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Time To throw Out the 169 Identified RINO's In The House

There were 169 RINO's in the House that voted in favor of the budget agreement. Every one of them should be voted out and replaced with REAL republicans.

Cracks in tea party front emerge in House vote on budget deal

If you don't believe in putting doctors who perform abortions and the women who have them in prison as murderers then you're a RINO.

If you don't want to eliminate every penny from all forms of of government assistance (including for veterans) then you're a RINO.

If you don't want to eliminate every penny from social security, medicare and medicaid and shut them down then you're a RINO.

If you don't believe in shutting down the government to get your way then you're a RINO.

If you don't believe in eliminating nearly all taxes for corporations and the wealthy then you're a RINO.

If you don't believe in eliminating all worker rights and safety laws then you're a RINO.

If you don't believe in eliminating all environmental laws for corporations then you're a RINO.

If you still think Reagan's policies were good then you're a RINO.

It's time for REAL conservatives to man up and get rid of these RINO's!!


Good idea.

The House would become 70 Republicans and 365 Democrats.

Then, you could get all your plans passed.

And when they make things worse, still blame it on republicans........
Boehner, however, is clearly exasperated with the ideological purity of some in his caucus.

As are the American people.

Thursday, in remarks that reflected an I’ve-had-it-up-to-here sentiment, he said that outside conservative groups that opposed the deal before it was even officially unveiled, and that urged Republicans to vote against it, “have lost all credibility

In this, at least, Boehner is correct.
Anyone who would dare compromise with Democrats needs to be thrown out

Democrats are pure evil...so compromising with them means compromising with the devil

How can any right-thinking American compromise with people who want to establish a communist dictatorship and throw Christians into FEMA camps?

Dupes. Call us dupes Toro.

That's all we are to you. Toro/franco. Interesting.

They'll get you in Canada! You can't hide!
The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.
The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.

It's always hilarious when libturds believe they have the necessary credibility to tell Republicans who the "real" Republicans are.

One note about fiscal responsibility: It sure as hell doesn't mean to increase spending even more than we were spending previously. However, that's the liberal conception of "fiscal responsibility" - spend! spend! spend! The so-called "compromise" doesn't cut a thing. There's no reason we can't start hacking off 20% - 30% of federal spending. Instead we are increasing it.

And compromising with Marxist thugs is evil.

When good compromises with evil, good always loses and evil always wins.
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The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.

It's always hilarious when libturds believe they have the necessary credibility to tell Republicans who the "real" Republicans are.

One note about fiscal responsibility: It sure as hell doesn't mean to increase spending even more than we were spending previously. However, that's the liberal conception of "fiscal responsibility" - spend! spend! spend! The so-called "compromise" doesn't cut a thing. There's no reason we can't start hacking off 20% - 30% of federal spending. Instead we are increasing it.

And compromising with Marxist thugs is evil.

When good compromises with evil, good always loses and evil always wins.

You're an idiot. I'm a life long Republican. Fools like you are hijacking our name.
The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.

It's always hilarious when libturds believe they have the necessary credibility to tell Republicans who the "real" Republicans are.

One note about fiscal responsibility: It sure as hell doesn't mean to increase spending even more than we were spending previously. However, that's the liberal conception of "fiscal responsibility" - spend! spend! spend! The so-called "compromise" doesn't cut a thing. There's no reason we can't start hacking off 20% - 30% of federal spending. Instead we are increasing it.

And compromising with Marxist thugs is evil.

When good compromises with evil, good always loses and evil always wins.

You're an idiot. I'm a life long Republican. Fools like you are hijacking our name.

I think your name is "RINO."
Anyone who would dare compromise with Democrats needs to be thrown out

Democrats are pure evil...so compromising with them means compromising with the devil

your right.....but the Devil is on the other side too.....vote third party.....they havent been compromised....yet.....
It's always hilarious when libturds believe they have the necessary credibility to tell Republicans who the "real" Republicans are.

