Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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WHITE nationalists/supremacists/hater/racist/right winger
BLACK--Brown nationalists/supremacists/hater/racist/left winger
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Do you have any information on them that they weren’t working with them?
I dont need to you nazi slag. Thats not how it works in the civilised world. Why dont you show me your link, ? I know that you cant,
In English!
here's a Muslim telling gay presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg excitedly "i can't wait for you to become my president" (47 MINUTES IN)

that tells you all you need to know about these fine folks, doesn't it?! DOESN'T IT?!
time to stop the anti-White hate

It is IMPOSSIBLE for the Leftist SJWs to stop the Anti-White Hate OR the Anti-Jesus Christ Hate, they are Extremists and Fanatics they have downed the Kool-Aid x A BILLION on this it is in their DNA now they have absorbed it into their very being, they LIVE BREATHE EAT SLEEP this HATE of Whites and Practising Christians. Their Black Fetish also is NOT NORMAL, they on a daily basis 24/7 kiss the feet and suck the dicks of ANYTHING Black, they do exactly the SAME with their Muslim Fetish, we are dealing here with a crowd who are not normal and not all there in the mind, it is NOT normal to constantly TRASH your OWN TYPE if you are White you do NOT trash Whites and lick the buttocks of ANYTHING NOT White.

There is ZERO wrong with NOT wanting Multiculturalism in the history of the planet for many many Centuries peoples have had a PREFERENCE for their OWN TYPE, to live with and be surrounded by their OWN TYPE and this is both logical and normal and HEALTHY and it was NOT until the mid-1960s that The Usual Suspects started to say that you HAD to have OUTSIDE your OWN TYPE living among you so that it was a filthy Melting Pot.

Also ONLY predominantly White nations in the Western world are singled out for the Social Engineering Diversity Fanaticism you NEVER hear them say that eg. Nigeria or Uganda are TOO BLACK and they NEED Diversity so lets import MILLIONS of Whites into Nigeria and Uganda.

Diversity is Code Word for Anti-White, Multiculturalism is Code Word for Chasing Down The Last White Town and Flooding it With Non-Whites so to make it predominately Black and Brown, Anti-Racist is Code Word for Anti-White.




When I was a kid I read a lot about the Holocaust. I couldn't understand how a modern industrial technologically advanced society could MURDER six million people. After all I read...it still didn't make sense. I knew it happened...but HOW people could do that just didn't make sense.I was convinced it was an anomaly, it could never happen here...

After reading the responses on this thread...I no longer think that
Meanwhile right wing nationalist in this country kill a couple people a year and you are hot and bothered and contrast that to the THOUSANDS killed by Muslims whom you defend. Most Americans CONDEMN right wing fanatics that kill Most Muslims DO NOT condemn Muslims that commit acts of terror thousands of times a year around the world. And you want us to believe white Christians are a danger but Muslims are not.
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop. People are DYING because of it. That's ALL I'm saying

Just STOP. NOW. And you can't
You don't stop, now do you...
Islam is incompatible with the Western world. Every Muslim that can be deported from the US should be as soon as possible.

Obama imported 100K Muslim Somalians to Minnesota. There's going to be a real problem there.

As for the New Zealand shooting, that is disgusting, I couldn't fathom doing something like that, but all the gun laws in the world will not stop things like that from happening. Here's another thing: If those people were in their home country, it wouldn't have happened at all.
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop. People are DYING because of it. That's ALL I'm saying

Just STOP. NOW. And you can't

"I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop."

Yes and the hate speech against Whites and Christians needs to stop also.
WHITE nationalists/supremacists/hater/racist/right winger
BLACK--Brown nationalists/supremacists/hater/racist/left winger

Yes Leftists CELEBRATE anyone who says Black Power IF they hear someone say White Power they shit their panties. This illustrates their greatest fear is MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Awakened Whites WORLD WIDE being proud of being White and Celebrating Whiteness, this is their nightmare.

The Leftist SJWs love doing the stupid Black History Month.

We Whites DON'T need a White History Month because:

Palestinians were dancing in the streets.

Stop lying...especially on THIS thread
You nasty piece of shit. You're the devil.

You're right. I apologize. That happened SEVENTEEN years ago and you are using it here to excuse mass murder.

Rot in hell

Are you joking?

After some of the events that have transpired in Europe, the U.S., and around the world perpetrated by Muslims (like the guys who raped and sexually assaulted thousand of women in Cologne, Germany on a single night, something unheard of for a minority population in both power and numbers to commit against a majority so brazenly like that) and terrorists (the list of deadly attacks is honestly pretty endless), I'm kind of amazed it took this long for someone to launch an attack like this. I've been saying for a long time that it's only a matter of time before someone snaps and blows up a mosque or two. Well, that time has come. How can you possibly be surprised?
Palestinians were dancing in the streets.

