Time to Go Roman with Islam

Yes I realize they practice Islam like Christians practice Christianity and Jews practice Judaism. I also Understand the issue is complicated. My issue isn't really with the people who practice it, it's with the doctrine and it's uncompromising Imam's who put forward antiquated doctrine to be followed today. As I said before to some degree all people of religion are indoctrinated. All have some antiquated practices like stoning gays and adulterers. Christianity and Judaism have modernized because we recognize that stoning people isn't tolerable for a modern society. Not so with Islam. Islam is proud that it hasn't progressed in 1400 years and the people who keep it that way are the Imams. Their interpretation of the Koran and their failure to modernize is unacceptable. As I said before Islam the doctrine was created by a opportunistic, murdering,thieving,pedophile war lord who wanted total control, hence the doctrine reflects that personality. If Muslims can't change the doctrine or leave the cult, which they can't, then what choice do the people who follow have? Again they are a very devout people so unless the Imam's say it's OK to modernize the majority won't. Their Imam's have control like the Pope did in the middle ages. Because they can't or they won't change or assimilate we will continue to have terrorists attacks.

I said by comparison. They were very vocal when Rev. Terry Jones threatened to burn a Koran. Had Rev Jones actually done so I have know doubt the protests would have been riots here in the USA and not just in Afghanistan. What riots do you see today by Muslims? Where are the protests? They can Obviously be vocal, well where is it? By comparison, silence. Yes I'm sure some denounced the attacks and gave the usual sound bite " ISIS does not represent Islam". Those words mean nothing to the people of Belgium today the way that they meant nothing to the people Paris,NYC,Nigeria,Turkey,London...Oh hell to many to mention here's the Wiki

List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont get what you are talking about. Most Muslims do not subscribe to the more antiquated notions in the Quran. I would say the majority of them don't or we would be in for a world of trouble. You would have suicide bombings everyday here in the US if they all took the Quran literally.

Some US soilders burned the Quran and there were no riots here in the US. What do you want the Muslims to do that they are not already doing? You are trying to compare their reaction to someone burning a book that represents the belief of all Muslims to their reaction to nutjobs using their religion to condone terrorism. Not a good comparison at all. Matter of fact it fails as a logical fallacy.

Not so long ago a some jihadists attacked a cartoon contest in Garland

Texas over drawing cartoons of mohammond
Not so long ago a white christian blew up a federal building in OKC. Whats your point?
Keeping you honest
Was there a riot or did you not understand my post?
It don't matter lots of violence here in the states in the name of Alla
Actually I've known quite a few over the years. I know not all Muslims are crazy hence I used the word Islam. I'm talking about the belief system in general. I also spoke specifically about ISIS and
Actually over the years quite a few. You will notice I said Islam and not Muslim. I know not all muslims are crazy. I'm talking about Islamic belief system in general. Also note that I pointed out specifically one group ISIS. What I have noticed over the years about Muslims is that they tend to be very devout. This is a problem if the Ideology found in Islam is flawed; and it is. It was created not by a man of peace but by a war lord and it's his intellectual property(Islam) that governs their lives. I understand that they are like all religions and have been indoctrinated since childhood. The problem is they aren't allowed to question,modernize or leave Islam.

Now here's the other problem that you didn't address,the silence of Muslim. Burn a Koran and they are out by the masses screaming to the rafters how horrible it is. Blow people up and it's crickets by comparison. To many people the silence makes it seem like they condone the actions of the few that are blowing people up. Yeah a handful come forward and say that the lunatic's "don't represent Islam" but after so many times attacked coupled with major inaction on the part of moderate Muslims, it begins to seem like they support the terrorists. There comes a time where you have to choose sides and for Muslims that time is now. Many people considered those Germans who looked away at the Nazi atrocities just as guilty as those who actively participated in the extermination of the Jews. It will be the same for Muslims.
You do realize the Muslims practice Islam right?

