Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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They can't seem to fathom why marginalizing and antagonizing white people in the western world seems to provoke the occasional violent reaction.

Imagine, being a 20-something white male today. Struggling with depression and medicated throughout your adolescence, your entire adult life you're inundated with messages about how awful you are and how you share centuries of collective guilt for things that you had no part in. You're called a misogynist for wanting a nice white girl to settle down and start a family with but the pickings are so slim, either settle for an ugly obese girl who smells like cat pee or some slutty chick with rage issues from one too many abortions so you just give up trying.

Meanwhile, Muslims who adhere to positively medieval views on race, sexuality and masculinity are invited to your nation with open arms by the same "progressive feminists" who complain about "toxic masculinity" and sexism. They call you racist for pointing out their hypocrisy. They report your posts and get you banned from social media so you go to 8chan where guys like you are allowed to vent their frustrations until one of the millions of 8chan posters turns out to be a legitimate psycho and now you don't even know if you can post there anymore without the FBI raiding your home.

So you are a pathetic hater because you can't get laid and the Muslims are?

You are such an apologist, why not start bending over for Allah and the death cult?


You would fit very well within the moderate Muslim population on the ground. Of course, if you were very serious about the apology, you would stand with the true Muslims on the top. Someone needs to deal with their crime of being gay.
They can't seem to fathom why marginalizing and antagonizing white people in the western world seems to provoke the occasional violent reaction.

Imagine, being a 20-something white male today. Struggling with depression and medicated throughout your adolescence, your entire adult life you're inundated with messages about how awful you are and how you share centuries of collective guilt for things that you had no part in. You're called a misogynist for wanting a nice white girl to settle down and start a family with but the pickings are so slim, either settle for an ugly obese girl who smells like cat pee or some slutty chick with rage issues from one too many abortions so you just give up trying.

Meanwhile, Muslims who adhere to positively medieval views on race, sexuality and masculinity are invited to your nation with open arms by the same "progressive feminists" who complain about "toxic masculinity" and sexism. They call you racist for pointing out their hypocrisy. They report your posts and get you banned from social media so you go to 8chan where guys like you are allowed to vent their frustrations until one of the millions of 8chan posters turns out to be a legitimate psycho and now you don't even know if you can post there anymore without the FBI raiding your home.

So you are a pathetic hater because you can't get laid and the Muslims are?

I haven't been a 20-something for a long time, numbskull. Aren't you lefties supposed to be all about empathy and compassion? If that's the case then why is it you all seem to be incapable of seeing things from another persons perspective? You were a young man once, back in ancient times. Take that guy you used to be and put him in today's society and pump him full of anti-depressants for good measure.
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
The garbage posted on this thread is eerily similar to what was said about Jews in the lead up to the Holocaust.

Do we really want to go THERE?
Jews were killing Christians, burning kids alive, beheading people, blowing up schools? Got a link?

The Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Western Civilisation crowd comment this crap in an attempt to get The Awakened and The About To Join The Awakened to STFU, they comment the SAME crap if you ever notice to attempt to get Western nations to Open Borders to flood nations with Third World Non-Christian Shit Holers they use the same excuse. The situation is that now each day more and more are NOT STFU because NOBODY except the socially crippled give a CRAP what the Leftists aka Communists think about ANYTHING.
we are badmanwestern civilization. it's all we are. whitemanbad. All day everyday with the leftists. I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims.

"I honestly don't get the draw to the women hating, gay hating, transgender hating western nation hating muslims."

There is one fundamental thing that attracts the Regressive Left to the Regressive Islamics, they both share a FANATICAL HATE of Western Civilisation, for many many Centuries Islam has attempted to conquer Western Civilisation and to by violence bring it under submission to Islam and for many many Centuries the Islamics have failed thanks predominately to our brave Ancestors who fought to defend, protect and preserve Western Civilisation.

The Regressive Left HATE Western Civilisation as they are Kool Aiders mixed with Mentally Crippled With Misguided Guilt Complex, they thanks to Cultural Marxist teachers and professors have been brainwashed to HATE WHITEY which in many cases means hating themselves AND their Ancestors. To them Western Civilisation IS White Supremacy it IS the embodiment of White Majesty over the Savages and Primitives, The White designed, built, progressed, enhanced and has SUSTAINED Western Civilisation for a multitude of Centuries WITHOUT ANY assistance from the Savages and Primitives. The White went to the Savage and Primitive lands and then built them up into something that was fit for HUMAN HABITATION this WAS Colonialism and when The White left the majority of those lands have now within 50 years have returned to Semi Shit Holes or Full On Shit Holes eg. Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