Stop lying...especially on THIS thread
You nasty piece of shit. You're the devil.

You're right. I apologize. That happened SEVENTEEN years ago and you are using it here to excuse mass murder.

Rot in hell

Are you joking?

After some of the events that have transpired in Europe, the U.S., and around the world perpetrated by Muslims (like the guys who raped and sexually assaulted thousand of women in Cologne, Germany on a single night, something unheard of for a minority population in both power and numbers to commit against a majority so brazenly like that) and terrorists (the list of deadly attacks is honestly pretty endless), I'm kind of amazed it took this long for someone to launch an attack like this. I've been saying for a long time that it's only a matter of time before someone snaps and blows up a mosque or two. Well, that time has come. How can you possibly be surprised?

I'd be willing to bet my house that not a single one of the victims of this murderous rampage have ever been to Germany

And here you are excusing this murder using that
Palestinians were dancing in the streets.

Stop lying...especially on THIS thread
You nasty piece of shit. You're the devil.

You're right. I apologize. That happened SEVENTEEN years ago and you are using it here to excuse mass murder.

Rot in hell

Are you joking?

After some of the events that have transpired in Europe, the U.S., and around the world perpetrated by Muslims (like the guys who raped and sexually assaulted thousand of women in Cologne, Germany on a single night, something unheard of for a minority population in both power and numbers to commit against a majority so brazenly like that) and terrorists (the list of deadly attacks is honestly pretty endless), I'm kind of amazed it took this long for someone to launch an attack like this. I've been saying for a long time that it's only a matter of time before someone snaps and blows up a mosque or two. Well, that time has come. How can you possibly be surprised?

I'd be willing to bet my house that not a single one of the victims of this murderous rampage have ever been to Germany

And here you are excusing this murder using that

I'm saying something like this was long overdue, not excusing terrorism.

To sit there and say we need to stop criticizing Islam after such despicable criminal acts as Cologne, Rochester, Telford, and many more have occurred, that were NOT committed by terrorists but by everyday, ordinary Muslims in Europe and against almost exclusively European women I might add, all justified by "holy texts" ... to me, that is truly sickening to hear from a liberal.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

It's telling that 20 people found your comment to be funny. I'm sure I could list most of them.
At some point we need to say enough. If we, as a society value free speech then we also need to stand up and openly condemn hate with our own free speech. It should not be tolerated or excused away with what abouts. Free speech means that as long as we allow all kinds of hate to be propagated in the name of free speech we ought to seriously our responsibility to counter and condemn it.
Yes most of your points except this one:

"Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam."

They are committing these Islamic terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam they are doing it for Allah, so to me the problem IS Islam itself it is a Death Cult and does not belong in ANY Western nation as Islam is incompatible with Western values and is a danger to Western Civilisation which is why Leftists have their Love-In with ALL things Islam because they would like Western Civilisation to be destroyed as it is a Symbol of Repression and a Symbol of the Majesty of The Hated Whitey. Western Civilisation to the Leftists resulted in Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and because of this Western Civilisation must be punished by death to and REDUCED to one MASSIVE Third World Shit Hole and the ONLY way the Leftists can think to do this is by fanatically supporting Islam and Muslim infestation into ONLY Western nations and by lifting up the Black Fetish thing to do the Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey thing.

Does that mean we get to blame all conservatives and Christians for the majority of recent terrorist attacks in the US? I tend to think that's unfair to conservatives and Christians but it's your rule I guess.

Homegrown Terrorists in 2018 Were Almost All Right-Wing - The Atlantic

Leftists in general DO blame ALL Conservatives and ALL Christians with the Guilt By Association thing we have had this MANY times at this forum in MANY threads.

On this forum you have a lot of right wing extemists who take pleasure in Muslims being murdered, we've seen it today and not enough of the wingnuts are calling them out.

I have not seen any Christian group be murdered int he news and then Liberals here laughing, promoting or otherwise wishing more were killed. You're simply full of shit.

What IS a Right-Wing Extremist exactly? Leftists and The International Globalists who Leftists shill for on The Internet consider Right-Wing Extremism:

Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

So WTF IS a Right-Wing Extremist when we have such RIDICULOUS examples given and being INSISTED by The International Globalists and their Leftist little dog shills on The Internet?

Right-Wing Extremist is the way Progs try to "other" and dehumanize normal people who live by traditional, bourgeois values. It is a way of demonizing and intimidating decent people so that don't challenge the destruction of our society.
Someone dehumanized the victims of this shooting.
I think when you commit terrorist attacks or promote them for right wing causes makes you a right wing terrorist. I know you want me to tell you that all Christians are terrorists or whatever but I'm not wanting to walk down that crazy f'd up road with you.

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good thing to import asshole Muslims?

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.
So I gather you support gunning down innocent people if they happen to be the wrong brand.
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