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Time to Outlaw Billionaires in the US?

Notice that elipsis at the end. That is because the entire sentence carries the exact opposite meaning of what they are trying to portray Jefferson as saying. This is a willful omission deliberately designed to mislead the ignorant rubes drinking their piss who don't know jack shit about Jefferson and who will never fact check.
What's your point, Jack-Ass?
"Our most prominent Founding Father warned of the dangers of individuals becoming mind-bogglingly rich. In a letter to Joseph Milligan on April 6, 1816, Thomas Jefferson explicitly suggested that if individuals became so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government, then their wealth should be decreased upon their death. He wrote, 'If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree...'

Did you deliberately ignore the "then their wealth should be decreased UPON THEIR DEATH" part because you're too busy imagining yourself to be someone worth reading or just because your full of right wing pig shit?

Do you even understand what primogeniture was? It was the policy that a firstborn male child inherit all the wealth of the father, thus keeping wealth concentrated. Jefferson advocated that the wealth be "equal inheritance to all in equal degree" for all the children, dumbass, thus dividing up the wealth instead of the inheritance being concentrated into the hands of one child. Over time, as the wealth was divided through the succeeding generations, it would be broken up into so many grains of sand.

Read the rest of what Jefferson said in that sentence which they deliberately chopped out, "...and the better, as this enforces a law of nature, while extra-taxation violates it".

What part of "extra-taxation violates it" do you not comprehend, dipshit?

"Also in 1816, Jefferson wrote a letter to Samuel Kerchival explicitly laying out the dangers of an entrenched aristocracy, as today’s billionaire class has now become.

"Jefferson wrote, 'Those seeking profits, were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. No other depositories of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge.'"
See if you can make a bigger fool out of yourself with the Kerchival letter. Pin-head.

I've already thoroughly debunked that part, idiot. See posts 103 and 106. Most of that quote was not said by Jefferson, and the one sentence which is his had nothing to do with wealth or taxes.

And now you, too, have misspelled Kercheval's name, you parroting dumb fuck.
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No. Not under any circumstances.
Under what circumstances does vast concentrations of private wealth threaten democracy?
"...The total wealth of the average American family is $57,000. Convert that into hundred-dollar bills, and it’s a stack about 2 inches tall.

"The one-percenters, at an income of around $300,000 a year, earn a stack every year that's about a foot high.

"But the average wealth of the billionaires on the Forbes 400 list is $4.2 billion. Convert that into a stack of hundred-dollar bills and it would reach over two miles into the sky. It would be a navigation risk to aircraft.
Man, tearing this bullshit up is a lot of fun! It is just what I needed today.
Moron doesn't know the difference between income and wealth.
Back to your cardboard box!
Let's see if Thom can explain this simply enough for a wannabee rich bitch to grasp, shall we?
"Imagine walking into a classroom of kindergarteners and finding that just one kid is in possession of nearly all the toys.

"Just one kid has thousands of toy cars, army men, and building blocks piled up like Scrooge's money bin, filling half the classroom; one or two of the kids have a dozen or so toys, and the rest of the class of kids have to share just one dinky, old rag doll.

"No one could possibly think that’s a healthy way of distributing toys to a kindergarten class. That one kid couldn’t even play with all his toys.

Would we call that kid a toy creator?

Would you, RB?


You were whining that the rich don't spend enough.
Now you're whining that they bought all the toys.
Why do you whine so much?
've already thoroughly debunked that part, idiot. See posts 103 and 106. Most of that quote was not said by Jefferson, and the one sentence which is his had nothing to do with wealth or taxes.
Now tell us exactly how many letters Jefferson wrote to Kercheval in 1816 and which letter you are claiming? While you're at it, tell us what you've accomplished to qualify you as an authority on Jefferson, other than post anonymously on a message board.
've already thoroughly debunked that part, idiot. See posts 103 and 106. Most of that quote was not said by Jefferson, and the one sentence which is his had nothing to do with wealth or taxes.
Now tell us exactly how many letters Jefferson wrote to Kercheval in 1816 and which letter you are claiming? While you're at it, tell us what you've accomplished to qualify you as an authority on Jefferson, other than post anonymously on a message board.
The one which contains the part of the quote which is Jefferson's is the one I linked and posted a photo of, dipshit.

I know where the bogus part of the quote that isn't Jefferson's came from, see. You don't.

