a traitorous piece of shit.
Who half the country voted for...
No, obviously, you don't understand the context of "I guess". Go back and read what I said again, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
No, "I guess" is an admission to not knowing what you are talking about. Ask your caretaker for an explanation.
The way to support a soldier in an unnecessary and unwinnable war is to get them out of that situation.

You see, here's Joe's Plan for peace in our time. We bring back selective service, no exceptions.
Then the kids of all the politicians and rich people will be assigned to elite airborne units that will be the first deployed to any war zone.
Peace in our time.

Exposing your liberal roots again. Your p[eace plan ignores the fact that the babies your are naming would not be willing to serve as they are "special". An idea that you seem to share.

BTW, when someone is shooting at you, it is not unnecessary to fight back in defense of you and yours. If you ever had been in a combat situation you would know this. Shows that you never experienced this situation.
No, "I guess" is an admission to not knowing what you are talking about. Ask your caretaker for an explanation.

Nope, any sensible person would have read it the way I intended...

But we all know you aren't even in the same zip code as sensible.

Exposing your liberal roots again. Your p[eace plan ignores the fact that the babies your are naming would not be willing to serve as they are "special". An idea that you seem to share.

But that was kind of the point, isn't it? Our rich and politicians are happy to send the children urban poor into the meat grinders like Vietnam or Afghanistan. It doesn't matter if it's through a draft they exempt themselves from or because the military is often the only option for poor urban youth.

You see, the nice thing about WWII era draft is no one was exempt. If you were rich, you ended up in the same units the poor kids did. (Unless you were black, then you ended up in segregated units, but you get the point.)

BTW, when someone is shooting at you, it is not unnecessary to fight back in defense of you and yours. If you ever had been in a combat situation you would know this. Shows that you never experienced this situation.

Oh, I freely admit, I served 11 years and never got shot at by a testy foreigner who didn't want me in his country. Has nothing to do with my point, though, that if the rich and the powerful had skin in the game, we'd have a lot less wars, and we certainly wouldn't let them drag on for a decade.
Who really gives a flying fuck what Jane thinks?

Why do you people lend so much credence to actors anyway?
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Jane sided with Communists. Damn her to her grave and beyond!!!!

Your side made Reagan and Trump president, and you wonder why we give credence to actors?
Pssst; they were and are PRESIDENTS!!!! Most people give up their day jobs to go into Politics.

Jane Fonda should be eternally condemned for her treason!!!

Actually, the people who should have been locked up.

1) The people who lied us into that war.
2) The people who carried out massacres like Mai Ly
3) The people who sprayed entire forests with Agent Orange, exposing soldiers and civilians to cancer-causing dioxins.
4) The people like Trump who committed fraud to avoid military service
5) The guy who ordered carpet bombing to terrorize a population into slightly more favorable peace terms.
6) Every big corporation that profited off of it.

Jane is really far down on that list of people who did bad stuff.
Killing Communists anywhere anytime was a Noble thing!!! Glad to see you're a Stalin and Mao apologist; makes you a perfect DemoKKKrat!!!!

Pssst; they were and are PRESIDENTS!!!! Most people give up their day jobs to go into Politics.

Jane Fonda should be eternally condemned for her treason!!!

But here's the thing. Why is Ronald Reagan's opinion on something important and Jane Fonda's isn't?

Killing Communists anywhere anytime was a Noble thing!!! Glad to see you're a Stalin and Mao apologist; makes you a perfect DemoKKKrat!!!!

Most of the Vietnamese we murdered weren't "communists", they were regular folks trying to live their lives while we stomped all over their country, forced their women into prostitution, destroyed their agriculture, etc.
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