Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Then you must have missed the Tree of Life...or Christchurch..or the MAGA bomber...or the Planned Parenthood site that was burned just a couple weeks ago or the Canadian mass murder in that mosque, or the Norwegian white nationalist mass murderer...or on and on and on

Hold on a minute ... first of all, how do you know they are Christians? Second of all, have any of these characters explicitly said that they are carrying out holy war on behalf of their God? Or are they just nutters who happened to be born into a Christian family? Distinctions. I know it's hard for you, but please try to use your brain for once.
They are Christians. You dispute that?

What did I JUST say?
I think you're saying that the only kind of terrorism that we should be concerned about is that which has some connection to religion. Guess what...there has been more than a little of that as well. Note the Planned Parenthood burning...Eric Rudolph ...and the fact that a lot of these people were attacked BECAUSE of their religion. Tree of Life ring a bell? Christchurch was an attack on Muslims IN PLACES OF WORSHIP.

How is it such a little man as you are came to hate everyone but Muslims?
WTF are you even talking about?

You're "disturbed" because I don't hate who you hate?

Hold on a minute ... first of all, how do you know they are Christians? Second of all, have any of these characters explicitly said that they are carrying out holy war on behalf of their God? Or are they just nutters who happened to be born into a Christian family? Distinctions. I know it's hard for you, but please try to use your brain for once.
They are Christians. You dispute that?

What did I JUST say?
I think you're saying that the only kind of terrorism that we should be concerned about is that which has some connection to religion. Guess what...there has been more than a little of that as well. Note the Planned Parenthood burning...Eric Rudolph ...and the fact that a lot of these people were attacked BECAUSE of their religion. Tree of Life ring a bell? Christchurch was an attack on Muslims IN PLACES OF WORSHIP.

How is it such a little man as you are came to hate everyone but Muslims?
WTF are you even talking about?

You're "disturbed" because I don't hate who you hate?

Christians are slaughtered often in their places of worship by muslims yet you never say a word. Why is that?
Go fuck your self. Fuck you. First off, when meds and churches and businesses get shot up, it’s mana from heaven for you and your type. The little maggots who just wait for something like this to happen so you all can sit and say how horrible it is. You people live for this stuff and it’s just gross. You are basically good with this stuff happening so you can blame it on a president, any other time you care less. What scum you and your type are. Just trash. Cowardly to.

Hey dickface...I absolutely never said a WORD about Trump on this thread. Go back and look.

It looks a lot like YOU think his rhetoric could be blamed for this...and that makes you nuts

Again, screw you. You have been waiting for this for so long that it finally happens, and here you are. Rubbing it all over your face and basking in a mass shooting. You are a disgusting pig. A simple, bored depressed filthy smelly pig. Nothing but a swine and attention whore. Just disgusting.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that all this hate speech needs to stop. People are DYING because of it. That's ALL I'm saying

Just STOP. NOW. And you can't

Tell me.

"EVERY Radical Muslim should be shot".

Is that "hate speech"?

Nope. As a matter of fact, the US military has been shooting radical Muslims for just about 20 years.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Why don't you Leftists EVER post a thread when your Muslim pets slaughter INNOCENTS on Western streets in suicide attacks, with machine guns and with vehicles? Paris? London? Nice? Hello heard of THEM? Of course you have but they were all Whites in predominately Christian nations being slaughtered by your Muslim pets and so you do NOT give a CRAP about that.

But your Muslim pets get shot up and OMG the sky is falling and we ALL have to STFU and lick Muslim and Islam filthy buttocks because Leftists say so. Fuck that.

I have NEVER since I joined this forum EVER seen ONE TIME a Leftist post a thread when the latest Islamic terrorist attack has happened on Western streets, all we have had is Leftists like you in those threads deflecting and defending your Muslim pets with but but but what about Christians, but but but what about The Crusades, but but but what about Timothy McVeigh, but but but what about Dylan Roof etc I have NEVER seen ONE Leftist in ANY thread condemn Islam and it's filthy followers who slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples in the NAME OF ISLAM, in the NAME OF ALLAH.

So some Muslims got shot up in New Zealand, who cares? They should NOT be in ANY Non-Muslim nation to begin with it's the Leftist Traitor politicians who have let them in so they can assist in shutting up Whitey with Muh Racism and Muh Colonialism and ANYONE who is NOT on the Leftist side.

We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets but we know that wait will be VERY long because NO Leftist Islam lover is EVER going to post that thread.

Fuck Islam! Fuck Mohammed!
We ALL on the Rightist side wait for the NEXT time Muslims slaughter INNOCENT Western peoples on Western streets we ALL wait for a Leftist to begin a thread CONDEMNING Islam and their Muslim pets
Why would we do that when almost all Muslims everywhere are INNOCENT of that, too? I condemn the assholes who do these terrible things. I support our intelligence agencies who spend their days looking for these guys and stopping them BEFORE they can do damage. I supported the war against AlQaeda and the war against ISIS. Maybe it didn't do a whole lot of good, but it took a little wind out of their sails, at least for awhile. What else can you do but all of that?
Long and short of it is, I condemn the terrorists but there is no reason to condemn Islam.

