Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

When innocent people are killed by Muslim terrorists, the first thing the rest do is leap into damage control and start accusing people of being Islamophobes. They don't give a damn about the victims, only about their own hides. So while I agree that these particular people were innocent (as anyone else, at least) and didn't deserve to die, it's not like the shoe hasn't been on the other foot for a very, very long time.

I can’t quite recall people going on about how they deserved to die in other shootings. Can you?

No but only a few morons and trolls have been saying that.

Quite a few.
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

When innocent people are killed by Muslim terrorists, the first thing the rest do is leap into damage control and start accusing people of being Islamophobes. They don't give a damn about the victims, only about their own hides. So while I agree that these particular people were innocent (as anyone else, at least) and didn't deserve to die, it's not like the shoe hasn't been on the other foot for a very, very long time.

I can’t quite recall people going on about how they deserved to die in other shootings. Can you?

No but only a few morons and trolls have been saying that.

Quite a few.

You are a staff member. What do you expect on these boards? Half of your regulars are racists and degenerates. Of course they are going to say inflammatory things at the drop of a hat. I barely even notice it anymore and I only come around a few times per month.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!

What the fuck is wrong with you people? 49 innocent people got killed! In a mass shooting.
---------------------------------- I think that they were ALL muslim that were shot and killed Coyote .
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!

What the fuck is wrong with you people? 49 innocent people got killed! In a mass shooting.
---------------------------------- I think that they were ALL muslim that were shot and killed Coyote .
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

Some people flat can't see that these days. Cognitive dissonance, my friend. It's a powerful thing that's been underestimated for a long time. It's infiltrated both parties.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!

What the fuck is wrong with you people? 49 innocent people got killed! In a mass shooting.
---------------------------------- I think that they were ALL muslim that were shot and killed Coyote .
--------------------------------- yeah eh Coyote !!
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Its only hate speech because the left makes it into hate speech.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesnt make it hate speech. Nobody here hates muslims, but when Muslim countries are generally the biggest sponsors of terrorism, yeah, some people might be a bit leary of some of the people who come from those countries. Doesnt mean they hate the people, but it could mean they hate the ideology that wants to spread destruction across the world.
When they support killings like this, it is hate.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Its only hate speech because the left makes it into hate speech.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesnt make it hate speech. Nobody here hates muslims, but when Muslim countries are generally the biggest sponsors of terrorism, yeah, some people might be a bit leary of some of the people who come from those countries. Doesnt mean they hate the people, but it could mean they hate the ideology that wants to spread destruction across the world.
When they support killings like this, it is hate.
One doesn't have to support it; in order to understand it.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Will you stop being hateful towards non-progressives?

Pot, Kettle, Black.

Fair enough IF you can prove she has done that.

Where is your link to proof that Lesh has instigated hate speech against non-progressives?
I'm saying something like this was long overdue, not excusing terrorism.

Saying it is "long overdue" IS excusing terrorism

No it isn't. It is just a fact. After 900 terrorist attacks going completely one direction, there were bound to be a few in retaliation. Most attacks against Muslims have been minor shit like "he pulled off my head scarf" or "they vandalized the sign outside the mosque". I think there were a few murders, but those weren't terror attacks, just some idiot losing his shit and committing violence. This was the first fully-fledged terrorist attack committed against Muslims that comes to mind. I'm saying that I'm amazed there haven't been more.
stop the beheading and the raping and such atrocities from our Muslims "friends" part

and perhaps the anti-Muslim talk will stop?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Its only hate speech because the left makes it into hate speech.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesnt make it hate speech. Nobody here hates muslims, but when Muslim countries are generally the biggest sponsors of terrorism, yeah, some people might be a bit leary of some of the people who come from those countries. Doesnt mean they hate the people, but it could mean they hate the ideology that wants to spread destruction across the world.
When they support killings like this, it is hate.
Who supports the killings? I've not seen anyone condone it.

Read this whole thread.
Speech is not violence

Bullshit. Both the Synagogue shooter and Dylan Roof were reacting to "speech"...hate speech

This needs to stop. NOW
So let me ask you this. I listen to a lot of left wing radio. All day it's nothing but hate speech against whites and Republicans. They blame everything on whites and repubs, and they come right out and say anyone who supports trump is a racist.

When will you guys stop the hate speech before it leads to violence?

Why do you listen to it?
Why do you listen to it?

The asshole in Christchurch listened to it. The white nationalist in Norway listened to it. The Tree of Life killer listened to it. The white nationalist in Canada listened to it. Dylan Roof listened to it..

THAT'S the problem
Why do you listen to it?

The asshole in Christchurch listened to it. The white nationalist in Norway listened to it. The Tree of Life killer listened to it. The white nationalist in Canada listened to it. Dylan Roof listened to it..

THAT'S the problem

Too many Muslim terrorists to fit on several pages (I would be writing their names for days), so I'll just go ahead and link instead.

List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Whew ... sure are a lot of 'em.
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