Time to Go Roman with Islam

Calling all tough white boys. When are you guys going to go Roman? Why do you guys simply talk dumb shit on the internet? I know the reason. Youre all just a bunch of dumb asses full of talk.

Says the poster who has more than fifty thousand posts in just a couple years.:biggrin:
None of my posts have made a call to arms. You white boys deflect about as much as you talk shit. Face it. You white boys are not going to do anything but talk harshly on the internet.
Calling all tough white boys. When are you guys going to go Roman? Why do you guys simply talk dumb shit on the internet? I know the reason. Youre all just a bunch of dumb asses full of talk.

Says the poster who has more than fifty thousand posts in just a couple years.:biggrin:
None of my posts have made a call to arms. You white boys deflect about as much as you talk shit. Face it. You white boys are not going to do anything but talk harshly on the internet.

Keyboard Kowboys.
Calling all tough white boys. When are you guys going to go Roman? Why do you guys simply talk dumb shit on the internet? I know the reason. Youre all just a bunch of dumb asses full of talk.

Says the poster who has more than fifty thousand posts in just a couple years.:biggrin:
None of my posts have made a call to arms. You white boys deflect about as much as you talk shit. Face it. You white boys are not going to do anything but talk harshly on the internet.

Hey dumbshit, I've already served, time for the next generation to man-up. I call on my country to make changes in our policies, and IMO that would start with a moratorium all all immigration from certain parts of the African continent, and regions of the Middle East.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Not with Obutthead in office but if Trump gets elected hopefully he'll kick some ass.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.

It is time to shut down all Mosques because the imam there is nothing more than the recruiter for ISIS.

Time to shut down all Muslim cab drivers who refuse to take a customer coming from the liquor store.

Or the customer who want to take a cab home, with a dog, after walking their dog.

Time to tell such cab driver before he can tell his religious hate to innocent people to go and fuck himself.

Time to tell Muslims in general that a dog is a better person than they are. I heard about seeing eye dogs, but I never heard about seeing eye Muslims. Nor have I heard about any Muslim that would help anybody, ever. And if they don't like it, they can go back to where the Hell they came from.
You guys never learn your lesson. No wonder europe fell into the dark ages.
what happened to blacks again?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.
I've already picked another country. You and the rest of the dumb ass white boys like to talk tough but there is a reason you arent in charge of anything. Youre too damn stupid. You think those people are not committed? You are going to find out if anyone was dumb enough to take the advice you low hanging fruit white boys like to dispense.

Glad to see you have plans to leave, we'll be happy to hold the door open for you, just don't let it hit you in the ass :beer:.
Cowards are all talk. They aren't going anywhere.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
Yeah, because Islam has a 1400 year track record of being civilized and supporting basic human rights.
Moron Islamapologist.
"Time to Go Roman with Islam"

Islam is not the problem; Islam is not responsible for terrorist attacks, the individual terrorists are - attacking a religion for the acts committed by the non-representative few is bigoted idiocy.
238 of the 243 terrorist attacks in the world from July to December 2015 were propagated by Muslims.

It's self evident Islam is the root cause and it's self evident you're an Islamapologist.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
Yeah, because Islam has a 1400 year track record of being civilized and supporting basic human rights.
Moron Islamapologist.
Wake me when you decide to do something. Until then stop whining. You sound like a colicky baby.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.

It is time to shut down all Mosques because the imam there is nothing more than the recruiter for ISIS.

Time to shut down all Muslim cab drivers who refuse to take a customer coming from the liquor store.

Or the customer who want to take a cab home, with a dog, after walking their dog.

Time to tell such cab driver before he can tell his religious hate to innocent people to go and fuck himself.

Time to tell Muslims in general that a dog is a better person than they are. I heard about seeing eye dogs, but I never heard about seeing eye Muslims. Nor have I heard about any Muslim that would help anybody, ever. And if they don't like it, they can go back to where the Hell they came from.
You guys never learn your lesson. No wonder europe fell into the dark ages.
what happened to blacks again?
We are right here. We educated you to keep you from regressing back to cave man status. Havent you seen your women dating us?
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Calling all tough white boys. When are you guys going to go Roman? Why do you guys simply talk dumb shit on the internet? I know the reason. Youre all just a bunch of dumb asses full of talk.

