Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are Traitors

And don't forget Obozo's success in Yemen, where Iran is winning..... Again, funded by OBAMA!!!!!!!!
The treaty related to the development of nuclear weapons...that's all.
Or...as you would call them I'm sure 'neucular weapons'.
The terrorist tiimeline for attacks backed by Iran is here...

Terrorism Timeline UANI

And Obozo wants to enable Iran to collect BILLIONS of dollars to continue the attacks.... He wouldn't even address this as a condition of lifting sanctions, even while Iran is chanting "Death to America"....

Democrats, the blood is on your and Obama's hands......

Add THIS to your timeline...

CIA-assisted coup overthrows government of Iran - Aug 19 1953 - HISTORY.com
Perhaps the Iranians should just get over it...and the US should just get over the destruction of the Twin Towers.
And don't forget Obozo's success in Yemen, where Iran is winning..... Again, funded by OBAMA!!!!!!!!
The treaty related to the development of nuclear weapons...that's all.
Or...as you would call them I'm sure 'neucular weapons'.
And the relief from sanctions (giving Iran BILLIONS Of dollars) while Obozo allows them to use the money to fund more attacks...

And that's before we even address the fact that Iran has NEVER cooperated on inspections....
And don't forget Obozo's success in Yemen, where Iran is winning..... Again, funded by OBAMA!!!!!!!!
The treaty related to the development of nuclear weapons...that's all.
Or...as you would call them I'm sure 'neucular weapons'.
And the relief from sanctions (giving Iran BILLIONS Of dollars) while Obozo allows them to use the money to fund more attacks...

And that's before we even address the fact that Iran has NEVER cooperated on inspections....
If you try to address all your issues with Iran in one agreement it'll never happen.
Why not start with the most dangerous and work your way down?
Would you rather deal with a neucular or non-neucular-armed Iran if you have to face them?

You're bring up shit from 50 - 60 years ago to justify ongoing attacks??

Where are you posting from, Tehran????
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Progressives rally to Iran's side!

This whole debacle is proof that no matter what, progs will always obey their masters and support their Dear Leader.

Progs have always secretly admired regimes like those in Iran. They rule with an iron fist, don't allow any opposition to their rule, there is no freedom of speech, no right to bear arms, and no right to exorcise freedom of religion(especially Christianity). A progressive's dream come true.

Why not get all of the issues addressed before you give Iran the entire pot on the first weak hand?????

Face it, Obozo is either a fool or working on the side of the Iranians......
Nah, Ronald Reagan was a traitor and a criminal. He should have spent his last years behind bars. He actually DID use the Constitution as toilet paper.
Nah, Ronald Reagan was a traitor and a criminal. He should have spent his last years behind bars. He actually DID use the Constitution as toilet paper.

Considering that Obozo gave away the farm, and actually funded further terrorist attacks and the possibility of a nuclear strike against our country when Iran dodges the inspections (which they are sure to do), and even deserted American citizens in doing so... Aren't the lives of four innocent Americans worth at least as much as the life of that traitor Bergdahl????
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Nah, Ronald Reagan was a traitor and a criminal. He should have spent his last years behind bars. He actually DID use the Constitution as toilet paper.

Considering that Obozo gave away the farm, and actually funded further terrorist attacks and the possibility of a nuclear strike against our country when Iran dodges the inspections (which they are sure to do), and even deserted American citizens in doing so... Aren't the lives of four innocent Americans worth at least as much as the life of that traitor Bergdahl????

You think Iran wants to nuke the US?

Er... this is so misinformed on so many levels.

First, MAD. You have nukes, we have nukes, we won't use them because we know what would happen.

Second, the US supported Pakistan getting nukes. Pakistan is far crazier than Iran.

Third, the only reason Iran wants nukes is because there's this country that wants to invade them, and if they have nukes it will never happen.
Frigid weirdo

I think it's obvious that we wouldn't invade Iran without provocation, but it's so nice to see that, if we find it necessary You think our troops or country should be nuked. That definitely shows whose side your loyalties are on.....

Bfgrn, this is for you (from a left-wing site)...

Treasury Iran funding al-Qaeda - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Iran has entered into a “secret deal” with an Al Qaeda affiliate that provides financial assistance and recruits in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Treasury Department said Thursday.