One note about fiscal responsibility: It sure as hell doesn't mean to increase spending even more than we were spending previously. However, that's the liberal conception of "fiscal responsibility" - spend! spend! spend! The so-called "compromise" doesn't cut a thing. There's no reason we can't start hacking off 20% - 30% of federal spending. Instead we are increasing it.

And compromising with Marxist thugs is evil.

When good compromises with evil, good always loses and evil always wins.

You're an idiot. I'm a life long Republican. Fools like you are hijacking our name.

I think your name is "RINO."

I'm a Republican. A REAL Republican. You and your extremist ilk need to get out of my party and start your own.
You're an idiot. I'm a life long Republican. Fools like you are hijacking our name.

I think your name is "RINO."

I'm a Republican. A REAL Republican. You and your extremist ilk need to get out of my party and start your own.

You and the rest of the RINOs need to get out and join the DemoRat party where you belong. There's no point in having a Republican party if it's just going to be a watered down "me too" version of the DemoRat party.
The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.

It's always hilarious when libturds believe they have the necessary credibility to tell Republicans who the "real" Republicans are.

One note about fiscal responsibility: It sure as hell doesn't mean to increase spending even more than we were spending previously. However, that's the liberal conception of "fiscal responsibility" - spend! spend! spend! The so-called "compromise" doesn't cut a thing. There's no reason we can't start hacking off 20% - 30% of federal spending. Instead we are increasing it.

And compromising with Marxist thugs is evil.

When good compromises with evil, good always loses and evil always wins.

Ok, fine. Suppose YOU tell us who are REAL Republicans and who are RINO's? :confused:

Yep throw them all out who have made a 'career" in government sucking off us taxpayers, in both parties

And then we need to demand Term limits for these people..The longer they stay the majority of them become corrupted and only look out for their jobs instead of the people they represent

they can serve a couple terms then can go get a damn job like the rest of us
I think your name is "RINO."

I'm a Republican. A REAL Republican. You and your extremist ilk need to get out of my party and start your own.

You and the rest of the RINOs need to get out and join the DemoRat party where you belong. There's no point in having a Republican party if it's just going to be a watered down "me too" version of the DemoRat party.

your "party" wont get to far with just the Far Right holding down the fort....just sayin....
I just don't get why folks pushing for the cleansing of the more traditional Conservative think they can win major elections.
Exit polls have shown a move towards the middle/center by the voting public. The Tea Party hasn't moved up the polls enough to win nationally and in fact have lost support.
If change is what the far right wants a kinder and gentler approach would probably be more beneficial. But then that's not their M.O..
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The funny, and sad, thing is that the people who use phrases like "Republican in name only" are the ones who aren't the real Republicans. They keep trying to hijack the party. They call themselves "conservatives" or "real conservatives." But really, they're just extremist nut jobs. It's idiots who seem to think that standing for individual freedom means dictating to other people what to do with your own lives. And who think that fiscal responsibility means that we should stop paying our bills and eliminate all spending whatsoever. And most especially, the fools who think that compromise is some kind of evil, as opposed to a mature and adult way to accomplish at least some of your goals.

The saddest thing of all, is that you obviously believe the nonsense that you spout. And like most modern liberal/socialists, you cannot accept the fact that many good Americans disagree with your ideas on what is, or is not, good for America. After all, you ignorant asses are absolutely certain that you have the moral and intelectual highground, and that anyone who sees things differently must be either evil, or stupid.

Conservatives come in many shades, and in various degrees of belief in fiscal and social principles. But, one thing we hold in common is that we do not want a Republican party that is nothing more than Democrat light. That does not make us extremists or nutjobs, and it does not make us anti-American. We also do not want candidates, of either party, who run as fiscal conservatives when they do not intend to vote as such in congress.

You call them Democrats, because most of you are as intelectually dishonest as your candidates, but in the Republican party, we call them Rinos.

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