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Time to dismantel US Government

Let's repeal the 17th amendment and RESTORE the US government to what it was meant to be.
How will disenfranchising Americans lead to stopping predatory Capitalism?

The american people were disenfranchised when the federal government took the power from the staes and gave it to themselves by way of the 17th amendment.
The 17th amendment stole power from the states and gave it to the federal government.
One example of what this led to are "unfunded mandates". When the senators were elected by the state assemblies it gave the states much more input into federal government policies and there were no unfunded mandates.
Capitalism is predatory by nature and always has been. When the people were disenfranchised by the 17th amendment, they became bigger chumps and targets for 'predatory' elements of capitalism.

And let's not forget the "Predatory Politicians" who's antics could fill volumes over the decades. I can think of maybe a handful over the years who's primary goal was to serve the citizens and not themselves. Today, in my opinion, most pad their own nests first citizens second.
My generation screwed up.
We should have stormed DC, Killed Nixon, and everyone in congress, when it was still do able.
Stay on the gold standard. Abolish the IRS and fed and stay the hell out of other peoples business.
You don't see any countries coming to rescue you do you ?
Once you are fully collapse and living under martial law those looking in from the outside will do nothing but shake their heads.
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How will disenfranchising Americans lead to stopping predatory Capitalism?

The american people were disenfranchised when the federal government took the power from the staes and gave it to themselves by way of the 17th amendment.
The 17th amendment stole power from the states and gave it to the federal government.
One example of what this led to are "unfunded mandates". When the senators were elected by the state assemblies it gave the states much more input into federal government policies and there were no unfunded mandates.
Capitalism is predatory by nature and always has been. When the people were disenfranchised by the 17th amendment, they became bigger chumps and targets for 'predatory' elements of capitalism.

And let's not forget the "Predatory Politicians" who's antics could fill volumes over the decades. I can think of maybe a handful over the years who's primary goal was to serve the citizens and not themselves. Today, in my opinion, most pad their own nests first citizens second.
they may be padding their own nests first, but the crime is they are pandering to those with the means for access to lawmakers (read corporate interests). They are not responding to the needs of the citizens.
As I stated before, thank you for your clear and polite debate. That means a lot. I see it opposite from the way you do. I think it harder to buy 50 state assemblies than to buy one all-powerful federal government.
But, for example, A.I.G. is not headquartered in Little Rock Arkansas. That makes Arkansas one less state assembly A.I.G. would have to buy in order to keep raping Americans of their economy. A.I.G. would have to buy Albany however. And maybe Albany is cheaper than Harrisburg, which would keep A.I.G. from putting an office in Pennsylvania.

You see, these huge predatory Capitalists cabals are not only national, but international in scope. A state government would have no jurisdiction regulating a multinational..

Point taken. I simply do not believe that it is up to the federal government to protect us from our own actions. Playing the stocks is one engaging in one's own actions.
Should the federal govt also protect us from the casinos? Personally I do think so. Returning to the topic of the thread, I don't want to see the govt dismantled, I want to see it restored.

This is totally true, however, companies cater to stockholders rather than to customers, and stockholders believe it is their absolute right, no risk involved, to have a guaranteed income from stocks, thus bailouts. I know there are steps in between, but we know how this goes.

In point of fact, I recently caught part of an "info-mercial" and it was for some program to supposedly teach how to develop high income from stock purchases. What the huckster said was "This stockmarket OWES you a good living!" It is that attitude that had led to all sorts of gouging on the part of companies to cover "guaranteed returns" on investment, and to cover salaries for upper level management of a sort to cook the books, and then to expect that the mostly non-stock-owning taxpayer will bail them out when the thing breaks down!

Congress was difficult when it was mostly lawyers, but has become immeasurably worse since the former CEOs and MBAs with "schemes and connections" took over the government!
The american people were disenfranchised when the federal government took the power from the staes and gave it to themselves by way of the 17th amendment.
The 17th amendment stole power from the states and gave it to the federal government.
One example of what this led to are "unfunded mandates". When the senators were elected by the state assemblies it gave the states much more input into federal government policies and there were no unfunded mandates.
Capitalism is predatory by nature and always has been. When the people were disenfranchised by the 17th amendment, they became bigger chumps and targets for 'predatory' elements of capitalism.

And let's not forget the "Predatory Politicians" who's antics could fill volumes over the decades. I can think of maybe a handful over the years who's primary goal was to serve the citizens and not themselves. Today, in my opinion, most pad their own nests first citizens second.
they may be padding their own nests first, but the crime is they are pandering to those with the means for access to lawmakers (read corporate interests). They are not responding to the needs of the citizens.

