Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

You sure ask a lot of questions, but can't answer a simple one:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Move on little boy

Simple Answer:

I do not care if a lesbian Teenager showers with your daughter because I am not a pervert to ask if the girl is a Lesbian or not nor do I care who showers with your daughter!

Now remember to address me as Mr. Buffoon and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write!

Also where is that link to show you cared about this issue before the Same Sex ruling?

Nice deflection idiot;

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive

You understand that gyms are not only in schools, right?

So at your church you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian Teenager?

At the swimming pool you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian teenager?

At the pay membership gym you are worried about your teenage daughter being assaulted by a teenage Lesbian?

Also in my last response I made no mention of school and in general wrote I do not care who showers with your daughter nor will I ask someone their sexuality, but it seem you are CONcerned and feel the perverted need to know if a teenage girl is straight or gay...

I have answered your question a few times now and for some reason you have your dullard hat on and can not understand the answer.

Now it is Mr. Buffoon to you and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write and where is that link showing your CONcern about this so-call issue before the same sex marriage ruling?

You inserted teenager



The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

She shouldn't care if strange men shower around her?

Is that what you'd like?

Friggin perv
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie
Simple Answer:

I do not care if a lesbian Teenager showers with your daughter because I am not a pervert to ask if the girl is a Lesbian or not nor do I care who showers with your daughter!

Now remember to address me as Mr. Buffoon and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write!

Also where is that link to show you cared about this issue before the Same Sex ruling?

Nice deflection idiot;

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive

You understand that gyms are not only in schools, right?

So at your church you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian Teenager?

At the swimming pool you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian teenager?

At the pay membership gym you are worried about your teenage daughter being assaulted by a teenage Lesbian?

Also in my last response I made no mention of school and in general wrote I do not care who showers with your daughter nor will I ask someone their sexuality, but it seem you are CONcerned and feel the perverted need to know if a teenage girl is straight or gay...

I have answered your question a few times now and for some reason you have your dullard hat on and can not understand the answer.

Now it is Mr. Buffoon to you and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write and where is that link showing your CONcern about this so-call issue before the same sex marriage ruling?

You inserted teenager



The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Nice deflection idiot;

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive

You understand that gyms are not only in schools, right?

So at your church you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian Teenager?

At the swimming pool you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian teenager?

At the pay membership gym you are worried about your teenage daughter being assaulted by a teenage Lesbian?

Also in my last response I made no mention of school and in general wrote I do not care who showers with your daughter nor will I ask someone their sexuality, but it seem you are CONcerned and feel the perverted need to know if a teenage girl is straight or gay...

I have answered your question a few times now and for some reason you have your dullard hat on and can not understand the answer.

Now it is Mr. Buffoon to you and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write and where is that link showing your CONcern about this so-call issue before the same sex marriage ruling?

You inserted teenager



The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?
So at your church you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian Teenager?

At the swimming pool you are worried about your daughter being assaulted by a Lesbian teenager?

At the pay membership gym you are worried about your teenage daughter being assaulted by a teenage Lesbian?

Also in my last response I made no mention of school and in general wrote I do not care who showers with your daughter nor will I ask someone their sexuality, but it seem you are CONcerned and feel the perverted need to know if a teenage girl is straight or gay...

I have answered your question a few times now and for some reason you have your dullard hat on and can not understand the answer.

Now it is Mr. Buffoon to you and not Bafoon like a twelve year old would write and where is that link showing your CONcern about this so-call issue before the same sex marriage ruling?

You inserted teenager



The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?
You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.

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