Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?
They also can't help but rape people apparently.

Gays love the way showers are now

How do you know this?

That response is very telling, and I see I might be conversing with a Log Cabin Republican?

Seriously delusional poster^^^^^

Quit flirting with me, I ain't interested
You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?

I've also heard, suck, blow is just an expression

Not sure why you bring up old wives tales, but not an affective diversion.
You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?

Fixated by saying men should not be in women's restrooms.

Please go on
You inserted teenager



The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

The sad part is you dislike any answer that does not fit your agenda, and that is a fact.

So make sure to check you shower at home and if your wife walk in tell her that your daughter can not be seen by her because of your fear of the dreaded Lesbian that might lurk in the sinful souls.

I think your daughter should be more worried about why her father is so fixated on the sexuality of any woman that might be in a public shower, school, or restroom?

You're the type that would stand outside a restroom and ask someone sexuality, am I correct or are the one that judges them by the clothes they wear, their hair style, and how they walk and talk, and if so I know some Lesbians that would fool your close minded ass!?!

My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?

I did answer your strawman question, and as I have stated countless of times now you did not like the answer, so here I go again!

I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the same shower with your daughter because it is none of my business what her sexuality is nor will I be like you and ask her before she is allowed to shower!

Got it?

Do you understand?

Is this something that your dullard of a mind can not wrap itself around?

Are you too daft in the head to understand what I wrote?

Now why is it you need to know the sexuality of some woman when she is using the restroom or shower, and don't you feel like a demented pervert for wanting to know?
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?
They also can't help but rape people apparently.

Gays love the way showers are now

How do you know this?

That response is very telling, and I see I might be conversing with a Log Cabin Republican?

Seriously delusional poster^^^^^

Quit flirting with me, I ain't interested

The delusional part is you thinking I am flirting with you...

You should proofread before posting so you do not come off as a dullard, but then again you still will so carry on...
Why should she care?
Just take care of your own business and don't worry about thought crimes of others

You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?

Fixated by saying men should not be in women's restrooms.

Please go on

No, my opinion of you is you are a strawman writer looking to get a flame war going, and fail to understand how to actually flame someone which mean you're kind of daft in the head to me!
You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?
My wife isn't a lesbian, and our shower is private

The reason you couldn't answer the question as asked is because it proved you wrong

Next time deflect better or simply grow up

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?

I did answer your strawman question, and as I have stated countless of times now you did not like the answer, so here I go again!

I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the same shower with your daughter because it is none of my business what her sexuality is nor will I be like you and ask her before she is allowed to shower!

Got it?

Do you understand?

Is this something that your dullard of a mind can not wrap itself around?

Are you too daft in the head to understand what I wrote?

Now why is it you need to know the sexuality of some woman when she is using the restroom or shower, and don't you feel like a demented pervert for wanting to know?

Lesbians desire women the same way men do, right? We exclude (rightfully so) men from womens showers.

Got it now?

Junk or no junk it's the same now.

Or you gonna go the biology road again?

Good god
You understand that males and lesbians are attracted to females in the same way, right?

The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?

Fixated by saying men should not be in women's restrooms.

Please go on

No, my opinion of you is you are a strawman writer looking to get a flame war going, and fail to understand how to actually flame someone which mean you're kind of daft in the head to me!

You started the friggin flame war by not answering a simple God damn question without SEVERE modification.

Here it is again:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive

I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?

I did answer your strawman question, and as I have stated countless of times now you did not like the answer, so here I go again!

I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the same shower with your daughter because it is none of my business what her sexuality is nor will I be like you and ask her before she is allowed to shower!

Got it?

Do you understand?

Is this something that your dullard of a mind can not wrap itself around?

Are you too daft in the head to understand what I wrote?

Now why is it you need to know the sexuality of some woman when she is using the restroom or shower, and don't you feel like a demented pervert for wanting to know?

Lesbians desire women the same way men do, right? We exclude (rightfully so) men from womens showers.

Got it now?

Junk or no junk it's the same now.

Or you gonna go the biology road again?

Good god
Again, I'd rather deal with gay women than you. They are much more reasonable.
You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?

I did answer your strawman question, and as I have stated countless of times now you did not like the answer, so here I go again!

I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the same shower with your daughter because it is none of my business what her sexuality is nor will I be like you and ask her before she is allowed to shower!

Got it?

Do you understand?

Is this something that your dullard of a mind can not wrap itself around?

Are you too daft in the head to understand what I wrote?

Now why is it you need to know the sexuality of some woman when she is using the restroom or shower, and don't you feel like a demented pervert for wanting to know?

Lesbians desire women the same way men do, right? We exclude (rightfully so) men from womens showers.

Got it now?

Junk or no junk it's the same now.

Or you gonna go the biology road again?

