Time To Cut Bait or Fish.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2. The recent election evidenced a growing sentiment that the Left's solutions....
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Those are neither successful, nor right for America.

3. "As disgraced Democrat John Edwards liked to say, “There are two Americas.”
There’s an America where people love this country, want it to be successful and believe in using tried and tested means like capitalism, conservatism, the Constitution and Christianity to make that happen. Then there’s an America where this country is shameful, deserves to be brought down a peg and all the old values that served us in the past need to be disgraced and destroyed. These views are becoming increasingly difficult to square."
Liberals Want California to Secede? Godspeed, Libs...

4. Which way to go depends on how you value the rights of others.
"Do you agree with [the Left] on abortion, gay marriage, Obamacare, the Constitution, controlling the border, taxes, states’ rights, spending, judges, school choice, etc., etc.? Those disagreements might be mostly irrelevant if liberals were content to live how they want in states they control while leaving everyone else alone. Instead, liberals have worked incessantly to create an all-powerful centralized government that they believe should marginalize and prey upon people who don’t share their political beliefs. The idealized liberal world is one where you do the work, they take your tax dollars and give that money to people who don’t work as hard as you in exchange for keeping the Left in power."

5. I fully admit that no amount of argument, debate, experience nor logic will result in our Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to say "OK...you were right all along."

But I'm not asking for penitential prostration, or even an 'OK'....just an agreement to see what, if any changes the new administration brings in, and an evaluation of their success or lack of same.
I'm hoping that there will be a gain in prosperity and it is admitted by everyone.

This morn, I saw a post by Toro agreeing that he would wait and see. I hope more accede to this view.

And no nonsense about seceding.
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2. The recent election evidenced a growing sentiment that the Left's solutions....
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Those are neither successful, nor right for America.

3. "As disgraced Democrat John Edwards liked to say, “There are two Americas.”
There’s an America where people love this country, want it to be successful and believe in using tried and tested means like capitalism, conservatism, the Constitution and Christianity to make that happen. Then there’s an America where this country is shameful, deserves to be brought down a peg and all the old values that served us in the past need to be disgraced and destroyed. These views are becoming increasingly difficult to square."
Liberals Want California to Secede? Godspeed, Libs...

4. Which way to go depends on how you value the rights of others.
"Do you agree with [the Left] on abortion, gay marriage, Obamacare, the Constitution, controlling the border, taxes, states’ rights, spending, judges, school choice, etc., etc.? Those disagreements might be mostly irrelevant if liberals were content to live how they want in states they control while leaving everyone else alone. Instead, liberals have worked incessantly to create an all-powerful centralized government that they believe should marginalize and prey upon people who don’t share their political beliefs. The idealized liberal world is one where you do the work, they take your tax dollars and give that money to people who don’t work as hard as you in exchange for keeping the Left in power."

5. I fully admit that no amount of argument, debate, experience nor logic will result in our Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to say "OK...you were right all along."

But I'm not asking for penitential prostration, or even an 'OK'....just an agreement to see what, if any changes the new administration brings in, and an evaluation of their success or lack of same.
I'm hoping that there will be a gain in prosperity and it is admitted by everyone.

This morn, I saw a post by Toro agreeing that he would wait and see. I hope more accede to this view.

And no nonsense about seceding.
You're trying to take all the fun out of losing.
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

lol free markets.

1. And yet, you heartily supported the protectionist Trump.

2. And yet further, protectionism got Trump elected.

3. And oh btw, the founders were protectionists.

Strike three!!!!!!
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

lol free markets.

1. And yet, you heartily supported the protectionist Trump.

2. And yet further, protectionism got Trump elected.

3. And oh btw, the founders were protectionists.

Strike three!!!!!!

A free market would be no tariffs, what we have is higher tariffs on incoming Americans goods. Trump is leveling the playing field you moron.
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

lol free markets.

1. And yet, you heartily supported the protectionist Trump.

2. And yet further, protectionism got Trump elected.

3. And oh btw, the founders were protectionists.

Strike three!!!!!!
The Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate commerce among the states in order to do away with tariffs the states had imposed on imports from other states, but free markets with other countries is a very different matter to most Americans.
...meaning: consider the options.

1. As a conservative, I've tried to judge candidates in comparison to the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2. The recent election evidenced a growing sentiment that the Left's solutions....
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Those are neither successful, nor right for America.

3. "As disgraced Democrat John Edwards liked to say, “There are two Americas.”
There’s an America where people love this country, want it to be successful and believe in using tried and tested means like capitalism, conservatism, the Constitution and Christianity to make that happen. Then there’s an America where this country is shameful, deserves to be brought down a peg and all the old values that served us in the past need to be disgraced and destroyed. These views are becoming increasingly difficult to square."
Liberals Want California to Secede? Godspeed, Libs...

4. Which way to go depends on how you value the rights of others.
"Do you agree with [the Left] on abortion, gay marriage, Obamacare, the Constitution, controlling the border, taxes, states’ rights, spending, judges, school choice, etc., etc.? Those disagreements might be mostly irrelevant if liberals were content to live how they want in states they control while leaving everyone else alone. Instead, liberals have worked incessantly to create an all-powerful centralized government that they believe should marginalize and prey upon people who don’t share their political beliefs. The idealized liberal world is one where you do the work, they take your tax dollars and give that money to people who don’t work as hard as you in exchange for keeping the Left in power."

5. I fully admit that no amount of argument, debate, experience nor logic will result in our Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to say "OK...you were right all along."

But I'm not asking for penitential prostration, or even an 'OK'....just an agreement to see what, if any changes the new administration brings in, and an evaluation of their success or lack of same.
I'm hoping that there will be a gain in prosperity and it is admitted by everyone.

This morn, I saw a post by Toro agreeing that he would wait and see. I hope more accede to this view.

And no nonsense about seceding.
Regarding the title of your dandy new thread, "Time To Cut Bait or Fish", that is a North American idiom meaning it's time for action, to get off the pot, time to shoot the engineer, et al! But you defined it, "...meaning: consider the options." Coming from a foreign land and whereas English is your second language, as you've pointed out many times, I just thought I'd give you an assist in communicating in English to convey your ideas, Cynthia/Chica...may I call you Cindy/Chica?

Also, you write, "...the features that are prominent in the formation of our nation:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government."

I can go along with the first given the Constitutional acknowledgment of each individual's sovereignty and inalienable rights, but the idea the free markets and limited constitutional government weren't part of the mix, Cindy/Chica! For instance, when the First Congress got done with the setting up and housekeeping tasks required by the Constitution, the very first bill that was passed and sent to the President was the Tariff Act of 1789, when the new Government was a little more than three months old so the USA had a way to start paying down the war debt and other concerns!

The first two clauses of Article I, § 8, the Enumerated Powers of Congress, deal primarily with those powers and means given to add to and pay from the Public treasury, the People's purse! Tariffs and duties do not enhance the laissez faire you suggest the founders envisioned! After all, the definition of a free market economy is that which is free of all government and all other forms of authority. Your assertion on that basis alone is false and notwithstanding!

Regarding your bit about "limited constitutional government", did you spell that right or did you mean limited Constitutional government, concerning only the US Constitution or just a general reference to government founding government. It's that second language thing again and I want to be sure about your meaning! That makes a YUUUGE difference Cindy/Chica!

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