Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Dimwit leftards can not understand anything, or, they are being dumbass jerks for the sake of argument. But, Christianity is NOT like Islam. And hasn't been for oh, say, the last 400 years. Christianity came out of the dark ages that long ago, and Islam never will.
I partly agree. Christianity as a doctrine wasn't ever a problem. It was evil people that perverted Chrisianity. Christianity is love and peace and was founded on such. Jesus was a man of love and peace who only did good. However, Islam was founded on violence and Mohammed was an evil man of hate and war. That's the difference between Islam and Christianity. Islamic terrorism is the real Islam. Peace and love is real Christianity.
My point was tho, Christianity came out of the dark ages that long ago, and Islam never will. They only lasted this long because they follow dogma and christians were appalled by what they were doing, or, they got sick of the smoke of burning flesh.
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.


This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool

Wrong. You're seeing the opinions of REAL Americans here, not the censored & filtered PC bullshit of modern day social media.
Your idea of who "real Americans" is pretty skewed...given that you'd see a lot of the same things posted on GAB/4chan/and 8chan
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool

Wrong. You're seeing the opinions of REAL Americans here, not the censored & filtered PC bullshit of modern day social media.
Your idea of who "real Americans" is pretty skewed...given that you'd see a lot of the same things posted on GAB/4chan/and 8chan
you say fk you at real americans. so I'm guessing you don't like america.
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
from an anti semitic's mouth to god!!!!
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The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
So Jews were committing thousands of terror attacks a year in the 30's?

They were being blamed for everything from losing WWI to causing the Great Depression...add in "eating babies" and a few other little nuggets and yea...

You don't read much history do you?
The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.

Whatryou...an escapee from 4chan?
The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.

Whatryou...an escapee from 4chan?

The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
we are badmanwestern civilization. it's all we are. whitemanbad. All day everyday with the leftists. I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims.
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
we are badmanwestern civilization. it's all we are. whitemanbad. All day everyday with the leftists. I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims.

"I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims."

There is one fundamental thing that attracts the Regressive Left to the Regressive Islamics, they both share a FANATICAL HATE of Western Civilisation, for many many Centuries Islam has attempted to conquer Western Civilisation and to by violence bring it under submission to Islam and for many many Centuries the Islamics have failed thanks predominately to our brave Ancestors who fought to defend, protect and preserve Western Civilisation.

The Regressive Left HATE Western Civilisation as they are Kool Aiders mixed with Mentally Crippled With Misguided Guilt Complex, they thanks to Cultural Marxist teachers and professors have been brainwashed to HATE WHITEY which in many cases means hating themselves AND their Ancestors. To them Western Civilisation IS White Supremacy it IS the embodiment of White Majesty over the Savages and Primitives, The White designed, built, progressed, enhanced and has SUSTAINED Western Civilisation for a multitude of Centuries WITHOUT ANY assistance from the Savages and Primitives. The White went to the Savage and Primitive lands and then built them up into something that was fit for HUMAN HABITATION this WAS Colonialism and when The White left the majority of those lands have now within 50 years have returned to Semi Shit Holes or Full On Shit Holes eg. Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

The Regressive Left consider The White attempting to build a Civilisation for the Savage and Primitives land as PURE EVIL and a prime symbol in general of the EVIL of Western Civilisation which thanks to the brainwashing by Cultural Marxist teachers and professors has produced ZERO positive and has ONLY produced Repression and Genocide and so because of this twisted fucked up and mentally ill thinking Western Civilisation must be PUNISHED and made to pay for the Centuries of crimes against the Savages and Primitives and the only way they accept is for Western Civilisation to be collapsed into being a Third World Shit Hole and they do this by joining forces with Islam and also by DEMANDING that UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers be imported into ONLY Western nations so that within 20-25 years several things they hope will be happening I. A variety of Civil Wars - Muslims vs Christians, Blacks vs Whites and II. Muslims and Non-Whites OUTBREEDING Whites = The Death of The White via OUTBREEDING and Civil War.

The thing about Islam hating women, gays, Transgenders etc the Regressive Left being in general stupid and unsophisticated and DEVOID of Logical Thinking and in the place being almost childlike in their naïveté and running on purely Emotional Thinking they THINK they can at some point negotiate with the Islamics about the things in Islam that are problematic ie. hating women, gays, Transgenders etc The Regressive Left will STILL THINK they can negotiate with the Islamics as they literally are about to get their heads cut off with long knives or thrown off a rooftop.
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
we are badmanwestern civilization. it's all we are. whitemanbad. All day everyday with the leftists. I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims.

"I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims."

There is one fundamental thing that attracts the Regressive Left to the Regressive Islamics, they both share a FANATICAL HATE of Western Civilisation, for many many Centuries Islam has attempted to conquer Western Civilisation and to by violence bring it under submission to Islam and for many many Centuries the Islamics have failed thanks predominately to our brave Ancestors who fought to defend, protect and preserve Western Civilisation.