Says the poster who has more than fifty thousand posts in just a couple years.:biggrin:
None of my posts have made a call to arms. You white boys deflect about as much as you talk shit. Face it. You white boys are not going to do anything but talk harshly on the internet.

Hey dumbshit, I've already served, time for the next generation to man-up. I call on my country to make changes in our policies, and IMO that would start with a moratorium all all immigration from certain parts of the African continent, and regions of the Middle East.
So you admit you are all talk? Just checking.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.

It is time to shut down all Mosques because the imam there is nothing more than the recruiter for ISIS.

Time to shut down all Muslim cab drivers who refuse to take a customer coming from the liquor store.

Or the customer who want to take a cab home, with a dog, after walking their dog.

Time to tell such cab driver before he can tell his religious hate to innocent people to go and fuck himself.

Time to tell Muslims in general that a dog is a better person than they are. I heard about seeing eye dogs, but I never heard about seeing eye Muslims. Nor have I heard about any Muslim that would help anybody, ever. And if they don't like it, they can go back to where the Hell they came from.
You guys never learn your lesson. No wonder europe fell into the dark ages.
what happened to blacks again?
We are right here. Havent you seen your women dating us?
my women are all married and have kids and there are no men of color present in any of the households. Thanks.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.
All regimes fall eventually however Rome had a great track record so the analogy is a good one. As far as kicking islamic ass I think the West grossly underestimates these groups. Groups like ISIS put the mental in Fundamentalist. They only recognize their religion as the one true religion and have made it their entire lives. You know all those bible thumpers the left likes to hate on? Well Islam are those people on mega steroids. They will only keep coming until you physically stop them. You can't play nice with them because violence is the only thing they understand. Martyrdom has been programed into their Psyche sometimes since birth as seen with the Palestinians. The Cult itself forbids any criticism and allows no apostates. You follow as you're told by the cleric's and don't question anything. The nut jobs won't go away until we deal with them and we won't deal with them until we drop the PC Bullshit and actually look at the foundation of Islam for what it really is, a 1400 year old cult started by a murdering war lord who gained converts at the point of a sword.
How many muslims do you know personally? Your post only tells me you have decided that all muslims are killing nut jobs. I have lived next to a muslim for 10 plus years. So far I havent had my head chopped off for not being a muslim. Matter of fact my muslim neighbor thinks the terrorists are nut jobs but he is actually more concerned with the dirty looks he gets from ignorant people that feel as you do.
I'm sure the neighbors to the San Bernardine nut job muslims used to say that.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.
I've already picked another country. You and the rest of the dumb ass white boys like to talk tough but there is a reason you arent in charge of anything. Youre too damn stupid. You think those people are not committed? You are going to find out if anyone was dumb enough to take the advice you low hanging fruit white boys like to dispense.

You haven't left yet?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.

It is time to shut down all Mosques because the imam there is nothing more than the recruiter for ISIS.

Time to shut down all Muslim cab drivers who refuse to take a customer coming from the liquor store.

Or the customer who want to take a cab home, with a dog, after walking their dog.

Time to tell such cab driver before he can tell his religious hate to innocent people to go and fuck himself.

Time to tell Muslims in general that a dog is a better person than they are. I heard about seeing eye dogs, but I never heard about seeing eye Muslims. Nor have I heard about any Muslim that would help anybody, ever. And if they don't like it, they can go back to where the Hell they came from.
You guys never learn your lesson. No wonder europe fell into the dark ages.
what happened to blacks again?
We are right here. Havent you seen your women dating us?
my women are all married and have kids and there are no men of color present in any of the households. Thanks.
I'm pretty sure there are men of color present in all of the households or at least stretching it out of shape when the women stray like they tend to do.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
It's this sort of ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate that illustrates why conservatives have no business being in power.

You always seem to crawl out from under your rock with your hypocritical bullshit, don't you?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.
I've already picked another country. You and the rest of the dumb ass white boys like to talk tough but there is a reason you arent in charge of anything. Youre too damn stupid. You think those people are not committed? You are going to find out if anyone was dumb enough to take the advice you low hanging fruit white boys like to dispense.

You haven't left yet?
Nope I decided to stay and see how tough you dumb white boys are. Got a problem with that? Even if you did you wouldnt do anything but talk harshly.

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