Time to record it before the left tries to rewrite it

Both parties are fine with a n increasing wealth gap.
Parties don’t exist to control “wage gaps”. What a damn shame that you live in the U.S. and yet are too lazy and too ignorant to understand why your own government exists.
Didn't say I was...That's the point. God comes first in my life. sorry to tell you this. Regardless who wins my life goes on. Nothing I have said could possibly upset you. It really doesn't matter in the end. Our politic s does provide me with great entertainment though.
Unprecedented prosperity thanks to Republicans and President Trump.
The number of employed Americans has never been higher. The 156,562,000 Americans employed in October is the twelfth record set under President Donald Trump.
No wonder the Democrats had to run on “I hate Trump...you should too”. They didn’t have a single issue they could run on. Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. Secured borders. Improved foreign relations. The polar opposite of the MaObama reign of terror.

156,562,000: Record Employment for 12th Time Under Trump
Years of record highs under Obama, 8 yeras of growth and you tantrummed like a little bitch the entire time. Obama lowered unemployment 6%. Sorry, righty, go fuck yourself.
And how did he do that? A damn monkey in the white house could of done a better job then obozo.
How did he do that? He didn’t. That was the exact type of historical rewrite I was referring to. That’s what they do.
Unprecedented-never done or known before.
The economy has done better before Trump came along..So the economic activity for the last two years is not unprecedented..
Um... That's not quite true... I believe you're referencing performance percentages.
Fact is our economy has never been as large as it is today not even at any one high point during the past. There have been some high spots that were percentage-wise marginally better than what we're seeing now. However we have unequivocally never had total volume that compared to what we have today.

We’ve had two years of unprecedented economic prosperity. Now that the Dumbocrats have taken the House, you’re going to see a very negative impact on the economy. And of course, the left will attempt to convince everyone that the policies of President Trump and the Republicans are to blame.

Two years of record highs in the market. Two years of record low unemployment. Two years of growth. Sorry lefties, you won’t be able to rewrite history as you have done for the past 100 years. Too much technology. Too much is documented.
D E F I C I T>
You are like the dumbass who takes out a $100,000 loan & lives it up for a couple of months & thinks he is doing great.

George W Bush Balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years. You are too fucking stupid to learn anything from that.
The market was actually in negative territory last month. Sorry to ruin your story with facts
Stop it moron...negative territory? Negative from all time highs created by Trump's economic policies.....now its back up so quit...you are showing your ignorance.....
Our politic s does provide me with great entertainment though.
How tragic. Hundreds of thousands gave their life for this country. And you view it like you do reality tv - as “entertainment”. :eusa_doh:

You would be much happier in Canada. You should seriously consider moving there.
Regardless who wins my life goes on.
No wonder your screen name is “In It For Me”. I’m trying to save this country for my children, grandchildren, and future generations.

You had it handed to you on a silver platter and thus you’re ungrateful. Sad.
Most people have been busy working...their wages haven't changed much. Same old. No party is going to change it. It's the same old stuff. Both parties are fine with a n increasing wealth gap.

Most people's wages dont change because their work ethic doesn't change.
I cant tell you how many millennials have told me they'll work harder when they make more money.

I expect you'll tell me the same thing......
D E F I C I T>
You are like the dumbass who takes out a $100,000 loan & lives it up for a couple of months & thinks he is doing great.
Holy shit is that post hilarious. Barack Insane Obama ran up more deficits than all presidents in U.S. history combined. And he did so throwing money at the economy (bailed out GM, bailed out Chrysler, bailed out Solyndra, bailed out Wall Street).

Tell us, snowflake, who did President Trump throw money at? Who?
The market was actually in negative territory last month. Sorry to ruin your story with facts
Stop it moron...negative territory? Negative from all time highs created by Trump's economic policies.....now its back up so quit...you are showing your ignorance.....

Statistics are not your friend.
Neither is anyone else though so we shouldn't be surprised.
The market was actually in negative territory last month. Sorry to ruin your story with facts
Stop it moron...negative territory? Negative from all time highs created by Trump's economic policies.....now its back up so quit...you are showing your ignorance.....
Statistics are not your friend. Neither is anyone else though so we shouldn't be surprised.
But facts are. And he did take it to you with the facts. Just say’n. :dunno:
Unprecedented-never done or known before. The economy has done better before Trump came along...
Record high in the market (ie a mark that had never been hit before). Record low in unemployment (ie a mark that had never been hit before).

My God Mind Low...you are truly a special, special kind of stupid.
This political stuff really bothers you doesn't it? Our politicians make it reality tv. I know people sacrificed. Why the neck are you in attack mode. I worked...I saved. I put 3 kids through college so they didn't have to start working for some lousy company making low wages. Now I'm retired. I can view things any way I want. Why does this bother you?yes our elected officials do provide entertainment. It's not worth getting upset over. To check with it.

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