Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?

You are confused Moon Bat

How many Christians in that church were responsible for whatever the filthy Muslims thought they needed to die for?

How many of the 3,000 people that died on 911 were responsible for what the Muslims thought they were responsible for?

How many of the people in San Bernardino that the Muslims killed were responsible?

How about the million Christians killed by the filthy Muslims in Africa?
And you need to make the link between them and those killed in Christchurch. I know that you cant you thick fucker.

Your inability to understand what assholes Muslims are and why it is shitty to have immigration laws that allows the shitheads to come to your country speaks volumes of your Libtard Moon Bat stupidity.
No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.
Exactly. Keep muslims in muslim lands. The Islamic agenda is world dominion and helping them move to non-muslim lands is playing right into their hands. The left is stupid.

Have you guys given up on just all you hacks moving to Idaho and livng your days out there? Wasn't that a thing at one time or did I just want it to be?
Have you stopped playing with yourself or does your mommy do that for you?

Eww, you see in my family where we appreciate diversity, especially in the gene pool we don't do things like that. Maybe you should move out of the basement and into your own place.
Oh yeah, you appreciate "diversity". What is it about Islam that you admire?

The Leftists are mentally ill, they have this fanatical love-in with ALL things Islamic and they deliberately IGNORE that in Islam women have minimal rights and are used like pieces of meat and the Leftists ADORED Faggot Community would be thrown off rooftops by their Muslim pets.
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
i will criticize goddamn "moderate" 'Normal" muslims for not putting a stop to their "radical" brothers all i want
i dont give a rats ass who just got gunned down

you an have my candle for the vigil i wont be showing up TO ANY
No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good think to import asshole Muslims?

Those Muslims who didn't hurt anyone? Maybe New Zealand needs to keep a better eye on the Australians they let in after today.

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.

Maybe we should just throw all men in jail, I mean if you want to play to generalities.

Just the assholes. Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays.

Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.

Did you vote for Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to allow a million Muslim refugees to come to the US?

If you did you are a moron just like the morons that elected Obama who allowed eight years of uncontrolled Brown welfare immigration.

It's like talking to a 3rd grader.

'Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays"

It's not the homosexuals or trans people anymore? Or is that only on Tuesdays?

What do your PRECIOUS Islamics think about Homos and Trans? Oh that's right that they deserve the death penalty and should be strung up or thrown off a rooftop.
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Do you have any information on them that they weren’t working with them?
I dont need to you nazi slag. Thats not how it works in the civilised world. Why dont you show me your link, ? I know that you cant,

Let me guess Moon Bat.

You are one of these morons that helped to elect that asshole Obama that gave billions of dollars to the Iranian Mullahs and said we would all go to hell if we disparage Islam.

Also, you were also stupid enough to vote for that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees.

You are one dumb mutherfucker, aren't you?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Yet if you read the guys manifesto, he says he's not anti muslim, he is anti- non white people. Sure we can say no more anti muslim talk but what does that mean? and who decides what is anti muslim and what is just expressing concerns?
Stopping hate speech is fine but it has to stop from both spectrums of whackos. Did this guy kill brown people because he was listening to hate speech against brown people? or was he influenced by hate speech against white people? It could have been either or both. At this point it was way to early to politicize the loss of life. a lot of whackos out there are consumed by the whole race thing on both sides as we can see here on USMB every day.
DRAMA QUEEN? Tell that to the families of the 100 victims of this horror.

Tell it to the families of the of the folks that were gunned down in that Pittsburgh synagogue

You need to fuck yourself
How about the 3000 Americans in ny 2001?

Did they ever apologize?

Drama queen
Exactly. Who flew the planes into buildings on 9-11? The fucking Laplanders?
Seriously, I don’t get these traitors
Truth is like Achems Razor.
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop. People are DYING because of it. That's ALL I'm saying

Just STOP. NOW. And you can't
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Yet if you read the guys manifesto, he says he's not anti muslim, he is anti- non white people. Sure we can say no more anti muslim talk but what does that mean? and who decides what is anti muslim and what is just expressing concerns?
Stopping hate speech is fine but it has to stop from both spectrums of whackos. Did this guy kill brown people because he was listening to hate speech against brown people? or was he influenced by hate speech against white people? It could have been either or both. At this point it was way to early to politicize the loss of life. a lot of whackos out there are consumed by the whole race thing on both sides as we can see here on USMB every day.
Don’t worry the leftist/defeatist news media will portray him a white racist.
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop. People are DYING because of it. That's ALL I'm saying

Just STOP. NOW. And you can't

Tell me.

