Time To Quell Yet ANOTHER Lie?

Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

Islamics were happy ALL over America. That video SHOWS THAT.
Oh and GFY, okay?
I'm sure there were "a number" of Arab-Americans cheering. Just as there were a number of Americans calling for the death of any Arabs they saw that day. I was listening to Howard Stern that morning, and one of his callers called on any armed Americans to go into their local delis, and shoot any Arabs they saw. Howard had to quickly hang up on him, and denounce his statements. Unlike Trump you can listen to the entire Stern broadcast on Youtube, and hear the exact statement.

That's is exactly what I was doing that morning.
Even if he drove by and saw some people eating and drinking on a rooftop while they watched what was going on across the river, what he claims he saw is still a huge lie.

not a lie The celebrations in JERSEY CITY, New Jersey, On Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, and in Paterson, New Jersey-------were macabre -----in
Brooklyn ---the local arab bakery ran out of MAAMOUL within one hour
You are just making up stuff to defend Trump and instigate more hatred toward Muslims.

what part did I "make up"???? Are you actually DENYING the fact of the
street celebrations in Jersey City, New Jersey and On Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn???---------what else------you want to deny the fact of the bombings themselves ? sure-----why not. I grew up in a Nazi town-------the north east
of USA was noted for its Nazi enclaves --------lots in the ares of the HUDSON VALLEY (not my part------but the area WAS full of shit like you) My town was
very much affect by the run off stench
The topic is Muslims, thousands of them, celebrating in the streets in New Jersey on 9/11 and being seen on TV by Donald Trump. His defenders or outright Muslim haters are deflecting from the lie propagated by Trump and his degenerate low-life rabble. You got evidence and links to any of those lies, post them.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

Nothing in the video supports your point.

You are king of FAILURE.

And admit you jack off to A.C.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

Islamics were happy ALL over America. That video SHOWS THAT.
Oh and GFY, okay?

Trump said he saw "thousands and thousands" of people celebrating in Jersey City.

He lied.

Deal with it.

That's the thing about you rubes. The more a lie is told to you, the more true it becomes to you. And it becomes true more quickly when you want to bleev it.

Just look at yourself, working so hard to prove a lie is true. Pathetic. Just pathetic.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

What an asshole DarkFury is. Not only is it not from 9/11 and doesn't show any celebrating, it shows Muslims praying for peace. It is a backdrop to story about how alienated and rejected a handful of radicals are who are talking on the street near the Mosque to people who are ignoring them as they walk by.
I'm sure there were "a number" of Arab-Americans cheering. Just as there were a number of Americans calling for the death of any Arabs they saw that day. I was listening to Howard Stern that morning, and one of his callers called on any armed Americans to go into their local delis, and shoot any Arabs they saw. Howard had to quickly hang up on him, and denounce his statements. Unlike Trump you can listen to the entire Stern broadcast on Youtube, and hear the exact statement.

That's is exactly what I was doing that morning.

no arabs were shot
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

What an asshole DarkFury is. Not only is it not from 9/11 and doesn't show any celebrating, it shows Muslims praying for peace. It is a backdrop to story about how alienated and rejected a handful of radicals are who are talking on the street near the Mosque to people who are ignoring them as they walk by.


That's why it was obvious he didn't watch it. He's such a dumbass.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

What an asshole DarkFury is. Not only is it not from 9/11 and doesn't show any celebrating, it shows Muslims praying for peace. It is a backdrop to story about how alienated and rejected a handful of radicals are who are talking on the street near the Mosque to people who are ignoring them as they walk by.

The ONLY reason they were praying for peace was to avoid an ass kicking. ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS those nasty roaches call for peace and call for calm AFTER a terrorist strike.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

What an asshole DarkFury is. Not only is it not from 9/11 and doesn't show any celebrating, it shows Muslims praying for peace. It is a backdrop to story about how alienated and rejected a handful of radicals are who are talking on the street near the Mosque to people who are ignoring them as they walk by.

The ONLY reason they were praying for peace was to avoid an ass kicking. ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS those nasty roaches call for peace and call for calm AFTER a terrorist strike.

Goddam, I am laughing my ass off at a guy who is manufacturing bullshit on the fly in a topic he purportedly started to "quell another lie". :lol:

You are a parody of yourself, DarkFury.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT

Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT

Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

he characteristically engages in HYPEBOLE------what else is new.

