Time to Go Roman with Islam

I'm pretty sure there are men of color present in all of the households or at least stretching it out of shape when the women stray like they tend to do.
or not.
Keep wishing. Youre not sure but I am convinced you just have your head in the sand.
seems it is you doing all the wishing.
Youre the one claiming its not true.
I did? hmmmmmmmmm your fantasy will set you free.
Yes you did. Now your pretending you didnt say "or not"?
I'm sure the neighbors to the San Bernardine nut job muslims used to say that.
I'm pretty sure the neighbors of the millions of muslims currently in the US say that to this day. If I was going to worry about terrorists I would worry about the deranged white boys that are known terrorist home grown right here in the U.S.
You should be worried about getting your black ass shot by another black thug from that shit hole you live in.
You should be worried about actually doing something instead of talking on the internet. No wonder you monkeys fell back into the dark ages. You spend too much time pretending you are going to do something but you get easily distracted like most monkeys.
says the black guy on the internet. LOL the hypocrisy you display in all its glory is hilarious.
Yeah I'm the one that is talking tough about attacking muslims.

Youre a pussy just like the OP. All you are going to do is talk shit. Practically everyone knows that.
Crawl back into your college safe zone and please try to get a degree. Spending 14 years going to college full time while living in your moms basement is humiliating for humanity.

I'm pretty sure the neighbors of the millions of muslims currently in the US say that to this day. If I was going to worry about terrorists I would worry about the deranged white boys that are known terrorist home grown right here in the U.S.
You should be worried about getting your black ass shot by another black thug from that shit hole you live in.
You should be worried about actually doing something instead of talking on the internet. No wonder you monkeys fell back into the dark ages. You spend too much time pretending you are going to do something but you get easily distracted like most monkeys.
says the black guy on the internet. LOL the hypocrisy you display in all its glory is hilarious.
Yeah I'm the one that is talking tough about attacking muslims.

Youre a pussy just like the OP. All you are going to do is talk shit. Practically everyone knows that.
Crawl back into your college safe zone and please try to get a degree. Spending 14 years going to college full time while living in your moms basement is humiliating for humanity.

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Youre projecting and not very sly about hiding it.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
You need read history. Since its conception, Islam has continually tried to invade the west (from Spain to Belgium and Hungary and Romania). They have never given up the dream of conquering the planet through any and all means possible.
I've already picked another country. You and the rest of the dumb ass white boys like to talk tough but there is a reason you arent in charge of anything. Youre too damn stupid. You think those people are not committed? You are going to find out if anyone was dumb enough to take the advi
Every couple hundred years, we have to kick Mohammed's ass back to the shit hole he lives in. He's due for another ass-kicking. It won't take much. We know what sort of fighters they are.
Hostage to History

During the "Golden Age" of Islam, the Christian world couldn't even hold a candle to what the Muslims were doing scientifically.

What happened to the Muslim world that made it the shithole it is today?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
It's this sort of ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate that illustrates why conservatives have no business being in power.
I'm sure President Trump won't take offense at your ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate.
Palestinian kids don't even get the chance to be normal. They watch puppet shows on TV teaching them to hate Jews and telling them the best thing they can do with their lives is to strap bombs to their chest and die a martyr.

Hostage to History

During the "Golden Age" of Islam, the Christian world couldn't even hold a candle to what the Muslims were doing scientifically.

What happened to the Muslim world that made it the shithole it is today?
You know why? Nebuchadnezzar took all the Jews and relocated them to Babylon.

They were the genius behind the advances.
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There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
Actually I've known quite a few over the years. I know not all Muslims are crazy hence I used the word Islam. I'm talking about the belief system in general. I also spoke specifically about ISIS and
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
Actually over the years quite a few. You will notice I said Islam and not Muslim. I know not all muslims are crazy. I'm talking about Islamic belief system in general. Also note that I pointed out specifically one group ISIS. What I have noticed over the years about Muslims is that they tend to be very devout. This is a problem if the Ideology found in Islam is flawed; and it is. It was created not by a man of peace but by a war lord and it's his intellectual property(Islam) that governs their lives. I understand that they are like all religions and have been indoctrinated since childhood. The problem is they aren't allowed to question,modernize or leave Islam.