"EVERY Radical Muslim should be shot".

Is that "hate speech"?
Just the assholes. Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays.

Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.

Did you vote for Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to allow a million Muslim refugees to come to the US?

If you did you are a moron just like the morons that elected Obama who allowed eight years of uncontrolled Brown welfare immigration.

It's like talking to a 3rd grader.

'Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays"

It's not the homosexuals or trans people anymore? Or is that only on Tuesdays?

Muslims execute both homosexuals and trans people.

Not here, if anyone executes a homosexual and are caught they go to prison and face hate crimes charges. Where are you on hate crimes legislation anyway?

Apparently in New Zealand and it's endorsed in the US buy you idiots it's OK to kill people for their religion. Do you call people like that Muslims too?

Yes, because they are the minority and the nation is run by evil white patriarchs who won't allow that.

In their own nations they execute gays all day.

It's actually liberals who are wanting to protect people from the likes of you, so really no need for you to take credit for protecting teh gays.

Who is going to protect the gays when the 7th Century Death Cult imported into Western nations wants to string them up or throw them off a rooftop? It will be Right-Wingers like me with a fucking Glock and other firearms that's who. ALL the Snowflake Leftists will be like this:

Good god you liberals are the most sheepish people I have ever seen. If you think whatever context trump or anyone has said is a motive behind killing 50 people then I do not know how you discern fact from fiction in every day life. Good god. This world would be burned to nothing if the ideas in your head were reality
...Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion...
Muslims are programmed by their holy writ and its interpretive commentaries to automatically come to the defense of Islam.

Good luck overcoming 1400 years of very large scale brainwashing.


"Only weaklings suffer no criticism."
- German Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen, July 17, 1934, University of Marburg

Which describes Islam to a tee, in this context.
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Yet if you read the guys manifesto, he says he's not anti muslim, he is anti- non white people. Sure we can say no more anti muslim talk but what does that mean? and who decides what is anti muslim and what is just expressing concerns?

He covered his murder weapons with white nationalist rhetoric and the names of every General who ever fought and killed Muslims.

And then he ....read slowly

KILLED 49 MUSLIMS IN NOT ONE BUT TWO MOSQUES...and injured another 20
It's like talking to a 3rd grader.

'Muslims are the assholes of the world nowadays"

It's not the homosexuals or trans people anymore? Or is that only on Tuesdays?

Muslims execute both homosexuals and trans people.

Not here, if anyone executes a homosexual and are caught they go to prison and face hate crimes charges. Where are you on hate crimes legislation anyway?

Apparently in New Zealand and it's endorsed in the US buy you idiots it's OK to kill people for their religion. Do you call people like that Muslims too?

Yes, because they are the minority and the nation is run by evil white patriarchs who won't allow that.

In their own nations they execute gays all day.

It's actually liberals who are wanting to protect people from the likes of you, so really no need for you to take credit for protecting teh gays.

Who is going to protect the gays when the 7th Century Death Cult imported into Western nations wants to string them up or throw them off a rooftop? It will be Right-Wingers like me with a fucking Glock and other firearms that's who. ALL the Snowflake Leftists will be like this:

Actually... The plan is to keep them at stand off distance in order to give them a run at the soft targets. The Leftists. Then mop up. These Spergs don’t even realize that Muslims and Islam in general are more conservative,(make that homocidally conservative) than their own conservative countrymen that they fear.
When I was a kid I read a lot about the Holocaust. I couldn't understand how a modern industrial technologically advanced society could MURDER six million people. After all I read...it still didn't make sense. I knew it happened...but HOW people could do that just didn't make sense.I was convinced it was an anomaly, it could never happen here...

After reading the responses on this thread...I no longer think that

You all really do hate humans

Please explain how your post above was a logical response to what I wrote
Cause you can’t make up your mind on who to hate!
Yet if you read the guys manifesto, he says he's not anti muslim, he is anti- non white people. Sure we can say no more anti muslim talk but what does that mean? and who decides what is anti muslim and what is just expressing concerns?

He covered his murder weapons with white nationalist rhetoric and the names of every General who ever fought and killed Muslims.

And then he ....read slowly

KILLED 49 MUSLIMS IN NOT ONE BUT TWO MOSQUES...and injured another 20
Go fk your own self you don’t know shit who he was and yet here you are pretending
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