Time to check in: are republicans still in denial about how much of a sack of garbage Trump is?

So what? Mueller's pulling a Fitzgerald. It's deja vu.

Mueller is going to spend at least two years looking for a Scooter Libby. Meanwhile lawyers are going to be making a killing off of this farce.


It is just for show and at the end of it all those wishing for Trump to be impeached will be taught again it will not happen!
So what? Mueller's pulling a Fitzgerald. It's deja vu.

Mueller is going to spend at least two years looking for a Scooter Libby. Meanwhile lawyers are going to be making a killing off of this farce.
But. All those lawyers were democrat donors. This is just giving them their money back.
They're earning their lost money that they wasted on Hillary... God I wish I had sold my soul to become a lawyer!
Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting - sources

Bonus question: do you admit how stupid you feel after electing congressional republicans who once again demonstrate how terrible they are at governing?

Some still are.

Some are coming around.

A few knew before election.

Some are hopeless.

D.C. pubs thought he would be a useful idiot--sometimes loose cannon. Boy were they wrong about 'sometimes'.
They know the grand jury is coming for their scum

It's 10AM Nov 8th all over again
Trump's Chumps are still on board and their only reply to Trumps obvious incompetence is "oh yeah, well Hilary blah,blah,blah..."

Hang on it's going to be a rough ride to impeachment!
Even when impeachment hearings start they'll talk about Hillary and say Mueller has nothing on their fuhrer.
Really? The ACA is still in effect. Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall, and it's highly doubtful it will even be built. What exactly has he been right about?
Our beloved President has only been in office a few months. Bids for planning and materials have already been released to potential contractors.

Yes, the Wall will be built. Personally I really don't care who pays for it. Just as long as it gets built.

Oh yea,,,,,it will be built. .... :thup:
Did you hear him pleading to the Mexican prez to pay for the wall on the newly leaked conversations?
He doesn't seem so sure the wall will be built.
I had a talk with my neighbor last night. He wasn't happy about some of the things going on it's Trump, but what is telling is the first thing he said. "I would not change my vote and pick Hillary."

That's the problem, no matter how bad Trump looks, a vast majority of us are not going to go, gee, we wish we had picked Hillary. It is not going to happen. So the daily, and sometimes hourly thread where you all on the Left keep asking if we are ready for Hillary, which is what you are asking, make no mistake, doesn't fly.

I still don't want Hillary in the White House.
I had a talk with my neighbor last night. He wasn't happy about some of the things going on it's Trump, but what is telling is the first thing he said. "I would not change my vote and pick Hillary."

That's the problem, no matter how bad Trump looks, a vast majority of us are not going to go, gee, we wish we had picked Hillary. It is not going to happen. So the daily, and sometimes hourly thread where you all on the Left keep asking if we are ready for Hillary, which is what you are asking, make no mistake, doesn't fly.

I still don't want Hillary in the White House.

Another "Do you still beat your wife?" troll thread.

Looks like that's all they can talk about.

Poor disgruntled, hate-filled liberals. What a sad way for them to go through life.
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Another "Do you still beat your wife?" troll thread.

Looks like that's all they can talk about.

Poor disgruntled, hate-filled liberals. What a sad way for them to go through life.
No, the see the real issue is that you will defend that orange sack of garbage no matter what. You're a child.
The news has snowflakes all-a-twitter with excitement...for nothing yet. Everyone should have expected this.

This move simply shows Mueller is planning to keep his investigation going for months.

Nothing has changed.

It was still proven that the entire investigation was begun based on a fake foreign report fueled by Russian-generated propaganda.

All the DNC scams have still blown up in their faces, revealing their own crimes.

“This doesn’t mean he is going to bring charges,” Mr. Zeno cautioned. “But it shows he is very serious. He wouldn’t do this if it were winding down.”

Mueller is just getting started. He is in it for the long haul, determined to bring someone down. I still predict the Democrats will end up prosecuting a 'Scooter Libby' or two to justify this entire butt-hurt crusade.

Again, nothing has changed this morning.
No crime.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
No evidence presented.

...'yet'. :p

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

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