Time to check in: are republicans still in denial about how much of a sack of garbage Trump is?

Not at all, they just know that Bitchlery is a bigger sack of shit.
Clinton would have kept ObamaCare.

Trump has...

oh my goodness

...kept ObamaCare.

Hahahahaa.....He's not getting shit done. Even if he didn't have one fucking scandal after another, he'd still be spending most of his day watching cable news and planning his next golf trip. He's a patho liar and a fraud.
So what? Mueller's pulling a Fitzgerald. It's deja vu.

Mueller is going to spend at least two years looking for a Scooter Libby. Meanwhile lawyers are going to be making a killing off of this farce.

Lawyers of Mueller's calibre don't impanel a grand jury if they are still looking for something, idiot. They impanel a jury after they have already found it.
Trump's Chumps are still on board and their only reply to Trumps obvious incompetence is "oh yeah, well Hilary blah,blah,blah..."

Hang on it's going to be a rough ride to impeachment!

It's 10AM Nov 8th all over again
And that's all you have to argue with. You come across like children.

Remember how you had to talk Jake nat4900 off of the ledge that night? We want to avoid that entirely. Trump is not getting impeached because Jr talked to a lawyer or Jared's family bought a property that more than doubled in value.

Someone has to be honest with you and none of your Progressives friend will do that

It's 10AM Nov 8th all over again

You wish.
No, it's the eleventh hour and the clock is ticking towards midnight. The national nightmare will soon be over. Thank you, Mr. Mueller!
Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting - sources

Bonus question: do you admit how stupid you feel after electing congressional republicans who once again demonstrate how terrible they are at governing?

Trump in effect formed his own party TNC (Trump National Coalition) he is no republican or conservative for that matter and the ones who follow him are now trumpbots. They will be forced to re-register their party affiliation to the TNC.
So what? Mueller's pulling a Fitzgerald. It's deja vu.

Mueller is going to spend at least two years looking for a Scooter Libby. Meanwhile lawyers are going to be making a killing off of this farce.
Or maybe you will defend Trump regardless of the evidence against him?
Anyone watch the news this morning? Seems that transcripts of conversations with Mexico and Australia's leaders was leaked to WaPo, and they printed the full conversation.

Interesting thing in the conversation Trump had with Mexico...........he was telling Pena about how bad the drug problem was here in the US, and then said that the only reason he won NH is because the state is full of drug addicts. Here's the link, as well as what he said.......................

Trump argues he won New Hampshire because it is a 'drug-infested den' - CNNPolitics.com

During the call, according to the Post, Trump lashed out at Peña Nieto for the quantity of illegal drugs that come into the United States from Mexico.
"We have a massive drug problem where kids are becoming addicted to drugs because the drugs are being sold for less money than candy," Trump said.
He later bragged that he won the Granite State because of the opioid epidemic.
"I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den," he said.
So what? Mueller's pulling a Fitzgerald. It's deja vu.

Mueller is going to spend at least two years looking for a Scooter Libby. Meanwhile lawyers are going to be making a killing off of this farce.
But. All those lawyers were democrat donors. This is just giving them their money back.
Really? The ACA is still in effect. Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall, and it's highly doubtful it will even be built. What exactly has he been right about?
Our beloved President has only been in office a few months. Bids for planning and materials have already been released to potential contractors.

Yes, the Wall will be built. Personally I really don't care who pays for it. Just as long as it gets built.

Oh yea,,,,,it will be built. .... :thup:

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