CDZ Time to Start Prepping

Porter Rockwell

Gold Member
Dec 14, 2018
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.
Clever post. Boiled down, Fail to plan and you plan to fail.
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.

Now is the time to be prepping. But the prepping you should be doing now is not storing bottles of water, ammo and MRE’s in your basement. No, the type of prepping you should be doing now is financial. Prepping for the increasingly likely possibility of a world wide recession.
Bah! That time was 6 years ago.

Only thing I should do is dig a well and put a hand pump on it.

No sense in relying on generators and things like that.
Not sure how much prepping folks can do, when Big Brother can take away everything you have saved. What is the point?


Doesn't anyone remember this?

Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia

What makes folks think the same won't be done with silver and gold once they switch everyone over to a completely digital world wide currency and marital law is declared everywhere?

If you horde food, water and ammo? They will declare you a terrorist. I am pretty sure, there are already some laws on the books about this.
Bah! That time was 6 years ago.

Only thing I should do is dig a well and put a hand pump on it.

No sense in relying on generators and things like that.
I have the well, but how would I convert the electric pump to a hand pump? Where would you find a new hand pump? I saw a bunch of rusty hand pumps at a flea market a couple of years ago and thought, hmmmmm, one of those could come in handy, kicking myself that I didn't buy it....

I think I'm gonna have issues with getting the water up with a hand pump, the well is 400 ft deep.... but I was thinking once the hard work was put in to prime it, then it could be easier?? I dunno?
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.

Those 'millennial doomsday preppers' aren't really preppers at all if they give it up so easily. More like fair weather today gone tomorrow. Not that I'm a doomsday prepper, but we've been thru enough personal disasters of one type or another to warrant a few supplies. It never hurts to have a few extras put back for a rainy day.
Can preparers explain this to me?
If society collapses, what are you prepping for?
Do you want to live in a world where society has collapsed and there is rampant crime and disorder?
To what benefit does living through a collapse hold?
Do you look forward to eking an existence in a world more akin to the 19th century that the 21st?
Most people don't have the income needed to 'prep' for any long term needs. Those that do need to check out the Mormons'' system and they also make a lot of their supplies for sale at reasonable prices as well to their church members and probably the public. Of course the disease epidemics and roving gangs of scavengers will do away with most of the 'rugged individualists' in the first 30-60 days or so, if it gets to the Mad Max type of 'apocalypse' many nut jobs think is coming, which it isn't. Worst that would happen is the ghettos thinning themselves out when the dope market dries up and the jewelry stores close and sets off rampaging rapper culture gimps. Those that can cooperate and organize will get through the rough spots, like they always have throughout history.
Just stay out of the urban areas when the government runs out of other people's money.

They'll most likely be surrounded at the city limits by police and military personnel anyway if it gets that bad.

A country boy's gonna survive.
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.
Is it your position that very presence of Trump disasters will no longer happen? No power outages due to weather? What happened to the Oceans are going to rise thing?
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.

Now is the time to be prepping. But the prepping you should be doing now is not storing bottles of water, ammo and MRE’s in your basement. No, the type of prepping you should be doing now is financial. Prepping for the increasingly likely possibility of a world wide recession.

Prepping in this era means to get out of debt and yes, buy a firearm and some ammo. It will be illegal to own guns by the time Trump leaves office.

Water doesn't cost a lot to store, so you should be doing it, but I'd seek out heirloom seeds instead of a heavy investment in MREs. The top three key things all of you should do to prep today is to get out of debt, then get out of debt and then get out of debt. Then learn a skill that can be used when the economy takes a downturn: plumbing, electrical, mechanical, carpentry, gardening, etc.
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.
Is it your position that very presence of Trump disasters will no longer happen? No power outages due to weather? What happened to the Oceans are going to rise thing?

