Time to end impunity for crimes against journalists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Time to end impunity for crimes against journalists
From Khashoggi's brutal murder to the killing of Daphne Galizia, crimes against journalists still go unpunished.

Time to end impunity for crimes against journalists
The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is extraordinary, not because of the brutal way he was killed, nor because those who did it are unlikely to be held to account. It is extraordinary because it has become international news in a world where violence against journalists is increasingly the norm.

In 2017 alone, 78 journalists were murdered, and thousands more assaulted or imprisoned for their work. On average, only one in 10 of those who commit violence against journalists are convicted of their crimes. In countries like Mexico, where 12 journalists were murdered in 2017, virtually no perpetrators are convicted.

Even in Europe, a supposedly safe place for journalists to work, there are worrying cases of murders of journalists. The family of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia are still waiting for justice, one year after she was killed by a car bomb.

Surely good objective Journalism and Journalists throughout this planet are becoming a sparse specie of humanity. It appears that we in America have a problem with the assassination of a Saudi Journalist in Turkey, whereas Journalists have been assassinated in various parts of the world with virtual "impunity" . Take for example Russia under Putin 28 journalists have been assassinated between 2000 and 2017. That does not include people killed outside of Russia ordered by Vlad Putin.
Yet, suddenly everyone is suddenly seeking justice for one mostly obscure journalist unlike the others.
Khashoggi's death was not a crime against a journalist. The Saudis killed him because he was an enemy to Saudi Arabia, and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

It had nothing to do with journalism.
Journalist or not. Murder is murder and if the perps are caught they will be tried.

Journalism has nothing to do with murder.
we have bigger/more problems to worry about than foreigners being murdered

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