More important is the FACT that Jersey city----IS HOT BED OF ISLAMIC TERRORIST AMBITION FILTH
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT

Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

Produce a single video, please.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT

Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

Produce a single video, please.

You have the newspaper article in the OP. Disprove that. Or beat it clown trash.
Well, lets start here then educating you. Anderson Cooper a admitted homo and liberal on CNN a LIBERAL news service.

You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT

Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

Produce a single video, please.

You have the newspaper article in the OP. Disprove that. Or beat it clown trash.

Trump said he saw it.

What did he see?
You didn't watch that video, did you. :lol:

There is no footage of "thousands and thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

You dumbshit. You saw the title of the video and thought you had something.

MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT
Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

Produce a single video, please.
You have the newspaper article in the OP. Disprove that. Or beat it clown trash.

Trump said he saw it.

What did he see?

I have no idea what TRUMP 'saw' I know what I saw and what people I know who had no axe to grind SAW in Paterson, New Jersey and Jersey City, New Jersey and------some saw in Ramallah, west bank. I know what I saw since----
and what I heard since ---even from the mouths of very young muslim children and
from the victims of the filth that you continue to applaud
MILLIONS around the world-------as for thousands and thousands----in Jersey city----
-----in 2001-----there did not exist THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of-----
muslims in ALL OF JERSEY CITY-------even if half of them came out------
it would only be at most -----maybe 2000-----enough to make THE POINT
Trump was only wrong about the number NOT the fact.

Produce a single video, please.
You have the newspaper article in the OP. Disprove that. Or beat it clown trash.

Trump said he saw it.

What did he see?

I have no idea what TRUMP 'saw' I know what I saw and what people I know who had no axe to grind SAW in Paterson, New Jersey and Jersey City, New Jersey and------some saw in Ramallah, west bank. I know what I saw since----
and what I heard since ---even from the mouths of very young muslim children and
from the victims of the filth that you continue to applaud

Fuck off. I applaud no one. You lie. You've been lying all day. You saw nothing.
You know folks when it comes to democrats lies are like Roaches. They breed and grow. So lets look at the latest lie told by democrats about Trump shall we?
The statement in question....

Now Democrats are running around saying LIAR! Well that simply is NOT the case and there IS documented FACT to back him up. Unlike private email servers which history and truth CAN be destroyed THIS event was in fact covered by the press. The LIBERAL press.

Here IS a direct quote FROM The Washington Post..

“Investigators said at least two of the hijackers, Nawaq Al Hamzi and Salem Al Hamzi are believed to have had addresses in Wayne and Fort Lee, NJ. The apparently rented a mailbox in Fort Lee at Mailboxes Etc. in Jersey City within hours of two jetliners plowing into the World Trade Center. Law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.”

NOW don't take my word for it lets see the ACTUAL document okay?

So the Trump camp NEVER lied and its all there. On the other side Hillary CLAIMED her daughter was jogging in the area PROVEN A LIE. The problem with lies by democrats is NOT the statement. We KNOW its a lie. The question anymore is "How many lies are in the statement?"

Lies are no way to lead in a relationship nor a company or a country. YOUR reputation as a person or company or country hinges on YOUR telling the truth.


Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance. The defining traits of socialism.
You know folks when it comes to democrats lies are like Roaches. They breed and grow. So lets look at the latest lie told by democrats about Trump shall we?
The statement in question....

Now Democrats are running around saying LIAR! Well that simply is NOT the case and there IS documented FACT to back him up. Unlike private email servers which history and truth CAN be destroyed THIS event was in fact covered by the press. The LIBERAL press.

Here IS a direct quote FROM The Washington Post..

“Investigators said at least two of the hijackers, Nawaq Al Hamzi and Salem Al Hamzi are believed to have had addresses in Wayne and Fort Lee, NJ. The apparently rented a mailbox in Fort Lee at Mailboxes Etc. in Jersey City within hours of two jetliners plowing into the World Trade Center. Law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.”

NOW don't take my word for it lets see the ACTUAL document okay?

So the Trump camp NEVER lied and its all there. On the other side Hillary CLAIMED her daughter was jogging in the area PROVEN A LIE. The problem with lies by democrats is NOT the statement. We KNOW its a lie. The question anymore is "How many lies are in the statement?"

Lies are no way to lead in a relationship nor a company or a country. YOUR reputation as a person or company or country hinges on YOUR telling the truth.


I suspect by the end of the day we will hear from Trump supporters across the country claiming vast crowds of Muslims in major cities gathered in celebration of the fall of the towers.

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