Good god
Again, I'd rather deal with gay women than you. They are much more reasonable.

All yours
I never wrote your wife was a Lesbian and just said she can not look at your daughter because of your dreaded fear of Lesbians!

Also I have answered your question more than once and it is you that can not accept the answer because again it does not suit your agenda of hate.

The fact is you are too busy worrying about a woman sexuality and it come off kind of perverted, don't you agree?

I mean imagine some pervert standing outside a public restroom and your daughter walk up and they ask them if she is straight or gay, how would you react?

So again the fact is it is none of your damn business what the sexuality is of someone, and because you believe it is make you kind of perverted and demented individual.

Now where is that link so Mr. Buffoon can see that you cared about this so called issue before the USSC ruling?

You do make up fanciful tales dood.

Sure I do!

How about you worry about your own sexuality and stop worrying about if a woman in the other restroom might be a Lesbian or not?

It is perverted and sick when the only thing social conservatives can think about is if someone might be gay or lesbian and I am calling you a demented pervert!

You can't even answer this simple question without severe modification:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

And I'm the pervert? You D4e's sock?

I did answer your strawman question, and as I have stated countless of times now you did not like the answer, so here I go again!

I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the same shower with your daughter because it is none of my business what her sexuality is nor will I be like you and ask her before she is allowed to shower!

Got it?

Do you understand?

Is this something that your dullard of a mind can not wrap itself around?

Are you too daft in the head to understand what I wrote?

Now why is it you need to know the sexuality of some woman when she is using the restroom or shower, and don't you feel like a demented pervert for wanting to know?

Lesbians desire women the same way men do, right? We exclude (rightfully so) men from womens showers.

Got it now?

Junk or no junk it's the same now.

Or you gonna go the biology road again?

Good god

Again as I stated you do not like my answer to your strawman question and thread because it does not suit your agenda of hate...

So let do it again:

I do not care what sexuality a teenage girl is when she is showering with your daughter nor will I ask her nor will I be like you wondering about someone sexuality while I am sitting on the toilet.

You should worry about your own sexuality and less about what some teenage girl might be!
The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?

What is to correct

You have been sharing restrooms with gays your whole life. Now that they can marry you suddenly have a problem with it?
Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?

What is to correct

You have been sharing restrooms with gays your whole life. Now that they can marry you suddenly have a problem with it?
I can only guess that he is tempted to marry a gay man.
Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?

What is to correct

You have been sharing restrooms with gays your whole life. Now that they can marry you suddenly have a problem with it?

You like it, go for it.

Gays have been using the same restroom as you for your whole life....why are you freaking out now?

Gay marriage?

deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?

What is to correct

You have been sharing restrooms with gays your whole life. Now that they can marry you suddenly have a problem with it?
I can only guess that he is tempted to marry a gay man.

If I write against 69 mustangs, does that mean I want to own one?
The way it works Pop is guys got guys junk, gals got gals junk and we keep our junk in one or the other restroom

Most normal people do not obsess over thought crimes and somebody might get a glimpse of their weenie

Oh, so In this matter biology matters?

You sure change your tune when it fits your need.

You do understand, it's the brain that controls attraction, not the "junk", right?

Have you ever heard the saying " Your brain is in your penis "?

Of course I believe yours is in your ass, and that is why you are so fixated on the sexuality of a woman in a public restroom or could it be that it is like the old saying with you too?

Fixated by saying men should not be in women's restrooms.

Please go on

No, my opinion of you is you are a strawman writer looking to get a flame war going, and fail to understand how to actually flame someone which mean you're kind of daft in the head to me!

You started the friggin flame war by not answering a simple God damn question without SEVERE modification.

Here it is again:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive


You think what you are doing is flaming?

If so then you are pretty weak at it!

Also I have answered your juvenile strawman many times and as I have stated countless of times you do not like the answer.

So let do it again:

I do not care what the sexuality of a teenage girl is in the shower with your daughter nor will I ask her nor will I be sitting on a toilet wondering if that girl is a Lesbian or Straight.

Now seeing you refuse to accept this simple worded response tell me you are hell bent on trying to get me to agree with you and your hatred for Lesbian and gays, and of course I will not.

Now it make me wonder why you have such demented and perverted thoughts about women and who they might be showering with?
deflecting from the biology matters post I see.
Biology says you have been around gays your whole life. Gays look at you at work, on the road, in the supermarket and in restrooms

You can be pretty sure they are not fantasizing about you

Biology says that?

Hmmmm, sounds goofy but ok

Times change right? Time to right the wrongs of the past, correct

You've heard that before, right?

What is to correct

You have been sharing restrooms with gays your whole life. Now that they can marry you suddenly have a problem with it?
I can only guess that he is tempted to marry a gay man.

If I write against 69 mustangs, does that mean I want to own one?
If you obsess about them, yes.

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