Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Sorry bout that,

  1. Islam will kill you if you don't convert.
  2. KIll.
  3. Don't leave Islam of it will kill you.
  4. Kill.
  5. What else needs to be known?
It wasn’t Islam that murdered 49 people in NZ today.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Islam will kill you if you don't convert.
  2. KIll.
  3. Don't leave Islam of it will kill you.
  4. Kill.
  5. What else needs to be known?
It wasn’t Islam that murdered 49 people in NZ today.

  1. Today they got whacked tomorrow they whack.
  2. This isn't rocket science.
  3. Islam will kill each other tomorrow.
  4. And from time to time innocent Christians or other known religions.
  5. I myself have no apathy for Islam.
  6. Its more or less reap the same havoc you create.
  7. I myself do not condone killing innocent people.
  8. Any innocent people, of whatever faith or religion or non-religion, or any innocent people.
  9. But I also am somewhat less caring when it happens to Muslims.
  10. Reap what they sow, comes to mind real strongly!
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Sorry bout that,

  1. I will further elaborate, that when a religion's religion is to murder innocents then whatever happens to that religion as far as non-participants indeed murdering them, for no reason other than plain murder, then its not murder, it just thinning out the evil religions base.
  2. Its not murder of innocents.
  3. Its murder, but not innocents.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Will you stop being hateful towards non-progressives?

Pot, Kettle, Black.
Him specifically or the lefty boogeymen you've been groomed to imagine?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


"Hate speech" didn't kill those poor souls. A crazed lunatic with a gun killed them. Try to think rationally.
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
The link is in the killers manifesto.
Trump - "is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

It's telling that 20 people found your comment to be funny. I'm sure I could list most of them.

what does it "tell"?
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
The link is in the killers manifesto.
Trump - "is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"

yeah? you seem to place a very high value on the opinion of a murderous NUT

But those hostile to Islam will continue to rationalize there unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims.
270 Million people around the world killed by Islam, and you call it an "unwarranted fear". You are that hungry for votes, that you will say anything, no matter how absurd ?

What are Right-Wing Causes?


Wanting to SHUT your Borders, NOT wanting to import UNLIMITED amounts from Third World Shit Holes into your nation, wanting to preserve your Heritage, being PROUD of your Heritage, being Christian, being a White person and being PROUD of being White and NOT being ASHAMED and HATING yourself for being White.

Now you see not EVERYONE WANTS Multiculturalism, not EVERYONE WANTS the Diversity SHIT and think that their environment was OKAY as it WAS as it ALWAYS WAS and when Leftist SJW Politicians on the payroll of The International Globalists WITHOUT the PERMISSION of the locals begin to import in mass numbers crowds from Third World Shit Holes into THEIR LAND many do NOT like that and they get angry and SOME go off the edge and end up shooting up a Mosque. The situation is if there was NO Mosque and NO Muslims in a Non-Muslim nation then that incident would NOT have happened, so the blame is totally with those Leftist SJW politicians IF they STOPPED fucking up WESTERN society with their Multiculuralism FANATICISM then EVERYTHING would be peaceful.

It's the Leftist SJWs who are the Extremists, they want to PERMANENTLY change ALL Western nations into Multiculturalism Hell Holes and NOBODY in those Western nations has given them the PERMISSION to DESTROY their society with this poison.

So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good thing to import asshole Muslims?

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.
So I gather you support gunning down innocent people if they happen to be the wrong brand.

I am reading this thread and it looks like a lot of people are very relaxed about that.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
The link is in the killers manifesto.
Trump - "is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"

yeah? you seem to place a very high value on the opinion of a murderous NUT
His opinion is shared by many on this thread who can be classed as terrorist sympathisers.
It wasn’t Islam that murdered 49 people in NZ today.
Wasn't it ? If Islam wasn't the murderous, evil cult that it is, none of this would have happened. I'm not excusing the killer, but by the same token, Islam is a cult (masquerading as a religion) that has made WAR against all of the "infidel" world, for 1400 years.

Muslims then get all uppity when that war (which they created) affects them.
remember the MUNICH MASSACRES-----when the asslickers of the rapist dog, muhummad grabbed
11 Olympic kids------just because they were jews and murdered them? -------even today----the NOBLE
"Palestinian" muhummad ass lickers have declared a SACRED MUSLIM HOLIDAY honoring those heroes. -----I got good news------the murdering nut of New Zealand is not a hero
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
The link is in the killers manifesto.
Trump - "is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"

yeah? you seem to place a very high value on the opinion of a murderous NUT
His opinion is shared by many on this thread who can be classed as terrorist sympathisers.

oh? so claims "tainted"
Islam is a 1400 year old WAR against the entire non-Islamic world. In this, Muslim marauders have killed over 270 Million people - more than Genghis Khan, Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, and Hitler, all combined. In response, the non-Islamic world has killed a fraction of that, including those of al Qaeda, ISIS, al Shabbab, et al.

This crazed killer did nit have a good perspective on all this, and just went after people who were nit harming him. But the root of all this still is the Koran, and its insane doctrine, so not only is it NOT "Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk", it is time to honestly start the anti-Muslim (Koran) talk, and get real about all this.

Saying things like "stop the anti-Muslim talk" will only perpetuate more Islam, more Koran belief, and more violence. Beside being a vile, violent creed, Islam is a seditious, supremacist movement, that seeks to overthrow the US govt, and all western civilization, and is outlawed by the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

The correct thing to so about Islam is to enforce the Constitution (Article 6, Section 2, part 1), and get rid of every vestige of Islam in America (mosques, Korans, Muslim Brotherhood front groups, etc)
I am a Methodist who condemns all acts of terrorism. You and your fellow thinkers are ok with terrorism it seems.
Maybe it "seems" that way to you, in your distorted mind. What it really seems is that YOU are OK with terrorism, by your support of Islam, of which terrorism is a fundamental precept.

Here's a question you must come to grips with ? Do you support Islam ?
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