Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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But that was the point, Ho wasn't oppressing them, the Church announced "God is Going South" and the slim population of Catholics relocated. Then they had to learn to deal when they found out that the South wasn't keen on being occuppied, either.
Communism is by nature anti Christian

The Vietcong treated them horribly before, during, and after the war
Communism is by nature anti Christian

The Vietcong treated them horribly before, during, and after the war

Well, after 12 years of Catholic School Hell, I'm not going to feel terribly bad for the Catholics in Vietnam.

But to the point, Converts to Catholicism were associated with French (and later American) of course they were treated badly.

Just like if China occupied America and a bunch of Americans converted to Daoism, they wouldn't be treated well afterwards.

Wrong! The bitch was a traitor to her country and to the solders that sacrificed.

Okay, tell me why the War in Vietnam was a great idea. Go.
Well, after 12 years of Catholic School Hell, I'm not going to feel terribly bad for the Catholics in Vietnam.

But to the point, Converts to Catholicism were associated with French (and later American) of course they were treated badly.

Just like if China occupied America and a bunch of Americans converted to Daoism, they wouldn't be treated well afterwards.

Okay, tell me why the War in Vietnam was a great idea. Go.

Your bitch gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

The fact that you being a Left Wing anti American scumbag and don't understand what was wrong with that speaks volumes of your stupidity.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much on this forum.
Your bitch gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

The fact that you being a Left Wing anti American scumbag and don't understand what was wrong with that speaks volumes of your stupidity.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much on this forum.

Uh, sorry, when did the country agree to go to war with Vietnam?

Seems to me the traitors were the leaders who went to war without a legal justification for doing so.

But you are limited, which is why everyone ridicules you.
Uh, sorry, when did the country agree to go to war with Vietnam?

Seems to me the traitors were the leaders who went to war without a legal justification for doing so.

But you are limited, which is why everyone ridicules you.

You are confused about this when it comes to the Fonda bitch so I will take the time to educate you.

First of all I don't think you know anything about Vietnam. Only what you have seen from Hollywood movies.

I arrived in Vietnam in Nov of 67 and left in Mar 70. During the time over there I met many of the guys that served. Some of them were pro war. They wanted to kick some Commie ass. Some didn't really care one way or another but were doing their duty. Some were anti war but as Americans were doing their duty as required by the government.

The thing is that none of them ever gave any aid or comfort to the enemy. None of them went to North Vietnam and got their pictures taken by the International Press pretending to shoot down Americans with glee.

It was up to us Americans to decide if the war was worth fighting or not. It was not up to the goddamn North Vietnamese or their Russian or Chinese buddies.

The way to protest the war was in the US, not giving aid and comfort to the shitheads that were killing our troops.

You don't have a clue what was wrong with Fonda going to North Vietnam, do you? Typical.
EVERY American had skin in the game
Comes with being a citizen

By your definition, did those sending soldiers to fight in Vietnam have skin in the game?
No, that would be by your definition. Mine contains those who put their life on the line doing their duty. That obviously excludes you.
So Christians and Capitalists... who were small minorities in Vietnam and associated with the hated French occupiers.

The Peasants DID care that Ho chased out the French, and Diem and Ky collaborated with them.

So how did she contribute, exactly? By July 1972, most of the US troops had already been withdrawn. Nixon was desperately looking for a way out.
She raised moral and gave aid and comfort to the enemy. She continues to be responsible for the deaths of our service people and you cheer her on.
I'm a vet. Little too early for me.
But the same questions remain, is anyone today arguing the Vietnam War was a good idea.

You don't talk or express yourself like a vet. attempt at stolen valor?

Second question for you, have you talked to all Vietnam vets to arrive at you false conclusions. You make what you wish to be true and claim it is. Go to visit Vietnam Veterans of America and you will get a lesson.
It was their country, they were never going to stop fighting.
Look at Afghanistan. We were in there for 20 years, they never stopped fighting, we just got tired and left.

Now you are trying to conflate two separate things. They are not the same or ever will be.
Uh, Fonda's trip happened in July 1972. by that point, 60% of the public had turned on the war and Nixon was desperately looking for an exit.

Doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. It was purely political.
When the POW(s) handed her notes secretly which she quickly turned over
to the enemy. Just say it didn't go well for those who did.
I didn't know that about her.
I don't "hate" her. I just don't care. I have nothing to forgive. She never wronged me
By 1981, the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth was fully in effect (just like the "Stabbed in the back" myth didn't come into it's own in Germany until well after WWI ended. That's when her career went south, and people stopped calling her agent.

She was 44 when the blacklisting came in 1981. Hardly an "old lady".

Fonda was hit by Cancel Culture

Yeah....again.....she went to Vietnam in 1972..........

Sell that to joe biden voters........

Her career was like any other big star...she had 4 massive hits on top of all the other movies she made, she had a massive exercise video series that was a defining aspect of the 80s, so you don't know what you are talking about.....

She had her time, and now she is still old people movies...
Except in this instance. We who served know what we are talking about, those who never served and only make (false) assumptions.

Yes you do know.
You know what the situation on the ground was

What serving doesn’t tell you is the history of the conflict, the geopolitical aspects, what happened after we left
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