The Regressive Left consider The White attempting to build a Civilisation for the Savage and Primitives land as PURE EVIL and a prime symbol in general of the EVIL of Western Civilisation which thanks to the brainwashing by Cultural Marxist teachers and professors has produced ZERO positive and has ONLY produced Repression and Genocide and so because of this twisted fucked up and mentally ill thinking Western Civilisation must be PUNISHED and made to pay for the Centuries of crimes against the Savages and Primitives and the only way they accept is for Western Civilisation to be collapsed into being a Third World Shit Hole and they do this by joining forces with Islam and also by DEMANDING that UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers be imported into ONLY Western nations so that within 20-25 years several things they hope will be happening I. A variety of Civil Wars - Muslims vs Christians, Blacks vs Whites and II. Muslims and Non-Whites OUTBREEDING Whites = The Death of The White via OUTBREEDING and Civil War.

The thing about Islam hating women, gays, Transgenders etc the Regressive Left being in general stupid and unsophisticated and DEVOID of Logical Thinking and in the place being almost childlike in their naïveté and running on purely Emotional Thinking they THINK they can at some point negotiate with the Islamics about the things in Islam that are problematic ie. hating women, gays, Transgenders etc The Regressive Left will STILL THINK they can negotiate with the Islamics as they literally are about to get their heads cut off with long knives or thrown off a rooftop.
So how's that neonazi Austrian movement going?

Ya got a link?
I need to find out where to send my donation.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Do you have any thoughts on the fucking Islamofascist who murdered a bunch of innocent people recently in N. Europe?
Thought not!
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam
Absolutely. Radical anything leads to shit like this. YOU are a radical anti-Muslim. I denounce you as well
Absolutely. Radical anything leads to shit like this. YOU are a radical anti-Muslim. I denounce you as well
Thanks, I want no part of your globalization.

I noticed how you just can’t denounce radical Islam. You have to qualify it. Hahaha
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.

Yet they call it "protected free speech" when it is a crazed Berkeley UC or Antifa nutcase rioting, breaking windows and rolling cars throwing Molotov cocktails!
Who called rioting and property damage protected free speech? Link please.

As far as I recall everyone agreed free speech rights stopped short of assault and property damage.
Absolutely. Radical anything leads to shit like this. YOU are a radical anti-Muslim. I denounce you as well
Thanks, I want no part of your globalization.

I noticed how you just can’t denounce radical Islam. You have to qualify it. Hahaha

Will you denounce radicsl Christianty?
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).
remind me of the thousands of terror attacks Christians have committed each year?
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).
Which Christian extremists are you referring to. I’m unaware of any. Name me a group I’ll denounce them
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).

Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status? Thank you.
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).

Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status? Thank you.
Exactly, why is the US military in Syria?
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).

Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status? Thank you.
Exactly, why is the US military in Syria?

Because the US is evil and oppressive to every country sans Israel.
Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status?

Care to tell us why?

Have you read any history? (clearly not since you don't see the parallels between the anti-muslim rhetoric and what occurred in Germany in the 20s and 30s)

Hint:: it's the vestiges of colonialism
Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.

Even the little kids?

Please. Please don't answer.

"Even the little kids?"

They are in the Mosque being indoctrinated in the brainwashing of the 7th Century Death Cult, they are being indoctrinated to hate Infidels and Western Civilisation and so they are going to grow up into potential dangers to Western Society, so they are Islamic Fundamentalists In Training, not just adult men dangers but also the children and the women also are dangers.
Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status?

Care to tell us why?

Have you read any history? (clearly not since you don't see the parallels between the anti-muslim rhetoric and what occurred in Germany in the 20s and 30s)

Hint:: it's the vestiges of colonialism
In Germany the lies about Jews were just that, LIES, the FACT is that currently Muslims commit THOUSANDS of terror attacks a YEAR and kill THOUSANDS a year, there is no lie about that it IS HAPPENING, and people like you pretend otherwise.
I do. That was a horrid act of terror and those people should be punished. And we should find out how that camecto be. If the actors in that crime were recruited on the internet we need to start countering that.

See? Condemning horrific acts isn’t hard at all for normal people
Denounce radical Islam

That’s easy. Radical Islamic extremists are a perversion of their religion. ISIS is a cult. Now denounce radical Christian extremists. (Of whom there are MANY more in the US).
Which Christian extremists are you referring to. I’m unaware of any. Name me a group I’ll denounce them
Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia

All perpetrated by white Christians..all around the world
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