Personally, I think that with the presence of Trump there will be a greater chance of civil unrest and even war within the United States. The threat of disasters - like that of mother nature NEVER take holidays, regardless of who is in office. Just based on natural disasters, I've never understood the downturns in prepping.

If the weatherman says you have 30 minutes to get to a fall out shelter due to a hurricane, you don't want to wake up the next morning with just the clothes on your back. Then, again, that appears to be what most people are comfortable with. I started carrying a Go Bag (Get Outta Dodge Bag, Bug Out Bag) when I was single many years ago. I could leave town or stay over somewhere and still have everything I needed the next morning. It morphed into a three day bag by the time I found out about prepping.
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.

prepping is a constant irregardless of the circumstances,

prepping based on who is POTUS is reactionary and not really prepping
According to recent news stories, preppers are thinning out; calling it due to their confidence in Donald Trump:

Doomsday preppers are thinning out across the US, and it may be because President Trump quiets their fears

Meanwhile, economists, realizing that all presidential administrations end and historical cycles repeat themselves think millennials are about to be up against hard times:

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are much poorer than their parents

So, if you are of a survival mindset, wouldn't you think that NOW is a more appropriate time to begin prepping rather than to wait until the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device? And when I say prepping, it is not limited to being able to survive unspeakable calamities, but to have actual assets so that when jobs are scarce, you have something to fall back on and maybe a skill set that you can adapt to a failing economy?

If you wait until the SHTF, you waited too long. Stuff triples in price; it becomes scarce and the current generations are not preparing for their own future, so nobody has anything to bargain with.
Is it your position that very presence of Trump disasters will no longer happen? No power outages due to weather? What happened to the Oceans are going to rise thing?

Personally, I think that with the presence of Trump there will be a greater chance of civil unrest and even war within the United States. The threat of disasters - like that of mother nature NEVER take holidays, regardless of who is in office. Just based on natural disasters, I've never understood the downturns in prepping.

If the weatherman says you have 30 minutes to get to a fall out shelter due to a hurricane, you don't want to wake up the next morning with just the clothes on your back. Then, again, that appears to be what most people are comfortable with. I started carrying a Go Bag (Get Outta Dodge Bag, Bug Out Bag) when I was single many years ago. I could leave town or stay over somewhere and still have everything I needed the next morning. It morphed into a three day bag by the time I found out about prepping.
A true prepper prepares for many things not just for rwol
If the weatherman says you have 30 minutes to get to a fall out shelter due to a hurricane, you don't want to wake up the next morning with just the clothes on your back. Then, again, that appears to be what most people are comfortable with. I started carrying a Go Bag (Get Outta Dodge Bag, Bug Out Bag) when I was single many years ago. I could leave town or stay over somewhere and still have everything I needed the next morning. It morphed into a three day bag by the time I found out about prepping.
Everyone should have a 3-day bag.
My brother, somehow, was caught off-guard by hurricane Florence, which ran over top of him, just SW of Wilmington NC
He bugged out to my dad's place in Tampa, but had an issue with getting gas.
Why he didn't have 10-20 extra gallons on hand during hurricane season is beyond me.
Actually if you really think a Big Giant Crash is coming you want to borrow as much as you can; nobody is going to be around to collect debts, so many people will be bankrupt it won't do them any good, they can't seize everybody's assets, and even if they did they couldn't get their money back anyway. There is a reason why mafioso and other hoods will try and borrow a lot of money from somebody they know is going to get killed, and the more astute run out and finance a new car first before they file for bankruptcy.
Actually if you really think a Big Giant Crash is coming you want to borrow as much as you can; nobody is going to be around to collect debts, so many people will be bankrupt it won't do them any good, they can't seize everybody's assets, and even if they did they couldn't get their money back anyway. There is a reason why mafioso and other hoods will try and borrow a lot of money from somebody they know is going to get killed.

Since you laugh this all off, I suppose you don't prepare for anything. God, I would hate to think you're a hypocrite that has really bought insurance for his home or automobile.

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