This thread amazes me. 49 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of hate. And look at the hate spewing out in these threads essentially saying they deserve it because they are Muslim and Muslims are evil.

This whole board amazes me, the hate by the left and the right is disturbing, how many on this board would be thrilled if Trump died tomorrow, or if Hillary died tomorrow, we’d same reaction by a different. The justification is also disturbing, taking pleasure in people being harmed? Seriously? A person is a certain religion and people hate them because of a few? A person wears a hat that you consider offensive, so you have a right to attack or become abusive to them? This is what we have become. We need leaders that can unite, we have none, and neither party will step up to the plate and give, just a little. Blame who you want but it is our own fault, we have all created this culture of hate and violence. We don’t need global warming, we’ll kill ourselves off long before them. Conservatives and liberals are gone, no compassion, no tolerance, no relying on principles, disgusting is what we have become.
Save your both sides bullshit

There's only ONE side celebrating the death of 49 people in CHristchurch

Thank you for proving my point.
Muslim terrorists cell in New Jersey and they celebrated on the rooftops. Police and FBI had been here before. They are like a disease once inside your homeland.
you implying trump supporters do not travel abroad?
Or read the interwebs

By the way. I see the mods hid this to protect their right wing worms

Anyone know what board it ended up on?
You want America to become pussified like Sweden?

Have you seen the body of the girl they raped and killed? :puke3:

Nuke Mecca, fuck that shit.

1nuke mecca.gif

It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Pointing fingers at sick white supremacist murderers? Actual heinous criminals with mental problems? Yeah. Makes sense. Murder is a sin, crime, blight on humanity.

Context is everything. It's why white supremacy is in general not ok and should be expelled from the far right politics. That's not hate. It's history, context, and common sense.
Then you must have missed the Tree of Life...or Christchurch..or the MAGA bomber...or the Planned Parenthood site that was burned just a couple weeks ago or the Canadian mass murder in that mosque, or the Norwegian white nationalist mass murderer...or on and on and on
Ya a dozen attacks you whine about while defending literally THOUSANDS by Muslims.
No such thing as hate speech huh?

Read through this thread. It's DRIPPING with it

People who whine about hate speech are almost universally those who only want their "hate speech laws" inflicted on certain populations and toward certain people. For example, no "hate speech" toward Muslims. But they themselves want to get their hate on toward white evangelical Christians all the livelong day.

I see you, Lesh
Wait..I challenged you to find me engaging in hate speech and you "found" the opposite?


How many you want?

Trump charges allies for US protection "Cost + 50%"


Bronx Moron Trying To Sell Obama 2.0

Is DeBlasio Aware That Most Kids Have Access To Beef/Burgers On Mondays Right At Home?

Honestly I need a soul shower after reading through that
And pardon me if I'm not "kind" to people like the following

You dumb ass lying fascist pig….

Have you ever heard of Daca?

Tell us how many demorats voted against it…..

You Tards are so very ignorant and full of Shit.

Hate speech is speech that drives people to MURDER...if being called out for being an asshoie drives you to murder..you have bigger problems than me

I don't expect Leftists to ever think rationally but you might want to at least acknowledge when you're wrong. This is hate speech:

Definition of hate speech

: speech expressing hatred of a particular group of people

--according to Merriam Webster. So again, you love to indulge in it--literally your entire post history is nothing BUT hate speech--but want to call others out.

You're the perfect hypocritical Leftist, IOW
Then you must have missed the Tree of Life...or Christchurch..or the MAGA bomber...or the Planned Parenthood site that was burned just a couple weeks ago or the Canadian mass murder in that mosque, or the Norwegian white nationalist mass murderer...or on and on and on

Hold on a minute ... first of all, how do you know they are Christians? Second of all, have any of these characters explicitly said that they are carrying out holy war on behalf of their God? Or are they just nutters who happened to be born into a Christian family? Distinctions. I know it's hard for you, but please try to use your brain for once.
They are Christians. You dispute that?

What did I JUST say?
I think you're saying that the only kind of terrorism that we should be concerned about is that which has some connection to religion. Guess what...there has been more than a little of that as well. Note the Planned Parenthood burning...Eric Rudolph ...and the fact that a lot of these people were attacked BECAUSE of their religion. Tree of Life ring a bell? Christchurch was an attack on Muslims IN PLACES OF WORSHIP.

How is it such a little man as you are came to hate everyone but Muslims?

He thinks what he is told to think--and buys it hook line and sinker.

Lenin called these folks "useful idiots". No doubt he could hardly believe it himself.
Then you must have missed the Tree of Life...or Christchurch..or the MAGA bomber...or the Planned Parenthood site that was burned just a couple weeks ago or the Canadian mass murder in that mosque, or the Norwegian white nationalist mass murderer...or on and on and on

Hold on a minute ... first of all, how do you know they are Christians? Second of all, have any of these characters explicitly said that they are carrying out holy war on behalf of their God? Or are they just nutters who happened to be born into a Christian family? Distinctions. I know it's hard for you, but please try to use your brain for once.
They are Christians. You dispute that?
Ahh so when we point out that the Muslim Terrorists are well MUSLIM, you say things like " you can't blame them all for a few" but when a supposed Christian does something you say " they are all guilty" you are such a tard.
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