Treasury officials said they hope exposing the link would disrupt Al Qaeda by revealing Iran’s role as a “critical transfer point” for cash and terrorists into Afghanistan and Pakistan, The Associated Press reported.

Read more: Treasury Iran funding al-Qaeda - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Why not get all of the issues addressed before you give Iran the entire pot on the first weak hand?????

Face it, Obozo is either a fool or working on the side of the Iranians......
The sanctions haven't stopped the Iranians' neucular programme so far.
They also haven't stopped their involvement in conflicts.
Why do you think that they agree to anything less than the lifting of the sanctions?
This agreement is about to achieve way more than sanctions have.
You right wing turds only offer ONE solution...

Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran...

Scum? The right are THE scum of mankind...
At least Obama and Kerry didn't leave any Americans behind. Right?

Exactly. Do you think these sheeple care even about those Americans captive in Iran?

Hey! they are not transgenders....why worry at all?

If you want to talk about a traitor...


In 1980 Carter thought he had reached a deal with newly-elected Iranian President Abdolhassan Bani-Sadr over the release of the fifty-two hostages held by radical students at the American Embassy in Tehran.

Bani-Sadr was a moderate and, as he explained in an editorial for The Christian Science Monitor earlier this year, had successfully run for President on the popular position of releasing the hostages:

"I openly opposed the hostage-taking throughout the election campaign.... I won the election with over 76 percent of the vote.... Other candidates also were openly against hostage-taking, and overall, 96 percent of votes in that election were given to candidates who were against it [hostage-taking]."

Carter was confident that with Bani-Sadr's help, he could end the embarrassing hostage crisis that had been a thorn in his political side ever since it began in November of 1979.

But Carter underestimated the lengths his opponent in the 1980 Presidential election, California Governor Ronald Reagan, would go to screw him over.

Behind Carter's back, the Reagan campaign worked out a deal with the leader of Iran's radical faction - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini - to keep the hostages in captivity until after the 1980 Presidential election.

This was nothing short of treason. The Reagan campaign's secret negotiations with Khomeini - the so-called "October Surprise" - sabotaged Carter and Bani-Sadr's attempts to free the hostages. And as Bani-Sadr told The Christian Science Monitor in March of this year, they most certainly "tipped the results of the [1980] election in Reagan's favor."

Not surprisingly, Iran released the hostages on January 20, 1981, at the exact moment Ronald Reagan was sworn into office.

The "October Surprise" emboldened the radical forces inside Iran. A politically weakened Bani-Sadr was overthrown in June of 1981 and replaced with Mohammed Ali Rajai - a favorite of Khomeini's. These radical forces today are represented by people like former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, hard-liners who oppose any deal with the United States and, like Khomeini in the 1980s, will jump at any chance to discredit the current moderate presidency of Hassan Rouhani.

The October Surprise also led to the deaths of thousands of innocent people around the world, and in Central America in particular. Reagan took money from the Iranians and used that money to kill nuns in Nicaragua.

Without Reagan s Treason Iran Would Not Be a Problem
Nah, Ronald Reagan was a traitor and a criminal. He should have spent his last years behind bars. He actually DID use the Constitution as toilet paper.

Considering that Obozo gave away the farm, and actually funded further terrorist attacks and the possibility of a nuclear strike against our country when Iran dodges the inspections (which they are sure to do), and even deserted American citizens in doing so... Aren't the lives of four innocent Americans worth at least as much as the life of that traitor Bergdahl????
How do you know they are innocent?
Frigid weirdo

I think it's obvious that we wouldn't invade Iran without provocation, but it's so nice to see that, if we find it necessary You think our troops or country should be nuked. That definitely shows whose side your loyalties are on.....

Bfgrn, this is for you (from a left-wing site)...

Treasury Iran funding al-Qaeda - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Iran has entered into a “secret deal” with an Al Qaeda affiliate that provides financial assistance and recruits in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Treasury Department said Thursday.

Treasury officials said they hope exposing the link would disrupt Al Qaeda by revealing Iran’s role as a “critical transfer point” for cash and terrorists into Afghanistan and Pakistan, The Associated Press reported.

Read more: Treasury Iran funding al-Qaeda - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com
IF it's a secret, how do you know about it?

Oh, brother.

This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous, nothing but partisan tripe.

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