Those words are not Jefferson's. You want to embarrass yourself some more? I'm more than happy to oblige. I find this extremely enjoyable.
Freaking Communist. We all know they can spend people's money better than the individual that actually earned it.
In the unlikely event they actually succeeded, how long would it be before the thought that Billionaires were not enough and turned their sights on millionaires?
We need to nip this insanity in the bud.
The nobillionaires quote:
"If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree..."

The full Jefferson sentence:
If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree; and the better, as this enforces a law of nature, while extra-taxation violates it.

You can't get more clear with "extra-taxation violates it" that Jefferson is the wrong dude to be trying to hijack for your plan to steal more from the rich. Which is why the nobillionaires fucks deliberately hacked that part off.

How do we know the part about "the law of equal inheritance" is a reference to primogeniture? First, "inheritance" ought to be a GIANT FUCKING CLUE. Second, because he uses almost the identical words in another letter that he wrote to James Madison.

The Milligan quote:

If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree; and the better, as this enforces a law of nature, while extra-taxation violates it.

The Madison quote:

The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree, is a politic measure and a practicable one.
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2014 was a record year for new billionaires (268). In the world, there are a total 1675 billionaires with a combined wealth of $6.4 trillion. Incidentally, only 172 billionaires are women.

Especially if you're just talking about Americans, this is a small club. But, billionaires are better described as international citizens. They hang out in Manhattan, LA, London, Morocco, Dubai, Montana, etc.. They have no peer, but with one another, and they tend to exist in these billionaire circles apart from our world, just rubbing elbows with one another.

They chat with one another about the building and preservation of their empires, and they come up with strategies to screw us over and enslave us. And if one of the billionaires upsets the golden apple cart, he can be excommunicated just as with any clique. It's all just normal human nature, but on a billionaire level with near unlimited resources to discreetly carry out their plans.

It's like Adam Smith said... "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public."

Who "enslaved" you?

Call 911

That's funny. You have a good sense of humor, and I actually mean that.

I just think that our government is a total farce. It's an elaborate production of political theater, commissioned by billionaires. It's all about optics. That's only mildly hyperbolic.

It's an exaggeration to say that I'm enslaved. But, I wouldn't say I live in a democracy either. We're somewhere in between. You know, they have elections in China too? The ruse is just a bit more obvious over there.
Do you even understand what primogeniture was? It was the policy that a firstborn male child inherit all the wealth of the father, thus keeping wealth concentrated. Jefferson advocated that the wealth be "equal inheritance to all in equal degree" for all the children, dumbass, thus dividing up the wealth instead of the inheritance being concentrated into the hands of one child. Over time, as the wealth was divided through the succeeding generations, it would be broken up into so many grains of sand
Except the wealth has not been divided through succeeding generations, but rather it has been multiplied. Hartmann claims Jefferson wrote to Miligram after becoming concerned about "individuals (becoming) so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government." Is "the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree" a satisfactory answer to that question today in light of the Koch brothers and Walton heirs?
nobillionaires says Jefferson wrote this to Kercival [sic]:

Those seeking profits, were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. No other depositories of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge."

The part in red was never written by Jefferson. georgephillip's attempt to claim that part came from some other Jefferson letter to "Kercival" is bogus. nobillionaires quoted it as a whole, not separate parts. Even so, I can prove Jefferson is not the source, and will gladly do so if further provoked.

The part in black was written by Jefferson in a letter to Samuel Kerceval about election wards. It has absolutely nothing to do with wealth or taxation.

Jefferson felt further subdividing counties into wards would make America a more representative country and that such a system would make it easier to toss out any bums without having to resort to insurrection.

Don't believe me? I provided the proof in posts 103 and 106. See for yourself. Jefferson wrote two letters to Kerceval, and both are provided in post 103.
You were whining that the rich don't spend enough.
Now you're whining that they bought all the toys.
Why do you whine so much?
I'm whining about how they bribed politicians to give them all the toys; please don't multitask. You don't have enough memory:badgrin:

Whiner says what?
Do you even understand what primogeniture was? It was the policy that a firstborn male child inherit all the wealth of the father, thus keeping wealth concentrated. Jefferson advocated that the wealth be "equal inheritance to all in equal degree" for all the children, dumbass, thus dividing up the wealth instead of the inheritance being concentrated into the hands of one child. Over time, as the wealth was divided through the succeeding generations, it would be broken up into so many grains of sand
Except the wealth has not been divided through succeeding generations, but rather it has been multiplied.

Bullshit. Show me a Rockefeller who is worth $340 billion. That is the original Rockefeller's net worth in today's dollars.
If only a handful of billionaires paid their "fair share" (commie term) i could live a better life !!!
Just think of the social programs we could add !! Imagined equality today !

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