I dont see any silence on the part of Muslims. They decry the terrorism. You dont seem very informed.
Yes I realize they practice Islam like Christians practice Christianity and Jews practice Judaism. I also Understand the issue is complicated. My issue isn't really with the people who practice it, it's with the doctrine and it's uncompromising Imam's who put forward antiquated doctrine to be followed today. As I said before to some degree all people of religion are indoctrinated. All have some antiquated practices like stoning gays and adulterers. Christianity and Judaism have modernized because we recognize that stoning people isn't tolerable for a modern society. Not so with Islam. Islam is proud that it hasn't progressed in 1400 years and the people who keep it that way are the Imams. Their interpretation of the Koran and their failure to modernize is unacceptable. As I said before Islam the doctrine was created by a opportunistic, murdering,thieving,pedophile war lord who wanted total control, hence the doctrine reflects that personality. If Muslims can't change the doctrine or leave the cult, which they can't, then what choice do the people who follow have? Again they are a very devout people so unless the Imam's say it's OK to modernize the majority won't. Their Imam's have control like the Pope did in the middle ages. Because they can't or they won't change or assimilate we will continue to have terrorists attacks.

I said by comparison. They were very vocal when Rev. Terry Jones threatened to burn a Koran. Had Rev Jones actually done so I have know doubt the protests would have been riots here in the USA and not just in Afghanistan. What riots do you see today by Muslims? Where are the protests? They can Obviously be vocal, well where is it? By comparison, silence. Yes I'm sure some denounced the attacks and gave the usual sound bite " ISIS does not represent Islam". Those words mean nothing to the people of Belgium today the way that they meant nothing to the people Paris,NYC,Nigeria,Turkey,London...Oh hell to many to mention here's the Wiki

List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont get what you are talking about. Most Muslims do not subscribe to the more antiquated notions in the Quran. I would say the majority of them don't or we would be in for a world of trouble. You would have suicide bombings everyday here in the US if they all took the Quran literally.

Some US soilders burned the Quran and there were no riots here in the US. What do you want the Muslims to do that they are not already doing? You are trying to compare their reaction to someone burning a book that represents the belief of all Muslims to their reaction to nutjobs using their religion to condone terrorism. Not a good comparison at all. Matter of fact it fails as a logical fallacy.

Not so long ago a some jihadists attacked a cartoon contest in Garland

Texas over drawing cartoons of mohammond
Not so long ago a white christian blew up a federal building in OKC. Whats your point?
Shotforbrains and the lie McVeigh was a Christian again. Oy Vey
The common spin of lies is all of these terrorist "use" Islam to commit their acts. As if these people are just atheists who use a religion for power.

Fact remains these people are very religious and only doing what the Koran tells them to do. People can't blow themselves up to gain power. Period.

From July to December 2015 there were 243 acts of terrorism in the world. 238 were propagated by Muslims.
I dont get what you are talking about. Most Muslims do not subscribe to the more antiquated notions in the Quran. I would say the majority of them don't or we would be in for a world of trouble. You would have suicide bombings everyday here in the US if they all took the Quran literally.

Some US soilders burned the Quran and there were no riots here in the US. What do you want the Muslims to do that they are not already doing? You are trying to compare their reaction to someone burning a book that represents the belief of all Muslims to their reaction to nutjobs using their religion to condone terrorism. Not a good comparison at all. Matter of fact it fails as a logical fallacy.

Not so long ago a some jihadists attacked a cartoon contest in Garland

Texas over drawing cartoons of mohammond
Not so long ago a white christian blew up a federal building in OKC. Whats your point?
Keeping you honest
Was there a riot or did you not understand my post?
It don't matter lots of violence here in the states in the name of Alla
Actually it does matter if you read my post. There is lots of violence in the name of god here in the states. So again whats your point?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.

LOL. "I would love to live in a black country .....just not now or anytime soon...."
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park. Dont be jealous and try to talk me out of it.
There was a time when you harmed a Roman citizen and the next thing you knew a Roman Legion was there on the scene taking names, and they were not nice about it.

Time to publicly humiliate all captured Islamic terrorists and send a message to anyone thinking of joining.

