Time to Boycott, GOP

This is simply outrageous. Time to boycott the businesses of the people supporting this, or at least let you know how you feel.
New billboard takes shot at GOP with Trump-Russia link

Outfront Media, the company that owns the billboard displaying the new Mad Dog sign, declined to comment. Florida law puts few restrictions on content, only banning billboards that pose safety hazards with specific kinds of lights or use the words “stop”, “danger” or imply that drivers are in danger and must stop.

As for content, billboard owners decide how much controversy they will tolerate.

“Owners of the space make judgments as editors and publishers, to accept or reject copy depending on community standards and other factors,” said Ken Klein, vice president of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. “Political expression is often controversial.”
View attachment 238303
Here is the list of donors to Mad Dog PAC, and where their businesses are.
Mad Dog PAC Contributors, 2018 cycle | OpenSecrets

Free speech is free, but it doesn’t mean you can’t let them know you don’t like it. That is also free.

I left the Pubs long ago. I am a Rightwing Conservative but I am no Republican.

Card carrying member of Cult45 perhaps?
The billboard is accurate. After all, Comrade Donald just said the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan, and one of his tards today gave the communist party line about Vietnam. Right out of the Jane Fonda playbook.
Unidentifiable source. We’ve heard that before...
Unidentified source?
The source is Trump himself.
Thank you. But his comments are not exactly as portrayed.

Afghanistan had been granted it’s independence around 1921, and began working toward a democracy. That democracy was eventually covertly being infiltrated by the Soviets, to gain power for the USSR. Tribal regions then began to take up arms against that infiltration, but not due to a want of true democracy, but to regain their Islamic way of life. They fooled many, unfortunately, and Carter began to arm them, to fight off the communist influence that was spreading in the region, which was and still is a great threat, just as Islam is.
Many see what arose out of that foolish decision. Yes, the Soviets lost, but so did the Afghans, as well as the US. Personally, I don’t know what the correct answer was, but neither was a friend of the US, and ultimately gave the mujahideen the influence that helped to grow the strength of the taliban and al-queda. Personally? I think we needed to be more strategic in ending the influence the Soviets had there, not by arming the mujihadeen.
I do know, if we walk away from the Middle East, it only gives Islam free reign to expand their territory and influence, and infiltrate more quickly. Though the recent importation of any number of Islamics throughout western civilization will be just as successful at spreading their reign, unless we nip it in the bud, and force them to live under our cultural norms, not theirs.

And with Syria, Clinton/Obama blundered in the strategy of approach with the Syrian problem, just as in Afghanistan by Carter.

Many on this very forum and everywhere, until Trump made his comment, would have agreed with it, but because he made it, they now make a 360 in their proclamations.
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This is simply outrageous. Time to boycott the businesses of the people supporting this, or at least let you know how you feel.
New billboard takes shot at GOP with Trump-Russia link

Outfront Media, the company that owns the billboard displaying the new Mad Dog sign, declined to comment. Florida law puts few restrictions on content, only banning billboards that pose safety hazards with specific kinds of lights or use the words “stop”, “danger” or imply that drivers are in danger and must stop.

As for content, billboard owners decide how much controversy they will tolerate.

“Owners of the space make judgments as editors and publishers, to accept or reject copy depending on community standards and other factors,” said Ken Klein, vice president of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. “Political expression is often controversial.”
View attachment 238303
Here is the list of donors to Mad Dog PAC, and where their businesses are.
Mad Dog PAC Contributors, 2018 cycle | OpenSecrets

Free speech is free, but it doesn’t mean you can’t let them know you don’t like it. That is also free.

I left the Pubs long ago. I am a Rightwing Conservative but I am no Republican.

Card carrying member of Cult45 perhaps?

LOL, I know too much to play in the two party paradigm.

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