Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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About Fonda I disagree

I believe her only regret about what she did in north vietnam is that the American public reacted so strongly against her and damaged her career

Let her take her shame to her grave

The shame should be on a Nation that let its leaders go to war with a defenseless third world country for wanting a form of government we didn't like, killing millions of people in the process.

Do you know what I'm not hearing on this thread. Not one fucking person telling me why the War in Vietnam was a good idea. Fonda protested Vietnam at a time when 60% of the public saw the war as a mistake and Tricky Dick was trying to find the most efficient way to sell out the Quislings in Saigon while still saving face.

By July 1972, Nixon was bombing civilian dikes in North Vietnam to destroy rice production. Essentially trying to force a peace settlement out of Hanoi by starving people to death.

Fonda exposed the lie by showing the press what we were doing.
The shame should be on a Nation that let its leaders go to war with a defenseless third world country for wanting a form of government we didn't like, killing millions of people in the process.

Do you know what I'm not hearing on this thread. Not one fucking person telling me why the War in Vietnam was a good idea. Fonda protested Vietnam at a time when 60% of the public saw the war as a mistake and Tricky Dick was trying to find the most efficient way to sell out the Quislings in Saigon while still saving face.

By July 1972, Nixon was bombing civilian dikes in North Vietnam to destroy rice production. Essentially trying to force a peace settlement out of Hanoi by starving people to death.

Fonda exposed the lie by showing the press what we were doing.
At least half of vietnam did not want to live under communism and were being murdered by the vietcong for their resistance
See Post #28. Simply not true.

See post #28, simply not true.

While she sat on an NVA anti-aircraft gun, she never said anything of the sort.

Since then, Fonda has apologized repeatedly for the “Hanoi Jane” photo, and clarified that her actions during the Vietnam War were in protest of the U.S. government and not against soldiers. She addressed the photo in her 2005 memoir My Life So Far:

If you look at the film, she doesn't handle the control or look into the site. She sits in the gunner's chair, and then almost immediately gets up.

There isn't enough lipstick for that pig
Sorry, man, that's a myth.

Although Fonda's actions in visiting North Vietnam were sufficient to earn her the wrath of many Americans, in the years since those events took place they have been embellished to the point that the one tale most commonly associated with her Vietnam trip is an incident that never took place — a tale about U.S. POWs who furtively slipped messages to Fonda while she was meeting with them and whom Fonda promptly betrayed by turning those messages over to the POWs' North Vietnamese captors (resulting in several of those prisoners' being beaten, tortured, or killed):

The facts are that while in North Vietnam, Fonda met with only a single group of seven U.S POWs: all seven of those POWs agreed to meet with her, no POWs were tortured for declining to meet with her (or for behaving inappropriately during the meeting), and no POWs secretly slipped Fonda messages which she turned over to the North Vietnamese. The persons named in inflammatory claims about this alleged incident have repeatedly and categorically denied the events they supposedly were part of.

Some of the POWs who actually did meet with Jane Fonda, such as Edison Miller, have spoken out on the record over the years to disclaim the apocryphal stories about her

Col. Larry Carrigan, the U.S. serviceman whose name is invoked in the e-mailed reproduced at the head of this article, has affirmed that he neither claimed nor experienced any of what has been attributed to him, and that he never even met Jane Fonda:


Shoots credibility the hell out of the water.


At least half of vietnam did not want to live under communism and were being murdered by the vietcong for their resistance

That's not true at all.

In fact, our own leaders admitted that if Ho Chi Mihn were allowed on the ballot on the sham elections we held in the South, he'd have won, because he was seen as a national hero while the people we propped up had collaborated with the hated French.

Sorry, man, that's a myth.

Although Fonda's actions in visiting North Vietnam were sufficient to earn her the wrath of many Americans, in the years since those events took place they have been embellished to the point that the one tale most commonly associated with her Vietnam trip is an incident that never took place — a tale about U.S. POWs who furtively slipped messages to Fonda while she was meeting with them and whom Fonda promptly betrayed by turning those messages over to the POWs' North Vietnamese captors (resulting in several of those prisoners' being beaten, tortured, or killed):

The facts are that while in North Vietnam, Fonda met with only a single group of seven U.S POWs: all seven of those POWs agreed to meet with her, no POWs were tortured for declining to meet with her (or for behaving inappropriately during the meeting), and no POWs secretly slipped Fonda messages which she turned over to the North Vietnamese. The persons named in inflammatory claims about this alleged incident have repeatedly and categorically denied the events they supposedly were part of.

