Time To Open One's Eyes.

1. Always include the source of your quote, as I do.

2. Stalin was far smarter than you....or FDR......and almost as good a liar as you are.

3. One wonder how stupid you must be to miss the actual title of the Nazi Party....."Socialist."
How about the USSR....the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

4. Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.

You were the source for Stalin's thoughts on the war between Germany and the other European powers.

"Stalin views the war against Germany as a conflict "between two groups of capitalist countries", saying there is "nothing wrong in their having a good fight and weakening each other.

You debunked your own claim, nor was it the first time for you either.
You were the source for Stalin's thoughts on the war between Germany and the other European powers.

"Stalin views the war against Germany as a conflict "between two groups of capitalist countries", saying there is "nothing wrong in their having a good fight and weakening each other.

You debunked your own claim, nor was it the first time for you either.

I'm not Stalin.

You're the one who relied on him for verification.
7. When the Cuban people demanded freedom from their Democrat....er, Communist masters.....the US Democrats realized how it made them look, - like the Communists that they are- so they claimed it was the Wuhan they were protesting.

Democrats lie about everything.

"At the onset of the protests, Biden’s assistant secretary of state for the Cuba region tweeted, “Peaceful protests are growing in Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages.”

There is nothing truthful about this statement. First, there is no meaningful “right to peaceful assembly” in Cuba. Cuba’s president in fact called for his fellow party members to crush any dissent. “We are prepared to do anything,” he said. “We will be battling in the streets.”

In addition, the protests were clearly about a lot more than COVID-19. Protesters chanted “Freedom!”, “Down with communism!”, and “Patria y vida” (homeland and life) in videos widely available all over the web. A crowd of protesters even gathered outside of the Communist Party headquarters chanting, “Cuba isn’t yours.”

And most glaringly of all, American flags could be seen all over the place. The Cuban protesters were flying American flags because the American flag is still a symbol of freedom for people all over the world. All of this was glaringly obvious watching the Cuban protests on video."
7. When the Cuban people demanded freedom from their Democrat....er, Communist masters.....the US Democrats realized how it made them look, - like the Communists that they are- so they claimed it was the Wuhan they were protesting.

Democrats lie about everything.

"At the onset of the protests, Biden’s assistant secretary of state for the Cuba region tweeted, “Peaceful protests are growing in Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages.”

There is nothing truthful about this statement. First, there is no meaningful “right to peaceful assembly” in Cuba. Cuba’s president in fact called for his fellow party members to crush any dissent. “We are prepared to do anything,” he said. “We will be battling in the streets.”

In addition, the protests were clearly about a lot more than COVID-19. Protesters chanted “Freedom!”, “Down with communism!”, and “Patria y vida” (homeland and life) in videos widely available all over the web. A crowd of protesters even gathered outside of the Communist Party headquarters chanting, “Cuba isn’t yours.”

And most glaringly of all, American flags could be seen all over the place. The Cuban protesters were flying American flags because the American flag is still a symbol of freedom for people all over the world. All of this was glaringly obvious watching the Cuban protests on video."

Say that's even stupider than your original post, congrats.
8. "So how could the Biden administration’s officials on Cuba get this so wrong initially? The only possible explanation is they didn’t want to tell the truth because it’s not a narrative they like. Biden and others in his administration started refining their message to something more reality-based days later. But the rest of the American left has stayed largely silent.

The corporate media, as is standard policy these days, mirrored the Biden position exactly. The first reports focused on COVID-19. Only later, when the truth was too obvious to ignore, did the American media start reporting on the broad-based anti-government, anti-communist nature of the protests and the repressive efforts by the Cuban government to crush the dissent."

The lies of Democrats have become untenable.....begin with 'collusion!!

Dozens of lies have been exploded......only a fool would consider voting Democrat.
The problem for the USA is that the millionaires and billionaires are now sucking up 80% of the wealth of YOUR nation, destroying the working class, and shrinking the middle class, as more and more Americans fall into poverty, because of the economic crashes which hit the working classes the hardest.

