Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Hate speech in congress today by guess who a Muslim. It always starts with them these days.
On a thread calling for the cessation of hate speech after a HORRIFIC murder...these bigots and racists feel EMPOWERED to engage in it even more.

Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

When innocent people are killed by Muslim terrorists, the first thing the rest do is leap into damage control and start accusing people of being Islamophobes. They don't give a damn about the victims, only about their own hides. So while I agree that these particular people were innocent (as anyone else, at least) and didn't deserve to die, it's not like the shoe hasn't been on the other foot for a very, very long time. After the 900th Islamic terrorist attack, people start to lose sympathy for the ones trying to kill them (even if the terrorists and regular Muslims are not the same, they spring from the same roots called Islam).
Again, when people don’t condemn violence shit like this happens.
On a thread calling for the cessation of hate speech after a HORRIFIC murder...these bigots and racists feel EMPOWERED to engage in it even more.


You truly need to grow up kid. The ESSENCE of "free" speech is people having the ability to say things you don't like , or want to hear. "Hate Speech" is a construct people lie you want use to curtail words you don't want to hear. You have EVERY "right" to call me a knuckle dragging regressive Conservative. You have the "right" to blame the ills of the world on people just like me. Unlike you I won't whine about it.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

When innocent people are killed by Muslim terrorists, the first thing the rest do is leap into damage control and start accusing people of being Islamophobes. They don't give a damn about the victims, only about their own hides. So while I agree that these particular people were innocent (as anyone else, at least) and didn't deserve to die, it's not like the shoe hasn't been on the other foot for a very, very long time. After the 900th Islamic terrorist attack, people start to lose sympathy for the ones trying to kill them (even if the terrorists and regular Muslims are not the same, they spring from the same roots called Islam).
Again, when people don’t condemn violence shit like this happens.

It's people who don't condemn 3rd world immigration from death cult countries why this happens.
On a thread calling for the cessation of hate speech after a HORRIFIC murder...these bigots and racists feel EMPOWERED to engage in it even more.


Too bad the Dems didn't have the balls to call out Omar for her Anti-Semetic remarks. Then you'd have a leg to stand on.
On a thread calling for the cessation of hate speech after a HORRIFIC murder...these bigots and racists feel EMPOWERED to engage in it even more.
There is no such thing as the so-called "hate speech."

Apparently you are ignorant in the matter you are immersed in without taking the pain to educate yourself:

"In Islam, there are two forms of jihad, but most people only know about the kind that resembles warfare. The other kind is called “hijra”, or conquest through migration. This is spoken of in the koran and hadith, and is the same imperative for Muslims as jihad. The central commandment of Islam is to spread Islam, specifically, until the dar al Islam (world of belief) replaces the dar al haarb (world of unbelievers). Every Muslim who leave Muslim lands is engaged in a hegemonic war of expansion. There are no such things as non-combatants when dealing with Muslims."

You're welcome.
No such thing as hate speech huh?

Read through this thread. It's DRIPPING with it
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

This whole board amazes me, the hate by the left and the right is disturbing, how many on this board would be thrilled if Trump died tomorrow, or if Hillary died tomorrow, we’d same reaction by a different. The justification is also disturbing, taking pleasure in people being harmed? Seriously? A person is a certain religion and people hate them because of a few? A person wears a hat that you consider offensive, so you have a right to attack or become abusive to them? This is what we have become. We need leaders that can unite, we have none, and neither party will step up to the plate and give, just a little. Blame who you want but it is our own fault, we have all created this culture of hate and violence. We don’t need global warming, we’ll kill ourselves off long before them. Conservatives and liberals are gone, no compassion, no tolerance, no relying on principles, disgusting is what we have become.
Save your both sides bullshit

There's only ONE side celebrating the death of 49 people in CHristchurch

You've completely missed the point in this entire thread. The entire thread
Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
You are a fucking tool. How many of the dead in New Zealand were responsible for this ?
If you follow your dumbarse logic then you are responsible for the holocaust. Do you see how this works you thick fucker ?
Dude your nickname must be irony
Make the link between the Nigeria atrocity and the one in NZ.
Make the link between something in a foreign Country and President Trump like the filth on this board are.
The link is in the killers manifesto.
Trump - "is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"

So what?

That worthless piece of shit Obama was a Black identity and his stupid "hope and change" bullshit was the common purpose of welfare queens.

That Democrat identity to Black and welfare queens encouraged that asshole in DC to shoot Republican Congressmen, didn't it?

The killer also said that his political identity was Red China and he wasn't a Conservative so it is evident that your mindless TDS afflicted Trump hate is just as stupid as everything else you spout.
So, what are you saying, it's OK to commit terrorist attacks if they meet this criteria?

No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good thing to import asshole Muslims?

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.
So I gather you support gunning down innocent people if they happen to be the wrong brand.

I am reading this thread and it looks like a lot of people are very relaxed about that.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Didn't see a thread like this from the left when cops were being assassinated under Obama.

Having said that people like this killer don't become full of hate because of CNN or Fox News or social media.
It is a parenting issue most times. You are the product of your upbringing and what you were taught was acceptable in your formative years.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


I am against hate and violence.
That is why I don't vote Democrat.
No. I am saying that IF Leftist SJWs stopped with this insane and fanatical Social Engineering Fetish they have then MANY problems would NOT happen.

Neat. I disagree.

Did you know that a right wing nut job gunned down 49 Muslims today?

The nutjobs are those idiots that allowed Muslim immigration to NZ. How stupid can you be to think it is a good thing to import asshole Muslims?

Just like the nutjobs here in the US are the Moon Bat idiots that want to allow tens of millions of welfare queens from Central America to flood into our country and sign up for welfare, load our school system with their shithead children, bring in drugs and commit crimes.

Then you have the Queen of the Idiots. Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. How stupid was that? Thank god she lost.
So I gather you support gunning down innocent people if they happen to be the wrong brand.

I am reading this thread and it looks like a lot of people are very relaxed about that.
He sounds just like an AOC and Bernie Sanders left winger
You started it. Jeebus you're dense


Quote the posts where I engaged in hate speech ...

You have. Because i dared to disagree with you I'm a bigot..your own words.The point is your hypocrisy is mind boggling. Off the charts mind boggling and again you're missing it.

You're not a very bright individual and lack something that is key in life. Common sense
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