World leaders playing nicey nice the past 8 years has only led to a dramatic increase in terrorism against innocent people trying to be good citizens.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.

LOL. "I would love to live in a black country .....just not now or anytime soon...."
Well I am still young and making money here in the US that I plan to use to live in Africa later. I even have some land over there. Nothing like being in the motherland. I have told every Black person I meet they need to go at least once. Its awe inspiring how beautiful the people and the land is over there.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park.
Stay away from the jungle meat. That's how AIDS and Ebola got started.
Typical of you dumb ass white boys. The political policies of the west and europe meddling and stealing in the middle east has back fired and the chickens are coming home to roost. Your heroes fucked up as they usually do. BTW Rome fell....very hard. You may want to pick another group of tough people....Just sayin.

You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.

LOL. "I would love to live in a black country .....just not now or anytime soon...."
Well I am still young and making money here in the US that I plan to use to live in Africa later. I even have some land over there. Nothing like being in the motherland. I have told every Black person I meet they need to go at least once. Its awe inspiring how beautiful the people and the land is over there.
Come on kid, even in the hood, food stamps and welfare aren't considered "making money". Try pimping and selling drugs like ma respectable black man.
You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park.
Stay away from the jungle meat. That's how AIDS and Ebola got started.
I thought it got started by whites butt fucking sheep?
Not so long ago a some jihadists attacked a cartoon contest in Garland

Texas over drawing cartoons of mohammond
Not so long ago a white christian blew up a federal building in OKC. Whats your point?
Keeping you honest
Was there a riot or did you not understand my post?
It don't matter lots of violence here in the states in the name of Alla
Actually it does matter if you read my post. There is lots of violence in the name of god here in the states. So again whats your point?
Recently which God
You might want to pick another country to move to. You keep making yourself look really stupid staying somewhere that you blame all the worlds ills on.

He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.

LOL. "I would love to live in a black country .....just not now or anytime soon...."
Well I am still young and making money here in the US that I plan to use to live in Africa later. I even have some land over there. Nothing like being in the motherland. I have told every Black person I meet they need to go at least once. Its awe inspiring how beautiful the people and the land is over there.
Come on kid, even in the hood, food stamps and welfare aren't considered "making money". Try pimping and selling drugs like ma respectable black man.
Who convinced you that food stamps were money? Stay off the meth and stop participating in the sunflower seed spitting contests. Get a real career and make some money instead of gaming the system.
He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park.
Stay away from the jungle meat. That's how AIDS and Ebola got started.
I thought it got started by whites butt fucking sheep?
Well, you believe in jungle bunny civilizations, so I'm not surprised.
Not so long ago a white christian blew up a federal building in OKC. Whats your point?
Keeping you honest
Was there a riot or did you not understand my post?
It don't matter lots of violence here in the states in the name of Alla
Actually it does matter if you read my post. There is lots of violence in the name of god here in the states. So again whats your point?
Recently which God
the christian god but again whats your point? I was talking specifically about riots.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park.
Stay away from the jungle meat. That's how AIDS and Ebola got started.
I thought it got started by whites butt fucking sheep?
Well, you believe in jungle bunny civilizations, so I'm not surprised.
Never heard of a jungle bunny civilization. I have heard of fake cave chimp civilizations though.
He hates white people, but couldn't imagine not living in a white country.
I dont hate white people and I would love to live in a all Black country like I am going to do when I get old.
Psst, no food stamps there. What would you eat?
If you work harder you dont have to use food stamps. I know you cant imagine a life without food stamps but its possible if you leave your trailer park.
Stay away from the jungle meat. That's how AIDS and Ebola got started.
I thought it got started by whites butt fucking sheep?

I think it was one of your bros who couldn't find a little girl, getting some monkey ass.
Keeping you honest
Was there a riot or did you not understand my post?
It don't matter lots of violence here in the states in the name of Alla
Actually it does matter if you read my post. There is lots of violence in the name of god here in the states. So again whats your point?
Recently which God
the christian god but again whats your point? I was talking specifically about riots.
What violence is happening here in states in the name of Christ

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