Yes, the lawmakers today are steered into making decisions based on who lobbies for whom, leaving the interests of the citizenry out in the cold. What a disgrace we have for representatives, led by the greed of corporations and people of wealth here and around the world.
My generation screwed up.
We should have stormed DC, Killed Nixon, and everyone in congress, when it was still do able.
Stay on the gold standard. Abolish the IRS and fed and stay the hell out of other peoples business.
You don't see any countries coming to rescue you do you ?
Once you are fully collapse and living under martial law those looking in from the outside will do nothing but shake their heads.

We left the gold standard because the price of gold was being manipulated.

How would we stop it from being manipulated if we went back to a gold standard?
My generation screwed up.
We should have stormed DC, Killed Nixon, and everyone in congress, when it was still do able.
Stay on the gold standard. Abolish the IRS and fed and stay the hell out of other peoples business.
You don't see any countries coming to rescue you do you ?
Once you are fully collapse and living under martial law those looking in from the outside will do nothing but shake their heads.

We left the gold standard because the price of gold was being manipulated.

How would we stop it from being manipulated if we went back to a gold standard?

Gold is being manipulated now! Gold at $1167.00 an ounce, today, when in 1970, not so very long ago, it was $35.00 an ounce?
Why is dismantling the government the title of this thread when the topic is dismantling harmful aspects of Capitalism?


What is a "harmful" aspect of "Capitalism"?

Firstly, we haven't had Capitalism since 1913. Secondly, the only harmful aspect of Capitalism which parasites dislike is having to work for a living.

But, for example, A.I.G. is not headquartered in Little Rock Arkansas. That makes Arkansas one less state assembly A.I.G. would have to buy in order to keep raping Americans of their economy. A.I.G. would have to buy Albany however. And maybe Albany is cheaper than Harrisburg, which would keep A.I.G. from putting an office in Pennsylvania.

You see, these huge predatory Capitalists cabals are not only national, but international in scope. A state government would have no jurisdiction regulating a multinational..

Point taken. I simply do not believe that it is up to the federal government to protect us from our own actions. Playing the stocks is one engaging in one's own actions.
Should the federal govt also protect us from the casinos? Personally I do think so. Returning to the topic of the thread, I don't want to see the govt dismantled, I want to see it restored.

This is totally true, however, companies cater to stockholders rather than to customers, and stockholders believe it is their absolute right, no risk involved, to have a guaranteed income from stocks, thus bailouts. I know there are steps in between, but we know how this goes.

In point of fact, I recently caught part of an "info-mercial" and it was for some program to supposedly teach how to develop high income from stock purchases. What the huckster said was "This stockmarket OWES you a good living!" It is that attitude that had led to all sorts of gouging on the part of companies to cover "guaranteed returns" on investment, and to cover salaries for upper level management of a sort to cook the books, and then to expect that the mostly non-stock-owning taxpayer will bail them out when the thing breaks down!

Congress was difficult when it was mostly lawyers, but has become immeasurably worse since the former CEOs and MBAs with "schemes and connections" took over the government!

Seems that is another home run comment, Contessa_Sharra, about 'Point of fact' and Congress was difficult'
Many of us see the problems, but none of us seems able to, even in large groups, make the changes necessary to bring this nation into 'playing fair', simply put I know, but it will never happen. Our system, being capitalist, has been largely based on 'predator vs prey', survival of the fittest, but the mixing of many social programs, and entitlements, over the last many decades, and now trying to 'change the USA overnight' health care wise, plus Bailouts, seems to be threatening the very existence of us all.
Why is dismantling the government the title of this thread when the topic is dismantling harmful aspects of Capitalism?


What is a "harmful" aspect of "Capitalism"?

Firstly, we haven't had Capitalism since 1913. Secondly, the only harmful aspect of Capitalism which parasites dislike is having to work for a living.

Read as much as you can about derivative swaps and then think about the harmful aspects of Capitalism.
Actually, the title is perfect without the hyper partisan gumbo in the OP. Our government has over stepped it's bounds too often and for too long. It needs to be (yet again) turned on it's head and shaken clean.
Point taken. I simply do not believe that it is up to the federal government to protect us from our own actions. Playing the stocks is one engaging in one's own actions.
Should the federal govt also protect us from the casinos? Personally I do think so. Returning to the topic of the thread, I don't want to see the govt dismantled, I want to see it restored.

This is totally true, however, companies cater to stockholders rather than to customers, and stockholders believe it is their absolute right, no risk involved, to have a guaranteed income from stocks, thus bailouts. I know there are steps in between, but we know how this goes.

In point of fact, I recently caught part of an "info-mercial" and it was for some program to supposedly teach how to develop high income from stock purchases. What the huckster said was "This stockmarket OWES you a good living!" It is that attitude that had led to all sorts of gouging on the part of companies to cover "guaranteed returns" on investment, and to cover salaries for upper level management of a sort to cook the books, and then to expect that the mostly non-stock-owning taxpayer will bail them out when the thing breaks down!