Yours is the only first world country where worker's wages are supported by "earned income credits" and other social programs, which are used by big corporations to boost profits to the shareholders. Middle class taxpayers were subsidizing Walmart to the tune of $2500 per year, per taxpayer, for worker wages, even if you never set foot in a Walmart.

In Trump's first year in office, the USA was #7 on the Best Places in the World to Live list. This year, it's #21. ALL of the countries above your ranking, both in 2017 and today, are socialist democracies, except Singapore which is #19 to your #20.
The feds money gifting is raising the cost of everything....you can't keep it up or there won't be a middle class....the poor was moving out of poverty under Trump....short lived....national gasoline prices are up a dollar from last year at this time....and in some states its up over 2 dollars from last year....giving child tax credits won't help them....not when everything costs more if you can even find what you are looking for....
This is what the people of Cuba is most tired of....the lack of goods and services....
You may not need gas...you may be retired....so you don't know what the working poor are going through....
Cuban Americans are putting their money to work...they are funding boats to bring in Cuban's seeking asylum...this will balance out the dems open border crowd.....
I have yet to hear one politician on either side proclaim or create any bill that is socialism..

Socialism-a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Again you lie and for what gain do you seek?
Here are two: Social Security, Medicare.

Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."
The feds money gifting is raising the cost of everything....you can't keep it up or there won't be a middle class....the poor was moving out of poverty under Trump....short lived....national gasoline prices are up a dollar from last year at this time....and in some states its up over 2 dollars from last year....giving child tax credits won't help them....not when everything costs more if you can even find what you are looking for....
This is what the people of Cuba is most tired of....the lack of goods and services....
You may not need gas...you may be retired....so you don't know what the working poor are going through....

I'm looking forward to the day when Canadians protest the lack of freedom in their nation.
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10. "... the only news most people see on the web is the corporate media party line. Anyone googling “Cuba protests” over the weekend, for example, would have seen a page full of CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post reports about the COVID-19 protests in Cuba. This is not reality, but it’s the reality presented to the American people by Big Tech.

The American left is pushing a truly radical policy vision through the Biden administration. It is attempting to expand the government by trillions of dollars more than any time in history. Its vision includes government involvement in many new areas of American life.

Lying about what is really happening is necessary if the very policies you are espousing, the very direction you are advocating taking America is under widespread attack in a place like Cuba by the very people suffering under this failed experiment."

But...heck....they lie about everything.
10. "... the only news most people see on the web is the corporate media party line. Anyone googling “Cuba protests” over the weekend, for example, would have seen a page full of CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post reports about the COVID-19 protests in Cuba. This is not reality, but it’s the reality presented to the American people by Big Tech.

The American left is pushing a truly radical policy vision through the Biden administration. It is attempting to expand the government by trillions of dollars more than any time in history. Its vision includes government involvement in many new areas of American life.

Lying about what is really happening is necessary if the very policies you are espousing, the very direction you are advocating taking America is under widespread attack in a place like Cuba by the very people suffering under this failed experiment."

But...heck....they lie about everything.
And so do you.
These guys went to Cuba.....and expose socialism

Everything You've Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie
" Cuban hospitals are a horror show

Michael Moore, the world’s most gullible leftist filmmaker, took a trip to Cuba in 2007 to show Americans what they were missing by not having “free” national health care. In his documentary, SiCKO, Moore takes three New York rescue workers injured in the September 11 attacks to Cuba for treatment.

The Castro brothers, communism’s last great master propagandists, played Moore for a fool. As the news agency Reuters wrote in an article titled, “SiCKO patients got VIP treatment in Cuba”: “The 9/11 responders spent 10 days on the 19th floor of Cuba’s flagship hospital with a view of the Caribbean sea, a sharp contrast to many Cuban hospitals that are crumbling, badly lit, and which lack equipment and medicines.”

Most Americans wouldn’t even take their family pets, much less a family member, to be treated in the hospitals the average Cuban has to endure. Take a look at these videos to get a glimpse of what Cuban hospitals are really like:

Just like our Democrats, the Cuban Communists lie about everything.

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