The Regressive Left HATE Western Civilisation as they are Kool Aiders mixed with Mentally Crippled With Misguided Guilt Complex, they thanks to Cultural Marxist teachers and professors have been brainwashed to HATE WHITEY which in many cases means hating themselves AND their Ancestors. To them Western Civilisation IS White Supremacy it IS the embodiment of White Majesty over the Savages and Primitives, The White designed, built, progressed, enhanced and has SUSTAINED Western Civilisation for a multitude of Centuries WITHOUT ANY assistance from the Savages and Primitives. The White went to the Savage and Primitive lands and then built them up into something that was fit for HUMAN HABITATION this WAS Colonialism and when The White left the majority of those lands have now within 50 years have returned to Semi Shit Holes or Full On Shit Holes eg. Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

The Regressive Left consider The White attempting to build a Civilisation for the Savage and Primitives land as PURE EVIL and a prime symbol in general of the EVIL of Western Civilisation which thanks to the brainwashing by Cultural Marxist teachers and professors has produced ZERO positive and has ONLY produced Repression and Genocide and so because of this twisted fucked up and mentally ill thinking Western Civilisation must be PUNISHED and made to pay for the Centuries of crimes against the Savages and Primitives and the only way they accept is for Western Civilisation to be collapsed into being a Third World Shit Hole and they do this by joining forces with Islam and also by DEMANDING that UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers be imported into ONLY Western nations so that within 20-25 years several things they hope will be happening I. A variety of Civil Wars - Muslims vs Christians, Blacks vs Whites and II. Muslims and Non-Whites OUTBREEDING Whites = The Death of The White via OUTBREEDING and Civil War.

The thing about Islam hating women, gays, Transgenders etc the Regressive Left being in general stupid and unsophisticated and DEVOID of Logical Thinking and in the place being almost childlike in their naïveté and running on purely Emotional Thinking they THINK they can at some point negotiate with the Islamics about the things in Islam that are problematic ie. hating women, gays, Transgenders etc The Regressive Left will STILL THINK they can negotiate with the Islamics as they literally are about to get their heads cut off with long knives or thrown off a rooftop.
So how's that neonazi Austrian movement going?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
we are badmanwestern civilization. it's all we are. whitemanbad. All day everyday with the leftists. I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims.

"I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims."

There is one fundamental thing that attracts the Regressive Left to the Regressive Islamics, they both share a FANATICAL HATE of Western Civilisation, for many many Centuries Islam has attempted to conquer Western Civilisation and to by violence bring it under submission to Islam and for many many Centuries the Islamics have failed thanks predominately to our brave Ancestors who fought to defend, protect and preserve Western Civilisation.

The Regressive Left HATE Western Civilisation as they are Kool Aiders mixed with Mentally Crippled With Misguided Guilt Complex, they thanks to Cultural Marxist teachers and professors have been brainwashed to HATE WHITEY which in many cases means hating themselves AND their Ancestors. To them Western Civilisation IS White Supremacy it IS the embodiment of White Majesty over the Savages and Primitives, The White designed, built, progressed, enhanced and has SUSTAINED Western Civilisation for a multitude of Centuries WITHOUT ANY assistance from the Savages and Primitives. The White went to the Savage and Primitive lands and then built them up into something that was fit for HUMAN HABITATION this WAS Colonialism and when The White left the majority of those lands have now within 50 years have returned to Semi Shit Holes or Full On Shit Holes eg. Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

The Regressive Left consider The White attempting to build a Civilisation for the Savage and Primitives land as PURE EVIL and a prime symbol in general of the EVIL of Western Civilisation which thanks to the brainwashing by Cultural Marxist teachers and professors has produced ZERO positive and has ONLY produced Repression and Genocide and so because of this twisted fucked up and mentally ill thinking Western Civilisation must be PUNISHED and made to pay for the Centuries of crimes against the Savages and Primitives and the only way they accept is for Western Civilisation to be collapsed into being a Third World Shit Hole and they do this by joining forces with Islam and also by DEMANDING that UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers be imported into ONLY Western nations so that within 20-25 years several things they hope will be happening I. A variety of Civil Wars - Muslims vs Christians, Blacks vs Whites and II. Muslims and Non-Whites OUTBREEDING Whites = The Death of The White via OUTBREEDING and Civil War.

The thing about Islam hating women, gays, Transgenders etc the Regressive Left being in general stupid and unsophisticated and DEVOID of Logical Thinking and in the place being almost childlike in their naïveté and running on purely Emotional Thinking they THINK they can at some point negotiate with the Islamics about the things in Islam that are problematic ie. hating women, gays, Transgenders etc The Regressive Left will STILL THINK they can negotiate with the Islamics as they literally are about to get their heads cut off with long knives or thrown off a rooftop.
So how's that neonazi Austrian movement going?

Go back to your street corner and wait for your next Muslim dick to suck.
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