Congress was difficult when it was mostly lawyers, but has become immeasurably worse since the former CEOs and MBAs with "schemes and connections" took over the government!

Seems that is another home run comment, Contessa_Sharra, about 'Point of fact' and Congress was difficult'
Many of us see the problems, but none of us seems able to, even in large groups, make the changes necessary to bring this nation into 'playing fair', simply put I know, but it will never happen. Our system, being capitalist, has been largely based on 'predator vs prey', survival of the fittest, but the mixing of many social programs, and entitlements, over the last many decades, and now trying to 'change the USA overnight' health care wise, plus Bailouts, seems to be threatening the very existence of us all.

I think that we should have started with healthcare, and then if there was anything left over, seen what else was needed. Schools next, training, small, non-corporate business help, steps to keep the US of A self sufficient, like investment in research and development of energy to power the country apart from petroleum dependence, and even biofuels are better than petro-fuels, as they are renewable: weould keep the snowbird -we get paid not to plant - welfare farmers off of the public tit, kept them solvent, independent, and so on, and there are all sorts of options for energy, where we have, over the last hundred years, pissed how many dollars (anyone got a figure) plus clean-up dollars, plus pollution related illness dollars down a bottomless pit, while a few petro-company owners have grown obscenely wealthy and able to buy uncountable favors.

I think term limits may be the answer for government, as in Congress, but change representative terms to be the same as senatorial terms, limit two, and former congresspersons not allowed to work as lobbyists for 25 years after leaving office, not lobbyists not allowed to run for government office for 25 years after leaving the profession. That would draw lines, allow for some minimal governing experience to accrue, but the job not becoming a sinecure. I would also have it that those serving in any government as lawmakers or law determiners (judges) have as their medical insurance the same "policy" or benefits that their own state provides its citizens on medicaid. That is a "public option" we all could live with!

FEINSTEIN: No developed country on earth has the huge for profit medical insurance industry that we have; 480 percent profit in eight years, premiums going sky rocketing. Let me give you an example. Day before yesterday, representatives from five hospitals in California came in, Daughters of Charity Hospitals, 6,000 employees. Their premium had just risen 17.5 percent. The money they got back in provider payment was one-third that -- less than one-third, 5 percent. That premium increase wiped out their entire operating capital for ‘09.

Now, this is the problem. And I have person after person coming to say, “I can’t handle the 20 percent increase in my insurance. So this is the reason for the public option, to put out there some competition that will sober this huge for-profit 800-pound gorilla of medical insurance in this country. http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000003253805

which was answered:

HUTCHISON: The very hospitals that she’s talking about I’m sure serve patients who don’t pay. Those hospitals are going to be cut in this bill. Every hospital that treats patients that don’t pay will be cut. (The reason they don't pay is that they have no insurance and no way to get any, so no matter what, these hospital may "go away." C_S comment)

So what are they going to gain? We don’t have to tear down our whole system and the choices that we have and the quality health care (We don't really have quality health care compared to other countries. C_S comment)we have in order to give more affordable health care. There are two things in this bill that could be modified to do what everyone says we want to do. I agree with what you stated are the goals.

You have in -- in this bill the ability for companies to go on an exchange, but it’s more like the Massachusetts plan, which adds cost, instead of the Utah plan, which adds no cost but does have competition, will have transparency so that insurance companies will have to come back down, and secondly, the ability to have small business health plans.

If we took your part of that bill out and just had small business health plans, we would have more affordable options, more people would be insured... http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000003253805

Banks, no longer able to rip customers off as they used to have now instituted new ways. A bank that charges 29% interest on cards but pays 1% on savings? As for what they lost on mortgages, whose fault is that? Those that have paid their bills?
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Actually, the title is perfect without the hyper partisan gumbo in the OP. Our government has over stepped it's bounds too often and for too long. It needs to be (yet again) turned on it's head and shaken clean.

Do you think Palin is the brain trust to do that?
Actually, the title is perfect without the hyper partisan gumbo in the OP. Our government has over stepped it's bounds too often and for too long. It needs to be (yet again) turned on it's head and shaken clean.

Do you think Palin is the brain trust to do that?

Even if she was smart enough ... she's still a politician. Remember, I trust no one who makes politics a career. ;)
what is funny is that the same gop nutjobs who love the patriot act & the military would get tortured and killed from these two things if they ever left internet tough guy mode.
Actually, the title is perfect without the hyper partisan gumbo in the OP. Our government has over stepped it's bounds too often and for too long. It needs to be (yet again) turned on it's head and shaken clean.

Do you think Palin is the brain trust to do that?

Even if she was smart enough ... she's still a politician. Remember, I trust no one who makes politics a career. ;)

Any one you hire immediately becomes the Devil?

have you seen Kathy Bates in the waterboy?

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