Some of the POWs who actually did meet with Jane Fonda, such as Edison Miller, have spoken out on the record over the years to disclaim the apocryphal stories about her

Col. Larry Carrigan, the U.S. serviceman whose name is invoked in the e-mailed reproduced at the head of this article, has affirmed that he neither claimed nor experienced any of what has been attributed to him, and that he never even met Jane Fonda:
It's good to set the record straight and she should not be accused of stuff she never did. The bottom line remains, however, that her protests (totally legitimate and protected under the constitution) crossed a line when she met with the enemy and allowed herself to be used for enemy propaganda while our troops were still fighting and dying.
That's not true at all.

In fact, our own leaders admitted that if Ho Chi Mihn were allowed on the ballot on the sham elections we held in the South, he'd have won, because he was seen as a national hero while the people we propped up had collaborated with the hated French.

Ho might have won because he had vietcong agents in every village and had already murdered many leaders who were not communists

Something that Ike failed to realize
Those who should be apologizing are those who backed the War in Vietnam
Those who lied about why we were there and what our chances of winning were
Those who called for more troops
Ho might have won because he had vietcong agents in every village and had already murdered many leaders who were not communists

Something that Ike failed to realize

Ho was a national hero who expelled the French and fought the Japanese.

The people we supported were French Quislings who were robbing the country hand over fist.

Diem tried to impose a Catholic dictatorship on a largely Buddhist country.
Ho was a national hero who expelled the French and fought the Japanese.
Ho was a hero to the communists

But not to Christians, capitalists and those who love freedom

And dont forget the millions of peasants and others who didnt care either way
Of course she should be forgiven. What kind of vile hypocrite would anyone be to continue to hate her sfter 35 years? She wasn't a serial killer for the love of God.
She contributed to the deaths of many brave troops with her action and provided press for the N Vietnamese. I know, I was there.
Actually, if ANYTHING, history has proven her right.

Almost nobody today thinks that the Vietnam War was a good idea. If we think about Vietnam Veterans at all, it's about what a shitty deal they got. (Although not really, they got all the advantages other veterans got.) Oh, boo hoo, nobody gave us a parade like the WWII vets got. Except most WWII vets didn't get parades, either. They just mustered out and had to deal with their PTSD, but no one had a name for it back then.

The fact that Fonda's haters had to make shit up like she turned over notes from POW's (didn't happen) or that she wished she could shoot down American Aviators (she never said that and immediately regretted being photographed with an AA gun.)

So damn you, Jane Fonda, for being right. The last thing anyone ever wants to hear is "I told you so!"
Are you a Vietnam vet? if not, you have no legs to stand on for your statements. If you are, one of the leeches obviously got into your brain.
Are you a Vietnam vet? if not, you have no legs to stand on for your statements. If you are, one of the leeches obviously got into your brain.

You have to be a Vietnam vet to believe the war was wrong?
She contributed to the deaths of many brave troops with her action and provided press for the N Vietnamese. I know, I was there.

Fonda contributed to no deaths, she saved lives

Those who supported the war are responsible for 60,000 deaths
Look at her IMDB Page.

Here career is pretty much over after 1981. This is the same time Ronald Reagan got elected on the "Stabbed in the Back" myth and Hollywood was cranking out shit like the Rambo movies repeating the lie that we lost in Vietnam because the peace movement stabbed us in the back. On Golden Pond is pretty much her last big project.

After 1981, she does mostly art pictures until she completely disappears in 1990 and doesn't show up again until 2005.

Now compare that to Bruce Willis.

The man has done several projects every year since he came on the scene in 1985 with Moonlighting and really broke out with the Die Hard movies. He has recently cashed in doing a bunch of direct to video movies where he put in minimum effort, but this is because his medical condition limited how much work he could do.

They were pretty forgettable.

Except I made my case pretty well.

1981?..............Her trip to Vietnam was in 1972........

She had 4 massive hits well after have no case......

She was a woman, getting older, and her career matched the same path as most really have nothing to work with here.....
You have to be a Vietnam vet to believe the war was wrong?
Actually, to most Vietnam vets primarily care that the government sold us out in favor of idiots and leeches like Fonda. We had no choice in being there and just wanted to get out in one piece.
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