Now here's the other problem that you didn't address,the silence of Muslim. Burn a Koran and they are out by the masses screaming to the rafters how horrible it is. Blow people up and it's crickets by comparison. To many people the silence makes it seem like they condone the actions of the few that are blowing people up. Yeah a handful come forward and say that the lunatic's "don't represent Islam" but after so many times attacked coupled with major inaction on the part of moderate Muslims, it begins to seem like they support the terrorists. There comes a time where you have to choose sides and for Muslims that time is now. Many people considered those Germans who looked away at the Nazi atrocities just as guilty as those who actively participated in the extermination of the Jews. It will be the same for Muslims.
Yes, that would explain why Spain fell behind. They kicked out all the Jews when they kicked out all the Muslims. It's not a coincidence that the United States, the nation that has the most Jews, is ahead in every field of science. Also, Jews are over-represented in the arts, the professions, business, and banking. The higher you go up the ladder of success, the more Jews you will encounter.
After every attack, the Muslims cry out that everyone is discriminating against them because they are Muslim. That's their first impulse. In my experience, Muslims are not being persecuted at all. They walk freely down the street, run businesses, send their kids to school, and nobody bothers them or interferes with them.

ABC and NBC have both attempted to stir up trouble by sending Muslim-looking people into sports events and NASCAR races, and they have found nothing. No one even noticed these guys and the reason is, the liberal media is wrong about white Americans. We are not racist murder hobos looking to beat up anyone who looks different from us.

Compared to any other country in the world, Muslims have it good in the United States. They have the same access to the American Dream as anyone else. They are safer here than in any Muslim country. Despite what you'd think from looking at a political forum, Muslims are not in danger because they are Muslim.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
Actually I've known quite a few over the years. I know not all Muslims are crazy hence I used the word Islam. I'm talking about the belief system in general. I also spoke specifically about ISIS and
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
Actually over the years quite a few. You will notice I said Islam and not Muslim. I know not all muslims are crazy. I'm talking about Islamic belief system in general. Also note that I pointed out specifically one group ISIS. What I have noticed over the years about Muslims is that they tend to be very devout. This is a problem if the Ideology found in Islam is flawed; and it is. It was created not by a man of peace but by a war lord and it's his intellectual property(Islam) that governs their lives. I understand that they are like all religions and have been indoctrinated since childhood. The problem is they aren't allowed to question,modernize or leave Islam.

Now here's the other problem that you didn't address,the silence of Muslim. Burn a Koran and they are out by the masses screaming to the rafters how horrible it is. Blow people up and it's crickets by comparison. To many people the silence makes it seem like they condone the actions of the few that are blowing people up. Yeah a handful come forward and say that the lunatic's "don't represent Islam" but after so many times attacked coupled with major inaction on the part of moderate Muslims, it begins to seem like they support the terrorists. There comes a time where you have to choose sides and for Muslims that time is now. Many people considered those Germans who looked away at the Nazi atrocities just as guilty as those who actively participated in the extermination of the Jews. It will be the same for Muslims.
You do realize the Muslims practice Islam right?

I dont see any silence on the part of Muslims. They decry the terrorism. You dont seem very informed.
I've already picked another country. You and the rest of the dumb ass white boys like to talk tough but there is a reason you arent in charge of anything. Youre too damn stupid. You think those people are not committed? You are going to find out if anyone was dumb enough to take the advi
Every couple hundred years, we have to kick Mohammed's ass back to the shit hole he lives in. He's due for another ass-kicking. It won't take much. We know what sort of fighters they are.
So when are you going to get busy instead of just talking on the internet?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Humiliation is the key to defeating those knuckle dragging, pseudo-macho Muslim dogs. Everything has some greater purpose with them. Fuck 'em. We should beat them crippled with their Quarans and force feed them raw pork on live TV, the same way they are humiliating their victims.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Humiliation is the key to defeating those knuckle dragging, pseudo-macho Muslim dogs. Everything has some greater purpose with them. Fuck 'em. We should beat them crippled with their Quarans and force feed them raw pork on live TV, the same way they are humiliating their victims.
When are you going to do this or are you just talking cave chimp chatter safely on the internet?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
Man, fuck you and fuck Rev. Wright's fucking chickens. Sometime you have to fight to protect what you value. The last time the world just sat back and let an ideological group commit genocide and gobble up land was the time just prior to WWII. And even then we did know know about the genocide.

It is morally indefensible to allow ISIS to run around engaging in wholesale murder.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Humiliation is the key to defeating those knuckle dragging, pseudo-macho Muslim dogs. Everything has some greater purpose with them. Fuck 'em. We should beat them crippled with their Quarans and force feed them raw pork on live TV, the same way they are humiliating their victims.
When are you going to do this or are you just talking cave chimp chatter safely on the internet?
Me? Son, I'm going to conscript peasants like you and your children to do that!

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