Time to Impeach Joe Biden (Poll)

Should the House Impeach Joe Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee says the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."

Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so "Let's Roll".
What’s the charge and evidence?

Hearsay and performance theater.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee says the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."

Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so "Let's Roll".
Time for trump to go to jail for the rest of his life.
You're an idiot.
The entire problem was that people listening in on the call blew the whistle.
See. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Trump was impeached for a talking point, not a crime.
I watched the impeachment trial.
The dem's witnesses were deep state hacks.
No Republican senators agreed with the impeachment, because it wasn't based in LAW.
See. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Trump was impeached for a talking point, not a crime.
I watched the impeachment trial.
The dem's witnesses were deep state hacks.
No Republican senators agreed with the impeachment, because it wasn't based in LAW.
You're a slack jawed moron.

Vindman was a decorated officer, Sondland was a GOP big shot.

There is no Deep State.

GAO: Trump Administration Violated the Law by Withholding Ukraine Aid

Now shut your face, Rube.
Where is there evidence that a single thing in your post is true. Fox News is certainly not a reliable source for anything.
If the Biden family received all of these mornings between 2016 and 2018 call mom and reports on all of these transactions were filed with the Trump administration, and Hunter Biden has been investigated by the IRS and the FBI and the DOJ under Donald Trump, and John Durham, why has nobody looked into these payments before now???
Or maybe they did, and found nothing because you haven’t produced any evidence that there’s anything improper about any of this
And I noticed that you’re still posting that debunked lie that Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230 million. So let’s do Bunker again:
You’re really long on wild accusations in really short on anything back to back up these charges.
1. The evidence is that the House documented Millions of dollars being laundered thru LLCs from America's adversaries to Biden family members. FNC is a reliable source as proven by the Harvard study. The snowflakes on CNN melted down when witnessing a GOP townhall. That's what happens when propaganda meets reality.

2. More evidence is that Hunter Biden's net worth is about $230,000,000. How did a Navy flunk-out, druggie with no qualifications make that much so fast?
Hint: being a bagman for "the big guy"

3. Newsweek couldn't corroborate the $230m figure. They didn't disprove it. So it isn't "debunked".

4. Hunter is paying $37,000 a month in alimony and $20,000 a month in child support. So $230m sounds about right. Let's hope that the House investigators can nail it down. We know that the FBI is part of the DNC.
Except that the border is not, and has never been “open”. You can’t impeach someone on your lies and conspiracy theories. You actually have to have evidence that they are doing the things that you were claiming they’re doing. You can’t impeach people on the wild imaginings of the Republicans.
The CBP can testify that the Biden admin is NOT following the LAW. That is impeachable.
What’s the charge and evidence?
Hearsay and performance theater.
Open borders, the CBP can confirm that Biden is not following the LAW
Selling influence, the House has bank records and can track the money from America's adversaries to the Bidens.
You're a slack jawed moron.
Vindman was a decorated officer, Sondland was a GOP big shot.
There is no Deep State.
Now shut your face, Rube.
You need a better link than that one. There are many that confirm what the GAO said
True that the GAO said that Trump broke the Law, but the OMB said that Trump did NOT break the Law.
The OMB made clear Thursday, however, that it disagreed with the GAO report.
“We disagree with GAO's opinion," OMB spokesperson Rachel Semmel said. "OMB uses its apportionment authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the President's priorities and with the law."
Further, a senior administration official said to Fox News that they believed the GAO was trying to insert itself into impeachment at a time when media attention on the matter is high.
You need a better link than that one. There are many that confirm what the GAO said
True that the GAO said that Trump broke the Law, but the OMB said that Trump did NOT break the Law.
The OMB made clear Thursday, however, that it disagreed with the GAO report.
“We disagree with GAO's opinion," OMB spokesperson Rachel Semmel said. "OMB uses its apportionment authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the President's priorities and with the law."
Further, a senior administration official said to Fox News that they believed the GAO was trying to insert itself into impeachment at a time when media attention on the matter is high.
OMB is part of the Executive Branch, dimwit.

GAO is independent.

This is why FOX is for morons.
The evidence is that the House documented Millions of dollars being laundered thru LLCs from America's adversaries to Biden family members
And how does that create a high crime or misdemeanor?
See. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Trump was impeached for a talking point, not a crime.
I watched the impeachment trial.
The dem's witnesses were deep state hacks.
No Republican senators agreed with the impeachment, because it wasn't based in LAW.

The witnesses in both impeachments were all Republicans working in the White House, who were hand picked and hired by Donald Trump.

Every Republican senator agreed that Trump was guilty of doing the things that were charged in both of the impeachments.

In the first impeachment, Mitch McConnell said that Donald Trump was “elected by the people” and with the election only 10 months away, the American people should be allowed to decide whether they wanted Donald Trump to be their president.

When the American people resoundingly voted Donald Trump out of office, and he mounted an insurrection to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell refused again to impeach Donald Trump, on the grounds that he was no longer president, and therefore could not be impeached.

McConnell then asked the justice system to hold Trump accountable for his crimes. But know that the justice system is attempting to do just that, the charges are political, and Trump should not be prosecuted.

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